response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error) -

I just want to look the actual error behind this internal server error
I am using IIs version 10 and also I have checked enable client side validation as well as
error 500 to as detailed error.
I have tried to change the IIs version but nothing seems to be happened in my Favour.


Azure VM IIS HTTP Status Codes Changed

I have a couple Azure VMs behind a Basic Load Balancer with an HTTP URL Health Probe for the Backend Pool. To mark a server down, that URL returns Status Code 503 (Service Unavailable), but when I call that page from those VMs, the Status Code returned is 403. That still has the desired effect, I suppose, of marking the server down - but I dont understand why the code I set has changed.
This is from an ASP.NET web forms application on the VMs. I look at developer tools in the browser, and from my local machine or from a Dev server on our local network, that page returns Status Code 503, but calling that page from the VMs in Azure, the Status Code is 403.
Here's where I set the Status Code in that page:
Response.StatusCode = 503
I suppose I should mention that my local is a Windows 10 box, and the server VM is Windows Server 2016. Both are running IIS 10. The application is compiled with .NET Framework 4.6.
Here's the dev tools from my localhost:
Here's the dev tools from the server in azure:
Why the change? Anything I can do to stop this behavior?
So today I tried enabling Failed Request Tracing, but either something wasnt set up correctly, or the error was being handled elsewhere, and didnt result in any failed requests being logged.
Since I wasnt getting any failed requests logged, I opened up Process Monitor and could see that immediately after the call to my Health Probe page, I was getting a call to my custom HTTP Error page. That page must have been what was giving the 403 (dont know why, b/c that page works correctly for other HTTP Errors with a friendly error message and logging of the error to my custom error tracking solution).
I was going to change the Status Code to see if there was something special with the 503 that I was setting that was handled differently in IIS, but that got me thinking about how I was setting the status code...
In my research today, I saw this page which cautions against using Response.Flush(). The code that I had implemented was in the Page_PreRender method, so there's not really a need to Flush there anyway.
I removed the Response.Flush and of course, my troubles went away.
The Health Probe page no longer triggers an Error from the Azure VM, and therefore, the status code that I get in my client browser is the 503 that I set in code.
So I guess this case is closed. I will need to figure out why the HTTP Error page was throwing a 403 instead of returning the friendly error message, but that should be easy enough...

Is there an HTTP status code for (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)?

if there isn't, I need to know how to capture that error in my applicaion and display a suitable message to the user. I am using mvc5
If the error is because the server is misconfigured, or something else server side, that would be a 500 series error, or just the basic 500 "server messed up" error. This suggests there's nothing the user can do to fix this error.
If the error is because of something that the client is passing in the request, then it's a 400 series error, ideally with some text telling the user what they can change to make the request process properly.

Does a 500 Internal Server Error always mean web-server error?

I have always experienced a 500 Internal Server Error to be a web-server error, subsequently logging it as a error.
However, I've been informed that a 500 Internal Server Error can be a application error as well. In this case, it does not seem to log to the web-server when this happens.
Are there cases where it is justified that a 500 Internal Server Error will not report the issue to the web-server error log? reports:
Internal Error 500
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
According to the spec, HTTP 5xx status codes are defined as server-side errors. Any client-side problem resulting in an HTTP 5xx error is an incorrect use of HTTP status codes. Client-side issues that prevent requests from being fulfilled should result in HTTP 4xx status codes.
6.6 Server Error 5xx
The 5xx (Server Error) class of status code indicates that the server is aware that it has erred or is incapable of performing the requested method. ...
6.5 Client Error 4xx
The 4xx (Client Error) class of status code indicates that the client seems to have erred. ...
If you see the 500 error on a website which is running Microsoft IIS, you may get a more specific error message:
500.0 Module or ISAPI error occurred.
500.11 Application is shutting down on the web server.
500.12 Application is busy restarting on the web server.
500.13 Web server is too busy.
500.15 Direct requests for Global.asax are not allowed.
500.19 Configuration data is invalid.
500.21 Module not recognized.
500.22 An ASP.NET httpModules configuration does not apply in Managed Pipeline mode.
500.23 An ASP.NET httpHandlers configuration does not apply in Managed Pipeline mode.
500.24 An ASP.NET impersonation configuration does not apply in Managed Pipeline mode.
500.50 A rewrite error occurred during RQ_BEGIN_REQUEST notification handling. A configuration or inbound rule execution error occurred.
500.51 A rewrite error occurred during GL_PRE_BEGIN_REQUEST notification handling. A global configuration or global rule execution error occurred.
500.52 A rewrite error occurred during RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notification handling. An outbound rule execution occurred.
500.53 A rewrite error occurred during RQ_RELEASE_REQUEST_STATE notification handling. An outbound rule execution error occurred. The rule is configured to be executed before the output user cache gets updated.
500.100 Internal ASP error.
For Apache webserver you can check its log file /var/log/apache2/error.log
For IIS you can find log files in %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles or %SystemDrive%\Windows\System32\LogFiles\HTTPERR

Wordpress site returns status 500 but still works
This site returns status code 500 (Internal Server Error) when I do
wget but works fine on my browser. Also as seen in this screenshot, clearly the homepage is a 500 status but the site seems functional.
What could make this happen?
Web browsers are more flexible then wget. Even if it receives an error code, it will still display the page content returned along with the error code response. Web servers only fall back on their default error view if no content is provided.
Wget and search engine crawlers are more strict. They will bail out as soon as they see the error code response.
I think there is a problem with your server configuration. Check your web server log file. It may tell you why the server gave this error.

Please help me to resolve my ajax error

i am using (.net framework 2.0)
i am getting below error for my ajax popup extender
error :
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near 'The server rejected '.
actually is not giving me error on localhost, i have uploaded it on 2 other different server on 1 server its working fine but on other server its giving me above error. (on server where is working fine has got windows 2000 and on which its giving error its ms windows 2003). this is link where its giving me error : highschoolers its on "Join new for free" button ..
I checked the AJAX response and found what is probably the real error:
The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: 501 Your domain does not seem to be valid. Could not find MX record for your domain.
Take a look at the code you're using e-mail out.
