Elementor doesn't load on openlitespeed wordpress - wordpress

I developed a wordpress site in elementor. Locally, everything works fine. I've set up an openlitespeed webserver and uploaded the copied the wordpress-website with WP one-in-all migration.
The problem is: the elementor loader doesn't work. I've upgraded the memory_limit, I have disabled all plugins (including litespeed cache), but the elementor editor won't load.
I have found this particular question on the wordpress website, seems like I have the same problem but I don't know how to get a solution.


Why the Favicon isn't showing on frontend on my Wordpress website?

I am facing an issue with my WordPress site which doesn't show favicon on frontend while it's shown on the backend.
I am using Lightspeed cache plugin as optimizer.
Any solution ? without installing another plugin for favicon.
Clear Website cache before checking this on the front end as you are using the cache plugin on the website.

WordPress website's index.php show unusual code

I was cleaning my hacked WordPress website and I found unusual code in index.php.
Is this the code used to hack my website? Or does it come from a plugin?
Your site is hacked.
I would use wp migrate DB to make a copy of the database, reinstall a fresh version of wordpress and all your plugins.

Broken image links on wordpress site

There is a strange behavior on a WP site with woocommerce plugin. Some URLs of product images randomly stopped being available, but sometimes the images are not available from the beginning. All the URL has the prefix i3.wp.com, however there is no plugin installed like jetpack, Photon or CDN (AFAIK these plugins could cause this issue). Without the prefixes, all the images are working. The issue started a long time ago, I just updated to WP 4.1 with PHP 7.2 but the problem it still persists.
Inside the WP Fastest Cache plugin, CDN settings, I removed the integration. Now URLs don't have prefixes.

Logged in as Admin on Wordpress makes MAMP run slowly

When using MAMP to develop a Wordpress theme locally and when logged in as Admin the website loading time slows down dramatically. It would appear something is still being downloaded, however when the theme is moved to production everything is fine. I have the same issue when I use another theme eg twenty seventeen
Production sever
The fix was reinstalling Wordpress

Wordpress update to 4.7 causes Magento/Fishpig integration to redirect base URL to the Wordpress folder

I've copied a live site to a test server to test updating Wordpress on a Magento site that uses Fishpig to bridge content from Wordpress to Magento. Since the udpate, the site always redirects from the homepage to the wordpress folder. e.g. dev.site.com goes to dev.site.com/wordpress. It's not an .htaccess issues, if I wipe them out in both directories it still does it, if I rename index.php in the wordpress folder it stops it but breaks the preview. If I rename the theme and plugins folders it still redirects, something in the core is causing it but I am having issues figuring out what it is. Thanks.
Also if I change the site to show the latest blog post instead of the static home page, it doesn't redirect but shows the blog page.
We will need more information to help solve your problem.
Are your FishPig extensions at the latest version?
What FishPig add-on extensions, if any, are you using?
Have you tried disabling all WordPress plugins?
Do you have any error messages in System > Configuration > WordPress?
My guess is that your WordPress URLs aren't setup correctly and you're using an out dated add-on extension (eg. Visual Composer). There was a bug in older versions of some add-ons that caused this issue, but this has now been fixed.
If you can provide the actual link to your dev site, it will make debugging the issue much easier.
