Please help me to resolve my ajax error -

i am using (.net framework 2.0)
i am getting below error for my ajax popup extender
error :
Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near 'The server rejected '.
actually is not giving me error on localhost, i have uploaded it on 2 other different server on 1 server its working fine but on other server its giving me above error. (on server where is working fine has got windows 2000 and on which its giving error its ms windows 2003). this is link where its giving me error : highschoolers its on "Join new for free" button ..

I checked the AJAX response and found what is probably the real error:
The server rejected the sender address. The server response was: 501 Your domain does not seem to be valid. Could not find MX record for your domain.
Take a look at the code you're using e-mail out.


response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error)

I just want to look the actual error behind this internal server error
I am using IIs version 10 and also I have checked enable client side validation as well as
error 500 to as detailed error.
I have tried to change the IIs version but nothing seems to be happened in my Favour.

ReportViewer control in a webpart in SharePoint displays 401 for some reports

I am trying to solve an issue with the Report Viewer control displaying the message:
The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized.
rather than a report. This message is shown in the location where the report would be displayed. The Share Point parts of the page are displayed normally.
This occurs in a Report Viewer control on a SharePoint 2013 page.
Some other reports on other pages show up just fine. In Report Server, the browsing permissions on these reports are the same.
A testing environment with the same configuration is working correctly. I could not find any differences in the web.config on the web server and in the RSReportServer.config file on the report server.
I http traffic from my browser, using the Network tab in the IE developer tools and saw something remarkable. POST Requests from javascript to the report server control are like:
and receive a HTTP 500 status, whereas the response body is just two bytes:
The report that works correctly, issues similar requests, but just receives HTTP 200 status, also with OK as response body.
On my testing environment, thing are different, again. The report issues three requests to ReportViewerWebControl.axd. The first get a HTTP 401 status. The next request adds an Authentication header with an NTLM token. This also gets an 401 status. The third adds another NTLM value and gets a 200 status.
This looks like some challenge mechanism and I found an MSDN article Error: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized when you open a report in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and tested with added to my RSReportServer.config file. This did not help and this key is also absent in my testing environment.
I also enabled FailedRequest logging to get more insight in the Internal server error, return by the requests to ReportViewerWebControl.axd. This logging is very elaborate, but I could not find anything pointing to a cause of this error.
Under request summary it reads
188. view trace
ModuleName ManagedPipelineHandler
HttpStatus 500
HttpReason Internal Server Error
HttpSubStatus 0
ErrorCode The operation completed successfully. (0x0)
and under Authentication & Authorization
No. Event
60. view trace -AUTH_START AuthTypeSupported MapCliCert
61. view trace -AUTH_END
64. view trace -AUTH_START AuthTypeSupported Basic
65. view trace -AUTH_END
68. view trace -AUTH_START AuthTypeSupported NT
70. view trace -AUTH_END
I do not understand what all of that means, but it is the
ErrorCode The operation completed successfully.
looks like a contradiction.
Does anyone have suggestions on next steps to tackle this problem?

IIS ASP.NET 1.1 Application - Server Error Page - Abstraction from User

Currently our application gets the following error page.
Server Error in '/' Application
This even in case of a custom errors set to RemoteOnly.
What is the HTTP Error Code of this error? This because, we can add it under Custom Errors on InetMgr and set it to a Custom Error Page.
Server errors get raised as 500's usually (Internal Server Error).

Where does this HTTP error come from : "Unable to contact target server after 1 tries."?

Some rare times, an HTTP error is displayed while accessing a page in a ASP.NET Web application :
An HTTP error occurred while getting:
Details: "Unable to contact target server after 1 tries.".
This message is displayed on a blank white page, without anything else. This doesn't look like an ASP .NET error page. IIS isn't logging anything special at the time of the error.
I really don't understand who is raising the error. Could it come from the code ? ASP ? IIS ?
The error is random, occurred with 2 users located on totally different company (so the error is probably not raised by some internal proxy), but always on the same page. The page isn't doing anything special, but I have to know if it could be code-related first !
Thank you.
Look into the response header. It could be a transparent proxy server.

IIS 6: How can I check if server trace is enabled?

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received
from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the
response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules,
or server trace is enabled.
Details: Error parsing near '
<!DOCTYPE html PUB'.
There are tons of references for this error message on the Web, but I can't figure it out. The problem is that the application works fine when I run it locally or when deployed to other servers. There is just one server where I get this error during a post back from an Update panel (it is supposed to populate and open a popup panel). There is no Response.Write() anywhere in the code and the other suggestions do not apply, either. I think. The next thing I will try is install the remote debugger. In the meantime, can someone tell me how to check if server trace is enabled (IIS 6)?
Oddly enough, this was caused by a database exception. The application framework injected the stack trace into the HTML stream, but obviously in case of an Ajax call the error should not be reported in the HTML response.
