Wordpress update to 4.7 causes Magento/Fishpig integration to redirect base URL to the Wordpress folder - wordpress

I've copied a live site to a test server to test updating Wordpress on a Magento site that uses Fishpig to bridge content from Wordpress to Magento. Since the udpate, the site always redirects from the homepage to the wordpress folder. e.g. dev.site.com goes to dev.site.com/wordpress. It's not an .htaccess issues, if I wipe them out in both directories it still does it, if I rename index.php in the wordpress folder it stops it but breaks the preview. If I rename the theme and plugins folders it still redirects, something in the core is causing it but I am having issues figuring out what it is. Thanks.
Also if I change the site to show the latest blog post instead of the static home page, it doesn't redirect but shows the blog page.

We will need more information to help solve your problem.
Are your FishPig extensions at the latest version?
What FishPig add-on extensions, if any, are you using?
Have you tried disabling all WordPress plugins?
Do you have any error messages in System > Configuration > WordPress?
My guess is that your WordPress URLs aren't setup correctly and you're using an out dated add-on extension (eg. Visual Composer). There was a bug in older versions of some add-ons that caused this issue, but this has now been fixed.
If you can provide the actual link to your dev site, it will make debugging the issue much easier.


Elementor doesn't load on openlitespeed wordpress

I developed a wordpress site in elementor. Locally, everything works fine. I've set up an openlitespeed webserver and uploaded the copied the wordpress-website with WP one-in-all migration.
The problem is: the elementor loader doesn't work. I've upgraded the memory_limit, I have disabled all plugins (including litespeed cache), but the elementor editor won't load.
I have found this particular question on the wordpress website, seems like I have the same problem but I don't know how to get a solution.

Known javascript malware: spam-seo.hidden_content in wordpress site

I have an issue with my wordpress site. I have already clean core files, All plugin theme etc and DB as well. But Securi still shows malware error.
Known javascript malware: spam-seo.hidden_content
Please see the link above
Thank you

WordPress website's index.php show unusual code

I was cleaning my hacked WordPress website and I found unusual code in index.php.
Is this the code used to hack my website? Or does it come from a plugin?
Your site is hacked.
I would use wp migrate DB to make a copy of the database, reinstall a fresh version of wordpress and all your plugins.

Wordpress Multilingual plugin subdirectory lanauge

I'm currently trying to install a Wordpress website, and providing it through multiple languages. I've found a bunch of plugins to manage the translation.
But I'm still getting stuck to setup WordPress to be able to have http://www.mywebsite.com/en/ and/or http://www.mywebsite.com/de/.
I've found the language switch redirecting to the same page, with the correct subdirectory, but I got an error 404. It looks something should be enabled globally on Wordpress, or even changing the Apache configuration?
Thank you for your future help.
You can User this plugin for making multilingual you site.

Hosting an example WordPress site

I applied for a role and part of the application process requires me to build a WordPress site and make it live on a existing domain I own. This will assist the hiring company (example "WebCompany") to view and assess.
I have created the WordPress site locally and want to upload to my domain (e.g. www.mydomain.com.au) with a url extension like www.mydomain.com.au/webcompany.
Would it be as simple as just FTP the WordPress site to the root directory? Or do I need to set things up differently for it to work?
I recommend to install wordpress on your url with the same version, and use this plugin, I use it and helps even if you have info in your database, and your themes, all the stuff,
and then you have to active the plugins on the web, choose permalinks options.
for the extension / what you mean really? you want wordpress on a /namefolder
because you can install wordpress in a folder and there's your extension, but if you have already wordpress installed on the public_html/ you can use multisite wordpress options.
Here is the info and I did it with this:
MultiSite Wordpress
