Flutter Request Header case sensitive - request-headers

While calling rest api, the request header keys converted to lower case. We have some custom header and thats need to be case sensitive.
Please let me know how to send the header as case sensitive while calling the api? I am using flutter web.


Sign-in with Google without Google Sign-In JavaScript Platform Library for web

I want to add "Sign-in with Google" as an alternative to creating an account when signing up for our services.
I want the process to retrieve the user's email address and name. That's it.
And this example was all I needed
Worked great. Very similar to Log in with Facebook, which I added last week.
But now I read that it won't be supported after March 2023.
Using the destined-for-the-dustbin JS code, I can get back useful info about the account I'm logging in with.
ID: 10855600*******690837;Frank;Hart;frank.hart*****#gmail.com
The parameter passed to the callback function has a getBasicProfile() method which does the job
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
But using the new code, I found (by trial and error) that the parameter passed to the callback function is an object, which has three fields, the only potentially useful one called credential, with content such as:
Now, my guess is that I have to send that string to my server, and do something with it, possibly involving the "Client secret" that is associated with the App on developers.google.com. But I've been looking most of the day, and I'm not sure if what I've found is necessary - I hope it isn't
Do I now need to become an OAuth2 programmer just to add a Sign-in with Google button?
The good news is that you do not need to learn OAuth2, you do not need to follow the backend-auth guide linked in your question. This migration actually removes the complexity OAuth2, access and refresh tokens from sign-in. Yes, there is the difficulty of learning and understanding the new and different way of securely sharing the user profile. Hopefully, after cresting over the learning curve you'll see how this makes working with a profile more simple.
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are now used to securely share the Google Account profile.
That big pile of text--the credential, it is a base-64 encoded and a JWT.
jwt.io has an online JWT decoder that's handy for testing and a nice writeup of working with JWTs. After decode its just a JSON object, no get methods are necessary, just access the individual fields.
All this said, you need to decide whether decode should take place in the user's browser, or on your backend server. This depends upon how you're working with the profile and your setup. Typically, you'd decode on your server after a redirect using data-login_uri in HTML or login_uri in JS.
There are a large number of JWT decode libraries available, so it's very likely you'll be able to add a JWT library, decode it and you're all set to access the individual fields in the credential.

Autosuggest: Inconsistency in REST and native SDKs

We are using autosuggest feature on iOS and Android, and we want to show full address for places found during request.
It is not very good solution to make additional request for every found place to get an address.
When using REST API I can add property show=details to get address in response. For example https://autosuggest.search.hereapi.com/v1/autosuggest?at=51.5074,0.1278&limit=5&q=Wind&show=details
But I haven't found such possibility on native SDKs.
Is it possible to add address to autosuggest query results with native SDKs? Or should I use other API?
In the iOS and Android SDKs the place details must be fetched in an additional request.
Represents an AutoSuggestPlace which contains information about a suggested Place.
Note: detailed Place information is retrieved by way of the PlaceRequest returned from a call to the AutoSuggestPlace.getPlaceDetailsRequest() method.

passing sensitive information to Firebase Cloud Functions using parameters

I'm trying to implement my own way of resetting user password for my mobile app. I've come to an idea to use cloud functions as I don't want anything other than Firebase working with my app. The problem is I will need to invoke three cloud functions to reset user password. First one will contain only user's email, second will contain code obtained by user from his password reset email and his email to check if code is valid and third one will contain his email and new password to set from cloud function.
The problem arise when I think about ways to pass this information into cloud functions. I know I can use URL parameters or just send it using POST method. But package that I would like to use to communicate with cloud functions doesn't support any other option than passing URL parameters to cloud function. I know I can write my own HTTP request to pass information using post but I'm thinking if there is any problem with sending this information using URL parameters. It's all sent over HTTPS which should guarantee obscurity of this data. I know that it still can be logged on server, and I don't know if Firebase store logs of cloud function requests with full URL parameters part visible. If yes, it would be big security issue with my app.
So, there are my questions:
Is there a security issue with passing sensitive information through
URL parameters?
Should I create my own solution using plain HTTP requests to pass sensitive information using POST?
Does anyone know if Firebase stores logs with visible URL parameters?
Is this even good idea to use cloud function for this matter? Maybe I should handle it differently?
Just to answer this question for future people like me:
like Renaud Tarnec said in his comment. SSL certificate by default ciphers all URL parameters. So it's safe to pass information this way. Firebase DOES NOT store logs with visible URL parameters when you call cloud functions. It only stores an ID of called function in your logs, so it's not a security threat.

Firebase cloud function: how to deal with continuous request

When working with Firebase (Firebase cloud function in this case), we have to pay for every byte of bandwidth.
So, i wonder how can we deal with case that someone who somehow find out our endpoint then continuous request intentionally (by a script or tool)?
I did some search on the internet but don't see anything can help.
Except for this one but not really useful.
Since you didn't specify which type of request, I'm going to assume that you mean http(s)-triggers on firebase cloud functions.
There are multiple limiters you can put in place to 'reduce' the bandwidth consumed by the request. I'll write a few that comes to my mind
1) Limit the type of requests
If all you need is GET and say for example you don't need PUT you can start off by returning a 403 for those, before you go any further in your cloud function.
if (req.method === 'PUT') { res.status(403).send('Forbidden!'); }
2) Authenticate if you can
Follow Google's example here and allow only authorized users to use your https endpoints. You can simply achieve this by verifying tokens like this SOF answer to this question.
3) Check for origin
You can try checking for the origin of the request before going any further in your cloud function. If I recall correctly, cloud functions give you full access to the HTTP Request/Response objects so you can set the appropriate CORS headers and respond to pre-flight OPTIONS requests.
Experimental Idea 1
You can hypothetically put your functions behind a load balancer / firewall, and relay-trigger them. It would more or less defeat the purpose of cloud functions' scalable nature, but if a form of DoS is a bigger concern for you than scalability, then you could try creating an app engine relay, put it behind a load balancer / firewall and handle the security at that layer.
Experimental Idea 2
You can try using DNS level attack-prevention solutions to your problem by putting something like cloudflare in between. Use a CNAME, and Cloudflare Page Rules to map URLs to your cloud functions. This could hypothetically absorb the impact. Like this :
*function1.mydomain.com/* -> https://us-central1-etc-etc-etc.cloudfunctions.net/function1/$2
Now if you go to
you can even pass the URL params to your functions. A tactic which I've read about in this medium article during the summer when I needed something similar.
In an attempt to make the questions on SOF more linked, and help everyone find answers, here's another question I found that's similar in nature. Linking here so that others can find it as well.
Returning a 403 or empty body on non supported methods will not do much for you. Yes you will have less bandwidth wasted but firebase will still bill you for the request, the attacker could just send millions of requests and you still will lose money.
Also authentication is not a solution to this problem. First of all any auth process (create token, verify/validate token) is costly, and again firebase has thought of this and will bill you based on the time it takes for the function to return a response. You cannot afford to use auth to prevent continuous requests.
Plus, a smart attacker would not just go for a req which returns 403. What stops the attacker from hitting the login endpoint a millions times?? And if he provides correct credentials (which he would do if he was smart) you will waste bandwidth by returning a token each time, also if you are re-generating tokens you would waste time on each request which would further hurt your bill.
The idea here is to block this attacker completely (before going to your api functions).
What I would do is use cloudflare to proxy my endpoints, and in my api I would define a max_req_limit_per_ip and a time_frame, save each request ip on the db and on each req check if the ip did go over the limit for that given time frame, if so you just use cloudflare api to block that ip at the firewall.
max_req_limit_per_ip and a time_frame can be custom for different requests.
For example:
an ip can hit a 403 10 times in 1 hour
an ip can hit the login successfully 5 times in 20 minutes
an ip can hit the login unsuccessfully 5 times in 1 hour
There is a solution for this problem where you can verify the https endpoint.
Only users who pass a valid Firebase ID token as a Bearer token in the Authorization header of the HTTP request or in a __session cookie are authorized to use the function.
Checking the ID token is done with an ExpressJs middleware that also passes the decoded ID token in the Express request object.
Check this sample code from firebase.
Putting access-control logic in your function is standard practice for Firebase, BUT the function still has to be invoked to access that logic.
If you don't want your function to fire at all except for authenticated users, you can take advantage of the fact that every Firebase Project is also a Google Cloud Project -- and GCP allows for "private" functions.
You can set project-wide or per-function permissions outside the function(s), so that only authenticated users can cause the function to fire, even if they try to hit the endpoint.
Here's documentation on setting permissions and authenticating users. Note that, as of writing, I believe using this method requires users to use a Google account to authenticate.

Kaa endpoint identification

Right now Im stuck with a problem. How to distinguish data received from various endpoints? I know each end point has an endpoint hash logged into the header part of the record.
But, how do I expose this to an external API which needs to query data received from a specific endpoint? Do I have to generate a unique identifier at the endpoint and use it in the log along with other fields, or
Does Kaa provide any endpoint identification that be exposed out of Kaa?
Any help is greately appreciated.
