interpretation of a GAM plot with a square rooted response variable - plot

I have a simple GAM where my goal is to understand the variation of the distance to a feature along the year, and I originally ran it with the following formula:
m1 <- gam(dist ~ s(month, bs="cc",k = 12) + s(id, bs="re"), data=db1, method = "REML")
Where "dist" is the distance in meters to a feature, and "id" is the animal id. When plotting the GAM I obtain the following plot:
First question, if I would be interepreting the plot/writting a figure caption, is it correct to say something like:
"GAM plot showing the partial effects of month (x-axis) on the distance to a feature (y-axis). GAM smooths are centered at zero, therefore the zero line reflects the overall mean of the distance the feature. Thus, values below zero on the y-axis reflect higher proximity to the feature, while values above zero reflect longer distances to the feature."
I say that a negative value (below zero) would mean proximity to the feature as that's also the way to interpret distance coefficients in a GLM, but I would also like to make sure that this is correct and that I'm not misinterpreting the plot.
Second question, are the values on the y-axis directly interpretable? If so, what is the scale? Is it a % of change? (Based on a comment here, but I'm not sure if I understood it properly)
Then I transform the response variable to achieve normality (the original scale was a bit left skewed), and I run this model (residuals look better with the transformation):
m2 <- gam(sqrt(dist) ~ s(month, bs="cc",k = 12) + s(id, bs="re"), data=db1, method = "REML")
And I obtain this plot:
Pretty similar to the previous one, and I believe I can interpret it in the same way as described above. But, third question, if I would want to say exactly what the y axis mean, what would be the most correct way to describe it with the transformation?
Any help with this is very appreciated! Many thanks in advance!


Correlation coefficient between nominal and cardinal scale variables

I have to describe the correlation between a variable "Average passes completed per game" (cardinal scale) and a variable "Position" (nominal scale) and measure the strength of the correlation. For that I have to choose the correlation coefficient correctly considering the Scales. Does anyone know what the best way to do that would be? I am not sure what to use since it is two different scales. The full dataset consists of the following variables:
PLAYER: Name of the player
COUNTRY: Country of origin
BIRTHDATE: Birthday Date
HEIGHT_IN_CM: Height of the player
POSITION: Position of the player
PASSES_COMPLETED: Passes completed by the player
DISTANCE_COVERED: Distance covered by the player in km
MINUTES_PLAYED: Minutes played
AVG_PASSES_COMPLETED: Average passes completed by the player
I would very much appreciate if someone could give me some advice on this.
Thank you!
OK, so you need to redefine your question somewhat. Without two continuous variables correlations cannot be used to "describe" a relationship as I guess you are asking. You can, however, see if there are statistically significant differences in pass rates between different positions. As for the questions on the statistics, I agree with Maurtis...CV is best place. As for the code to do the tests, try this:
Firstly you need to make sure you have the right packages installed. You will definitely need ggplot and ggfortify, and maybe others if you have to manipulate data, or other things. And load the libraries:
Next, make sure that your data is tidy: ie, variables in columns.
Then import your data into R:
#find file
data.location = file.choose()
#Import data <- read.csv(data.location)
#Check data import
Then plot using ggplot:
ggplot(, aes(x = POSITION, y = AVG_PASSES_COMPLETED)) +
geom_boxplot() +
Then model using the linear model function (lm()) to see if there is a significant difference in pass rates with regards to position.
passrate_model <- lm(AVG_PASSES_COMPLETED ~ POSITION, data =
Before you test your hypothesis, you need to check the appropriateness of the model
autoplot(passrate_model, smooth.colour = NA)
If the residual plots look fine, then we are ready to test. If not then you will have to use another type of model (and I'm not going into that here now....).
The appropriate test for this (I think) would be a Tukey test, which requires an ANOVA. This will give a summary, and should show you if there is variance due to position:
passrate_av <- aov(passrate_model)
This will perform the Tukey test and give pair-wise comparisons including difference in means, 95% confidence intervals, and adjusted p-values:
tukey.test <- TukeyHSD(passrate_av)
And it can even do a nice plot for you too:

Interpreting a pattern in a residual plot produced by gam.check()

I'm working on creating a model that examines the effect of ocean characteristics on fishing outcomes. I have spatial data on a 0.5 degree grid and I created the following model:
gam(inverse hyperbolic sine(yvar) ~ s(lat, lon, bs="sos) + s(xvar1) +
s(xvar2) + s(xvar3), data = dat, method = "REML"
The QQ plot and histogram of residuals look okay. However, gam.check() produces an odd pattern in the residuals plot. I know that the points should be scattered around 0, but I have a very odd pattern in the residuals. Can anyone provide some insight on the interpretation of this plot:
Those will be either all the 0s (most likely) or 1s/smallest value in your original data. You don’t say what these data are but as you mentioning fishing outcomes it is highly likely that these have some natural lower bound and this line in the residuals are all the observations that take this lower bound (before transformation).
As you don’t exactly what your data are it is difficult to comment further as to how to proceed (this may not be an issue or you may need to not use the transform that you did, and instead use a GLM or other non-Gaussian response), but
Such patterns are common in ecological/biological data, and
Transforming your response invariably doesn’t work for ecological data.

Scale LDA decision boundary

I have a rather unconventional problem and having a hard time finding a solution to this. Would really appreciate your help.
I have 4 genes(features) and my classification here is binary(0 and 1). After a lot of back and forth, I have finalized on using LDA to do my classification. I have different studies each comparing the same two classes and I trained my model using these 4 genes on each of these studies.
I want to visualize the LDA scores in the form of points plot. Something like below, where each section represents a different study/dataset. Samples of that dataset on the X axis and the LD1 value I get using -
lda_model = lda(formula = class ~ ., data = train)
predict(lda_model,train) on the Y axis.
Since I trained a different model on each dataset, we can clearly see the the decision boundary (which I assume is the black line) for each dataset is different and on a different scale. However, I want to scale the values on the Y axis is such a way that all my datasets are on the same scale and I can represent this plot with a single decision boundary( again, something I can clearly draw on the plot, like the red line).
The LD1 values here are - a(GeneA) + b(GeneB) + c(GeneC) + d(GeneD) - mean(a(GeneA) + b(GeneB) + c(GeneC) + d(GeneD)). This is done for each dataset individually. However, this is not exactly equal to (a(GeneA) + b(GeneB) + c(GeneC) + d(GeneD) + intercept) which we can get using logistic regression. I am trying to find that value or some method which can scale my Y axis across all the datasets using LDA.
Thanks for your help!
I did a min-max scaling and that seemed to work. It scaled all my data points across all datasets with decision boundary at zero.

Changing the Y axis of default plot.gam graphs

I have run a GAM in R using the mgcv package with the following form:
shark.gamFINAL <- gam(ln.raw.CPUE...0.1 ~ Year + Month +
s(Mean.Temp, bs = "cr") + s(Mean.Chl.a, bs = "cr") +
s(Mean.Front.density, bs = "cr"), data=r, family=gaussian)
After running this model and calculating the percentage deviance explained by each variable I would like to plot the effect of each variable against the response
However when I use the plot.gam function in R my graphs come out with a y axis that is "s(predictor variable, edf)"
I am not sure what this scale of the y axis represents?
Is there a way that I could change the y axis range to that which represents the response, as has been done in this paper: Walsh and Kleiber (2001), 'Generalized additive model and regression tree analyses of blue shark (Prionace glauca) catch rates by the Hawaii-based commercial longline fishery' in FIGURE 3.
I would have posted some examples of the plots I am describing but as this is my first post I do not have at least 10 reputation, so it won't let me do it!
I have searched many sites and forums to try and find an answer for this, but to no avail, any help would therefore be hugely appreciated!
The axis is the value taken by the centred smooth. It is the contribution (at a value of the covariate) made to the fitted value for that smooth function.
It is easy to change the y axis label - supply the one you want to the ylab argument. This of course means you have to plot each smooth separately if you want a separate y-axis label for each plot. In that case also use the select argument to plot specific smooth functions, for example:
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
plot(shark.gamFINAL, select = 1, ylab = "foo")
plot(shark.gamFINAL, select = 2, ylab = "bar")
plot(shark.gamFINAL, select = 3, ylab = "foobar")
The only way I know to change the scale of the y-axis is to build the plot by hand. Those plots are without the contribution from the model constant term, plus the other parametric terms. If your model only had an intercept and one smooth, you could generate new data over the range of that covariate and then predict from the model for these new data values but use type = "terms" to get the contribution for the smooth. You then plot the value returned from predict plus the value of the "constant" attribute returned by predict.
In your case, you need to control for the other variables when predicting. One way to do that is to set all the other covariates to their means or typical value but allow the covariate of interest to vary over its range, as before. You then sum up the values in each row of the matrix returned by predict(shark.gamFINAL, newdata = NEW, type = "terms") (where NEW is the new data frame to predict at, varying one covariate but holding the rest at some typical value), again adding on the constant. You have to redo this for each covariate in turn (i.e. once per plot) as you need to keep the other covariates held at the typical value.
All this does is shift the scale on the axis though - none of the smooths in your model interact with other smooths or terms in the model so perhaps it might be easier to think of the y-axis as the effect on the response for each smooth?

loess predict with new x values

I am attempting to understand how the predict.loess function is able to compute new predicted values (y_hat) at points x that do not exist in the original data. For example (this is a simple example and I realize loess is obviously not needed for an example of this sort but it illustrates the point):
x <- 1:10
y <- x^2
mdl <- loess(y ~ x)
predict(mdl, 1.5)
[1] 2.25
loess regression works by using polynomials at each x and thus it creates a predicted y_hat at each y. However, because there are no coefficients being stored, the "model" in this case is simply the details of what was used to predict each y_hat, for example, the span or degree. When I do predict(mdl, 1.5), how is predict able to produce a value at this new x? Is it interpolating between two nearest existing x values and their associated y_hat? If so, what are the details behind how it is doing this?
I have read the cloess documentation online but am unable to find where it discusses this.
However, because there are no coefficients being stored, the "model" in this case is simply the details of what was used to predict each y_hat
Maybe you have used print(mdl) command or simply mdl to see what the model mdl contains, but this is not the case. The model is really complicated and stores a big number of parameters.
To have an idea what's inside, you may use unlist(mdl) and see the big list of parameters in it.
This is a part of the manual of the command describing how it really works:
Fitting is done locally. That is, for the fit at point x, the fit is made using points in a neighbourhood of x, weighted by their distance from x (with differences in ‘parametric’ variables being ignored when computing the distance). The size of the neighbourhood is controlled by α (set by span or For α < 1, the neighbourhood includes proportion α of the points, and these have tricubic weighting (proportional to (1 - (dist/maxdist)^3)^3). For α > 1, all points are used, with the ‘maximum distance’ assumed to be α^(1/p) times the actual maximum distance for p explanatory variables.
For the default family, fitting is by (weighted) least squares. For
family="symmetric" a few iterations of an M-estimation procedure with
Tukey's biweight are used. Be aware that as the initial value is the
least-squares fit, this need not be a very resistant fit.
What I believe is that it tries to fit a polynomial model in the neighborhood of every point (not just a single polynomial for the whole set). But the neighborhood does not mean only one point before and one point after, if I was implementing such a function I put a big weight on the nearest points to the point x, and lower weights to distal points, and tried to fit a polynomial that fits the highest total weight.
Then if the given x' for which height should be predicted is closest to point x, I tried to use the polynomial fitted on the neighborhoods of the point x - say P(x) - and applied it over x' - say P(x') - and that would be the prediction.
Let me know if you are looking for anything special.
To better understand what is happening in a loess fit try running the loess.demo function from the TeachingDemos package. This lets you interactively click on the plot (even between points) and it then shows the set of points and their weights used in the prediction and the predicted line/curve for that point.
Note also that the default for loess is to do a second smoothing/interpolating on the loess fit, so what you see in the fitted object is probably not the true loess fitting information, but the secondary smoothing.
Found the answer on page 42 of the manual:
In this algorithm a set of points typically small in number is selected for direct
computation using the loess fitting method and a surface is evaluated using an interpolation
method that is based on blending functions. The space of the factors is divided into
rectangular cells using an algorithm based on k-d trees. The loess fit is evaluated at
the cell vertices and then blending functions do the interpolation. The output data
structure stores the k-d trees and the fits at the vertices. This information
is used by predict() to carry out the interpolation.
I geuss that for predict at x, predict.loess make a regression with some points near x, and calculate the y-value at x.
