Autosuggest: Inconsistency in REST and native SDKs - here-api

We are using autosuggest feature on iOS and Android, and we want to show full address for places found during request.
It is not very good solution to make additional request for every found place to get an address.
When using REST API I can add property show=details to get address in response. For example,0.1278&limit=5&q=Wind&show=details
But I haven't found such possibility on native SDKs.
Is it possible to add address to autosuggest query results with native SDKs? Or should I use other API?

In the iOS and Android SDKs the place details must be fetched in an additional request.
Represents an AutoSuggestPlace which contains information about a suggested Place.
Note: detailed Place information is retrieved by way of the PlaceRequest returned from a call to the AutoSuggestPlace.getPlaceDetailsRequest() method.


How to update billing information for a Flex Token?

Currently, I'm working with 2 apps where user can generate a payment token associated with their account. 1 uses the Secure Acceptance Hosted Checkout and the other uses Flex Microform. 1 possible case involves the user's card being captured via the Microform and then later updated via the Hosted Checkout.
The docs mention being able to replace the billing info associated with the Flex token, but it's unclear the mechanism available. I'm aware that the Hosted Checkout supports updating this info, but it's preferred to make the update without prompting the user via the Hosted Checkout so the user never needs to see the default address or require putting in their address twice. Is there an endpoint that can be uses to achieve this?
I don't know if it's the intended way of doing things for cybersource, But there is a soap service named "paySubscriptionUpdateService" in the simple order (soap) api that allowed me update the name & address on a token generated via the flex api.
You can take a look at the simple order API documentation on cybersource website - chapter 7 "Updating a subscription"
I'm sure there is a way through rest API too, I'm not sure how to do it yet. I'll circle back if I see something

Why isn't there a Voided date property in DocuSignEnvelopeInformation object?

I am using DocuSign REST API 3.0 to integrate with my app.
After a DocuSign envelope is voided, if I invoke EnvelopesApi.ListStatusChangesAsync for the envelope, I get back an EnvelopesInformation object, which shows both a VoidedDateTime and a VoidedReason property. This is exactly what I need to update my database but all the documentation tells me I should implement
a webhook to receive status updates instead of invoking the API, so I implemented the webhook.
However, when DocuSign invokes my webhook after I void an envelope, I get an DocuSignEnvelopeInformation object from DocuSign, which does not appear to have a VoidedDateTime or Voided property. There is a VoidedReason property, and there are properties for other status dates, such as Created and Sent. Why no Voided property?
What this means is that after the webhook is invoked (and updates my database with incomplete information), I still have to invoke the API to get the VoidedDateTime into my database. Did I just waste my time implementing the webhook? Or am I missing something?
You should explicitly select Envelope Voided Reason checkbox in your Custom Connect configuration. Once this property is selected then you will be able to know the reason why this envelope was Voided.
Webhook is a notification system, where it will notify your System with some data/metadata about the envelope, and if that data does not seem sufficient for your requirement then you need to use API to pull the rest of the data. If Webhook is not available then you need to do a Polling mechanism using some scheduler to keep polling DocuSign after certain interval which does not seem to be a good design and not very scalable. So Webhook design helps your system to know when to call DocuSign platform.
Please note, it seems you are using SOAP API, but I would recommend to implement a new API integration with DocuSign's Rest API as it will have latest features which might be missing from SOAP API.

Why use a legacy api for a Firebase FCM notifications sample?

What is the impetus for the author of Line 74 to use a Legacy API?
Put another way, is it possible to use Firebase FCM non-legacy API to achieve the same outcome?
I checked with the author of that sample. Back when the sample was created, what is now called the legacy API, was the best API available.
When the new v1 API was released we looked into upgrading the sample to use that. But (as Umar commented) since the new API no longer support sending to multiple tokens with one call, that upgrade got deprioritized after some other tasks.
I recommend that you file a bug on the Github repo, to get the sample updated to use the latest API. I'd also recommend filing a feature request to get "sending to multiple tokens in one call" back into the new FCM API, since it seems like a rather useful feature.
It seems that so-called multi-cast send operations are coming to the V1 API. From an #AskFirebase video about FCM:
We are planning to add a multicast feature to HTTP V1 that will allow you to send to multiple tokens in a single API request.

Query HealthKit data via REST API

Is it possible to get data from Healthkit the same way as you would query regular API (With user's consent) to store in my webapp?
Something like:
If yes, where can I find a list of available methods?
If not, are there any workarounds?
You'll have to build:
your own REST API service to store and retrieve the desired data;
an iOS app that accesses the data on-device using the HealthKit SDK and POSTs it to your API.
Neither step is trivial. Good luck!
An alternative may be to install Google Fit on the iPhone, which would connect to healthkit and sync that data to the cloud, which can then be queried via Fit's REST API
If it's a REST/json API you want it's not available and i guess it never will be.
HealthKit is just a standard API available in the IOS8 SDK accessible from application running on a iDevice and written in objective-c/swift.
Not sure if this question is still relevant for someone, but now you have the option to use shortcuts to gather the desired health data and post it to your own api, also you may use automation in order to make it all happen without any hustle.

Xively - how do I enumerate development-mode devices (from Java)?

According to the documentation a GET request to /v2/feeds "will return a snapshot of each Xively Feed that is viewable by the authenticated account." When I invoke this service the results include lots of public feeds, but not my own development-mode feeds even though my API Key has access to them. Is that the intended behaviour or am I missing something?
The /v2/products resource provides what I need: I can enumerate my products and then enumerate the devices in each product, but it's not supported by the Xively Java library as far as I can see.
Products and devices are not supported in some libraries. If you want to enumerate all of your feeds (including development mode) the best thing to do is use the feed search API, the documentation for which is here.
What you probably want to do is return all of the feeds attached to your user account. Call this URL
