Scale LDA decision boundary - r

I have a rather unconventional problem and having a hard time finding a solution to this. Would really appreciate your help.
I have 4 genes(features) and my classification here is binary(0 and 1). After a lot of back and forth, I have finalized on using LDA to do my classification. I have different studies each comparing the same two classes and I trained my model using these 4 genes on each of these studies.
I want to visualize the LDA scores in the form of points plot. Something like below, where each section represents a different study/dataset. Samples of that dataset on the X axis and the LD1 value I get using -
lda_model = lda(formula = class ~ ., data = train)
predict(lda_model,train) on the Y axis.
Since I trained a different model on each dataset, we can clearly see the the decision boundary (which I assume is the black line) for each dataset is different and on a different scale. However, I want to scale the values on the Y axis is such a way that all my datasets are on the same scale and I can represent this plot with a single decision boundary( again, something I can clearly draw on the plot, like the red line).
The LD1 values here are - a(GeneA) + b(GeneB) + c(GeneC) + d(GeneD) - mean(a(GeneA) + b(GeneB) + c(GeneC) + d(GeneD)). This is done for each dataset individually. However, this is not exactly equal to (a(GeneA) + b(GeneB) + c(GeneC) + d(GeneD) + intercept) which we can get using logistic regression. I am trying to find that value or some method which can scale my Y axis across all the datasets using LDA.
Thanks for your help!

I did a min-max scaling and that seemed to work. It scaled all my data points across all datasets with decision boundary at zero.


interpretation of a GAM plot with a square rooted response variable

I have a simple GAM where my goal is to understand the variation of the distance to a feature along the year, and I originally ran it with the following formula:
m1 <- gam(dist ~ s(month, bs="cc",k = 12) + s(id, bs="re"), data=db1, method = "REML")
Where "dist" is the distance in meters to a feature, and "id" is the animal id. When plotting the GAM I obtain the following plot:
First question, if I would be interepreting the plot/writting a figure caption, is it correct to say something like:
"GAM plot showing the partial effects of month (x-axis) on the distance to a feature (y-axis). GAM smooths are centered at zero, therefore the zero line reflects the overall mean of the distance the feature. Thus, values below zero on the y-axis reflect higher proximity to the feature, while values above zero reflect longer distances to the feature."
I say that a negative value (below zero) would mean proximity to the feature as that's also the way to interpret distance coefficients in a GLM, but I would also like to make sure that this is correct and that I'm not misinterpreting the plot.
Second question, are the values on the y-axis directly interpretable? If so, what is the scale? Is it a % of change? (Based on a comment here, but I'm not sure if I understood it properly)
Then I transform the response variable to achieve normality (the original scale was a bit left skewed), and I run this model (residuals look better with the transformation):
m2 <- gam(sqrt(dist) ~ s(month, bs="cc",k = 12) + s(id, bs="re"), data=db1, method = "REML")
And I obtain this plot:
Pretty similar to the previous one, and I believe I can interpret it in the same way as described above. But, third question, if I would want to say exactly what the y axis mean, what would be the most correct way to describe it with the transformation?
Any help with this is very appreciated! Many thanks in advance!

Having issues in transforming my data for further analysis In R

I have a dataset here:
I want to perform linear and multiple regression.MoralRelationship and SkeletalP are both dependent variables while others are independent. I tried all the various method of Transformation I know but it did not yield any meaningful result from my diagnostic plot
I did this:
lm1<- lm(MoralRelationship ~ RThumb + RTindex + RTmid + RTFourth + RTFifth + Lthumb + Lindex
+ LTMid + LTFourth + LTfifth + BldGRP1 + BlDGR2, data=data)
I did same for SkeletalP
I did adiagnostic plot for both. then Tried to normalize the variables because there is correlation nor linearity. I took square term, log ,Sqrtof all independent variables also,log,1/x but no better output.
I also did
`lm(SkeletalP ~ RThumb + I(RThumb^2), data=data)`
if i will get a better result with one variable.
The independent variables are right skewed except for ANB which is normally distributed.
is there method I can use to transform my data? most importantly, to be uniformly distributed so that i can perform other statistical test.
Your dataset is kind of small. You can try dimensionality reduction like PCA, but I don't think it's appropriate here. It's also harder to interpret.
Have you tried other models? Tuning might help the fit of your regression models (e.g. Lasso/Ridge L1/L2 regulation)

Interpreting a pattern in a residual plot produced by gam.check()

I'm working on creating a model that examines the effect of ocean characteristics on fishing outcomes. I have spatial data on a 0.5 degree grid and I created the following model:
gam(inverse hyperbolic sine(yvar) ~ s(lat, lon, bs="sos) + s(xvar1) +
s(xvar2) + s(xvar3), data = dat, method = "REML"
The QQ plot and histogram of residuals look okay. However, gam.check() produces an odd pattern in the residuals plot. I know that the points should be scattered around 0, but I have a very odd pattern in the residuals. Can anyone provide some insight on the interpretation of this plot:
Those will be either all the 0s (most likely) or 1s/smallest value in your original data. You don’t say what these data are but as you mentioning fishing outcomes it is highly likely that these have some natural lower bound and this line in the residuals are all the observations that take this lower bound (before transformation).
As you don’t exactly what your data are it is difficult to comment further as to how to proceed (this may not be an issue or you may need to not use the transform that you did, and instead use a GLM or other non-Gaussian response), but
Such patterns are common in ecological/biological data, and
Transforming your response invariably doesn’t work for ecological data.

How to plot SVM classification hyperplane

Here is my sample code for SVM classification.
train <- read.csv("traindata.csv")
test <- read.csv("testdata.csv") ., data=train, kernel="linear", method="class")
svm.pred = predict(,test,type="class")
The feature value in my example is a factor which gives two levels (either true or false). I wanted to
plot a graph of my svm classifier and group them into two groups. One group
those with a "true" and another group as false. How do we produce a 3D or 2D SVM plot? I tried with plot(, train) but it doesn't seem to work out for me.
There is this answer i found on SO but I am not clear with what t, x, y, z, w, and cl are in the answer.
Plotting data from an svm fit - hyperplane
i have about 50 features in my dataset which the last column is a factor. Any simple way of doing it or if any one could help me explain his answer.
The short answer is: you cannot. Your data is 50 dimensional. You cannot plot 50 dimensions. The only thing you can do are some rough approximations, reductions and projections, but none of these can actually represent what is happening inside. In order to plot 2D/3D decision boundary your data has to be 2D/3D (2 or 3 features, which is exactly what is happening in the link provided - they only have 3 features so they can plot all of them). With 50 features you are left with statistical analysis, no actual visual inspection.
You can obviously take a look at some slices (select 3 features, or main components of PCA projections). If you are not familiar with underlying linear algebra you can simply use gmum.r package which does this for you. Simply train svm and plot it forcing "pca" visualization, like here:
# We will perform basic classification on breast cancer dataset
# using LIBSVM with linear kernel
# We can pass either formula or explicitly X and Y
svm <- SVM(X1 ~ ., svm.breastcancer.dataset, core="libsvm", kernel="linear", C=10)
## optimization finished, #iter = 8980
pred <- predict(svm, svm.breastcancer.dataset[,-1])
plot(svm, mode="pca")
which gives
for more examples you can refer to project website
However this only shows points projetions and their classification - you cannot see the hyperplane, because it is highly dimensional object (in your case 49 dimensional) and in such projection this hyperplane would be ... whole screen. Exactly no pixel would be left "outside" (think about it in this terms - if you have 3D space and hyperplane inside, this will be 2D plane.. now if you try to plot it in 1D you will end up with the whole line "filled" with your hyperplane, because no matter where you place a line in 3D, projection of the 2D plane on this line will fill it up! The only other possibility is that the line is perpendicular and then projection is a single point; the same applies here - if you try to project 49 dimensional hyperplane onto 3D you will end up with the whole screen "black").

R- Random Forest - Importance / varImPlot

I have an issue with Random Forest with the Importance / varImPlot function, I hope someone could help me with?
I tried to code versions but I am confused about the (different) results:
rffit = randomForest(price~.,data=train,mtry=x,ntree=500)
rfvalpred = predict(rffit,newdata=test)
Shows the plot and the data of “importance”, however only “IncNodePurity”. And the data is different the plot and the data, I tried with "Scale" but did not work.
rf.analyzed_data = randomForest(price~.,data=train,mtry=x,ntree=500,importance=TRUE)
yhat.rf = predict(rf.analyzed_data,newdata=test)
In that case it does not produce any plot anymore and the importance data is showing “%IncMSE” and “IncNodePurity” data but the “IncNodePurity” data is different to first code?
1.) Any idea why data is different for “IncNodePurity”?
2.) Any idea why no “%IncMSE” is shown in the first version?
3.) Why no plot is shown in the second version?
Many thanks!!
1) IncNodePurity is derived from the loss function, and you get that measure for free just by training the model. On the downside it is a more unstable estimate as results may vary from each model run. It is also more biased as it favors variables with many levels. I guess your found the differences are due to randomness.
2) VI, %IncMSE takes a little extra time to compute and is therefore optional. Roughly all values in data set needs to be shuffled and every OOB sample needs to be predicted once for every tree times for every variable. As the package randomForest is designed, you have to compute VI during training. importance must be set to TRUE. varImpPlot cannot plot it as it has not been computed.
3) Not sure. In this code example I see both plots at least.
X = data.frame(replicate(6,rnorm(1000)))
y = with(X, X1^2 + sin(X2*pi) + X3*X4)
train = data.frame(y=y,X=X)
rf2=randomForest(y~.,data=train, importance=T)
#plotting importnace
varImpPlot(rf1) #plot only with IncNodePurity
varImpPlot(rf2) #bi-plot also with %IncMSE
