prop is not reactive when passed down in render function - vuejs3

In the reproducer above, I expect the child to behave in the same way as the parent.
I am trying to pass props via render functions to child components.
const submitting = ref('...');
const childComponent = h(ChildComponent, { loading: submitting.value });
return () => h('div', props, [slots.default(), childComponent]);
However, they are not reactive. I read the vuejs docs on render functions, but couldn't find out what I am doing wrong. Obviously I am missing something... what is it?

Someone in the vuejs dischord channel helped me out.
Instead of writing
const childComponent = h(ChildComponent, { loading: submitting.value });
// render function
return () => h('div', props, [slots.default(), childComponent]);
In the example above, the childComponent's vNode is created only once. This is because setup functions are called once, while render functions get called multiple times, see. e.g., vueJs docs on declaring render functions. I need to make sure that the childComponent's vNode is re-rendered by shifting it inside the render function:
// render function
return () => {
const childComponent = h(ChildComponent, { loading: submitting.value });
return h('div', props, [slots.default(), childComponent]);
Alternatively, I could call the the hyperscript function h() inside the parents hyperscript function:
// render function
return () => h(
h(ChildComponent, { loading: submitting.value })
Or, when assigning the child component's hyperscript function to a variable, wrap it inside a function
const childComponent = function () {
return h(ChildComponent, { loading: submitting.value });
// render function
return () => h('div', props, [slots.default(), childComponent()]);


How to test computed value inside setup function in Vue.js 3 with vue-test-utils & Jest

I am getting "TypeError: Cannot add property myData, object is not extensible" on setData
<div v-if="isEditable" id="myEditDiv">
<button type="button"> Edit </button>
<script lang="ts">
import { computed, defineComponent, reactive} from "vue"
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const myObject = {myName:"", myNumber:""}
let myData = reactive({myObject})
const isEditable = computed(() => {
return myData.myObject.myName.startsWith('DNU') ? false : true
return {
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import Hello from '#/components/Hello.vue'
import { reactive } from 'vue'
describe('Hello.vue Test', () => {
it('is isEditable returns FALSE if NAME starts with DNU', async () => {
const myObject = {myName:"DNU Bad Name", myNumber:"12345"}
let myData = reactive({myObject})
const wrapper = shallowMount(Hello)
await wrapper.setData({'myData' : myData})
I also tried to see if that DIV is visible by:
still same error. I might be completely off the path, so any help would be appreciated.
This is possible several different ways. There's two issues that need to be addressed.
The variable has to be made available. You can use vue's expose function in setup (but getting the value is really messy:😱) or just include it in the return object (accessible through wrapper.vm).
change how you mutate the data in the test.
your test has
const myObject = {myName:"DNU Bad Name", myNumber:"12345"}
let myData = reactive({myObject})
const wrapper = shallowMount(Hello)
await wrapper.setData({'myData' : myData})
even if setData was able to override the internal, it would not work.
the problem is that the setup function has this
let myData = reactive({ myObject });
const isEditable = computed(() => {
return myData.myObject.myName.startsWith("DNU") ? false : true;
where editable is using a computed generated from that instance of myData. If you override myData with a separate reactive, the computed will still continue to use the old one. You need to replace the contents of the reactive and not the reactive itself
To update the entire content of the reactive, you can use:
Object.assign(myReactive, myNewData)
you can make that a method in your component, or just run that from the test. If you update any value within the reactive (like myData.myObject) you can skip the Object.asign
Here are several versions of how you can test it.
<div v-if="isEditable" id="myEditDiv">
<button type="button">Edit</button>
import { computed, defineComponent, reactive } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
setup(_, { expose }) {
const myObject = { myName: "", myNumber: "" };
let myData = reactive({ myObject });
const isEditable = computed(() => {
return myData.myObject.myName.startsWith("DNU") ? false : true;
const updateMyData = (data) => Object.assign(myData, data);
expose({ updateMyData });
return {
the test
import { shallowMount } from "#vue/test-utils";
import MyComponent from "#/components/MyComponent.vue";
const data = { myObject: { myName: "DNU Bad Name" } };
describe("MyComponent.vue", () => {
it.only("sanity test", async () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
it.only("myData", async () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
Object.assign(wrapper.vm.myData, data);
it.only("myData", async () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
wrapper.vm.myData.myObject = data.myObject;
it.only("updateMyData method via return", async () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
it.only("updateMyData method via expose🙄", async () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
It is not possible through setData
from the docs:
Updates component internal data.
setData(data: Record<string, any>): Promise<void>
setData does not allow setting new properties that are not defined in the component.
Also, notice that setData does not modify composition API setup() data.
It seems that updating internals with composition API is incompatible with setData. See the method name setData, refers to and was likely kept in the vue test utils mostly for backwards compatibility.
I suspect the theory is that it's bad practice anyway to test, what would be considered, an implementation detail and the component test should focus on validating inputs an outputs only. Fundamentally though, this is a technical issue, because the setup function doesn't expose the refs and reactives created in the setup.
There is a MUCH easier way to do this.....
Put your composables in a separate file
Test the composables stand alone.
Here is the vue file:
<div>value: {{ counter }}</div>
<div>isEven: {{ isEven }}</div>
<button type="button" #click="increment">Increment</button>
<script setup lang='ts'>
import {sampleComposable} from "./sample.composable";
const {isEven, counter, increment} = sampleComposable();
Here is the composable:
import {computed, ref} from 'vue';
export function sampleComputed() {
const counter = ref(0);
function increment() {
const isEven = computed(() => counter.value % 2 === 0);
return {counter, increment, isEven};
Here is the test:
import {sampleComposable} from "./sample.composable";
describe('sample', () => {
it('simple', () => {
const computed = sampleComposable();
This just 'works'. You don't have to deal w/ mounting components or any other stuff, you are JUST TESTING JAVASCRIPT. It's faster and much cleaner. It seems silly to test the template anyway.
One way to make this easier to test is to put all of your dependencies as arguments to the function. For instance, pass in the props so it's easy to just put in dummy values as need. Same for emits.
You can tests watches as well. You just need to flush the promise after setting the value that is being watched:
composable.someWatchedThing.value = 6.5;
await flushPromises();
Here is my flushPromises (which I found here):
export function flushPromises() {
return new Promise(process.nextTick);

Vue 3 Composition API: Array.length Not Reactive

I'm struggling to figure out how to make properties of an array reactive. Is this possible? In the example below, the filteredResults array itself is reactive, and working, but neither the resultCountRef (wrapped in reactive()) nor the resultCount fields are reactive. In otherwords, if I click the Filter for Apples button, the filteredResults changes to just the one item, but the two count fields remain at 3. Note that using {{filteredResults.length}} in the template does work as expected. Here is a working sample.
And here is the code (a Search.vue composition API component, and a useFilter composition function):
<div>resultCountRef: {{resultCountRef}}</div>
<div>resultCount: {{resultCount}}</div>
<div>filteredResults.length: {{filteredResults.length}}</div>
<div>filteredResults: {{filteredResults}}</div>
<div>filters: {{filters}}</div>
<div><button #click="search()">Search</button></div>
<div><button #click="applyFilter('apples')">Filter for Apples</button></div>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import useFilters from './useFilters.js';
export default {
setup(props) {
const products = reactive(['apples', 'oranges', 'grapes']);
const { filters, applyFilter, filteredResults } = useFilters(products);
const resultCountRef = reactive(filteredResults.value.length);
const resultCount = filteredResults.value.length;
return {
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
function filterResults(products, filters) {
return products.filter((product) => filters.every(
(filter) => {
return product.includes(filter);
export default function useFilters(products) {
const filters = ref([]);
const filteredResults = ref([...products]);
const applyFilter = (filter) => {
filteredResults.value.splice(0, 0, ...filterResults(products, filters.value));
return { filters, applyFilter, filteredResults };
const resultCountRef = reactive(filteredResults.value.length);
The reason why reactive is not working is because filteredResults.value.length returned a simple number and not referencing to anything.
From #JimCopper 's comment:
The returned object is simply providing an observable object that wraps the object/value/array passed in (in my case the filteredResults.length value). That returned object resultCountRef is the object that is tracked and can be then modified, but that's useless in my case and it's why reactive didn't work. )
As the resultCount depends on filteredResults, you can use computed to monitor the change
Here is the modified playground
setup(props) {
const products = reactive(['apples', 'oranges', 'grapes']);
const { filters, applyFilter, filteredResults } = useFilters(products);
// const resultCountRef = reactive(filteredResults.length);
const resultCount = computed(() => filteredResults.length) // use computed to react to filteredResults changes
return {
// resultCountRef,
The new doc does not have a very nice explanation on computed so i just quote it from the old doc explanation
A computed property is used to declaratively describe a value that depends on other values. When you data-bind to a computed property inside the template, Vue knows when to update the DOM when any of the values depended upon by the computed property has changed.

onMounted hook is not called by Vue

I have two components, one is managing data, the other is a vue template. I have simplified them here. The problem is that when the locations come in via the fetch, the locations in the vue template stays empty. I've checked with isRef() and that returns true, but it's just an empty array. Looking in the Vue dev tools panel, the locations does have elements in the array.
import {
} from 'vue';
export default function useLocations () {
const locations = ref([]);
const loadImageData = (locId) => {
isRef(locations); // === true
// #FIXME locations.value is always empty here.
locations.value.forEach( (loc,key) => {
console.debug(, locId )
const getLocations = async () => {
const locs = await apiFetch({ path: '/wp/v2/tour-location'});
locations.value = locs;
onMounted( getLocations );
return {
<div class="location">
<h1>{{ }}</h1>
<img :src="location.main_image" />
import useLocations from '#/composables/Locations';
export default {
name: 'Location',
props: [,'location'],
data () {return {}},
watch: {
location: {
// deep: true,
immediate: true,
handler: function(){
const { loadImageData } = useLocations();
loadImageData( );
When loadImageData() is called from the Location.vue component, locations is always an empty array. Why doesn't it get updated in that function as it does in other places within the app?
onMounted is a hook registration function.
These lifecycle hook registration functions can only be used synchronously during setup(), since they rely on internal global state to locate the current active instance (the component instance whose setup() is being called right now). Calling them without a current active instance will result in an error.
[emphasis mine]
As you are using your useLocations composition function outside setup(), your getLocations function is never called and locations is always empty array
To explain it further. You do not have to call onMounted (or any other hook registration function) directly inside setup(). It is perfectly fine to place that call into separate composition function outside any component (as you did) but that function must then be used from inside the setup()

MapDispatchToPros with event

I have this part of my code:
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
symbol: '',
side: '',
status: ''
this.onInputChange = this.onInputChange.bind(this);
this.onValueChangeSide = this.onValueChangeSide.bind(this);
this.onValueChangeStatus = this.onValueChangeStatus.bind(this);
this.onFormSelect = this.onFormSelect.bind(this);
onInputChange(event) {
this.setState({ symbol: });
onValueChangeSide(event) {
this.setState({ side:});
onValueChangeStatus(event) {
this.setState({ status:});
onFormSelect(event) {
this.props.requestAccountsFilter(this.state.symbol, this.state.side,
The requestAccountsFilter is an Action. Its code is:
export function requestAccountsFilter(symbol, side, status) {
return {
payload: {
That approach works fine.
Furthermore, i want to make my component Stateless so i create a container. My problem is that i don't know how to dispatch my action with the above functionality.
I write this:
const MapDispatchToProps = dispatch => (
requestAccountsFilter: (symbol, side, status) => {
dispatch(requestAccountsFilter(symbol, side, status));
but it didn't work.
How to dispatch my action in the MapDispatchToProps??
The purpose of mapDispatchToProps is not to actually dispatch actions directly.
mapDispatchToProps is used to bind action creators with dispatch and pass these new bound functions as props to the component.
The main benefit of using mapDispatchToProps is that it makes our code cleaner by abstracting away the store's dispatch method from components. Therefore we can call props that are functions without acces to dispatch like so
Whereas if we didn't use mapDispatchToProps then we would have to pass dispatch separately to components and dispatch actions like so:
You would use mapDispatchToProps as shown in your example code, and then elsewhere write:
mapDispatchToProps must be a pure function and cannot have side effects.
Dispatching actions from inside the function would be considered a side effect. A function has one or more 'side effects' when the evaluation of the function changes state outside of itself (changes global state of app)
Instead use lifecycle hooks to dispatch actions in response to prop changes on components:
class exampleComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
if ( !== {
// ...

How to show injected props by Redux on console

I can change the states and update the UI by using Redux. But how to show injected props by Redux on console by using console like console.log(this.props) in run-time. I cannot. I've never seen the props.
Is there a way to show component (class) props -that are assigned from Redux store like the code below-?
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return { iconSize: state.iconSize }
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
setIconSize: (size) => dispatch(setIconSize(size))
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Main)
In this example you can rewrite mapStateToProps function:
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const props = { iconSize: state.iconSize };
return props;
It will log props each time this function is invoked.
