Cannot connect using TCP with ngrok and postman - tcp

I have testing a grpc service made in golang. The server is running in localhost:50051. If I test with Postman, the application retrieve me a valid response:
Now, I trying to connect with an application, so I am using ngrok to expose my service.
First, I tried with this command:
./ngrok tcp localhost:50051
This is pointing to tcp://, so I entered into postman, but nothing happened, only I got an error.
Then, I tried to use a ngrok.yml configuration for the tunnel. This is the file:
Of course, using ./ngrok start grpc, and using the new ngrok tcp connection with postman, the same error occurs.
I don't know what I am doing wrong.


how to call knative service [grpc server] by using a python client

I have created a knative service[gRPC server] in aks cluster, I have exposed the service using istio gateway private static IP,
After using the command kubectl get ksvc I have got an address
When I try to use this address in the python client, it throws error saying failed to connect addresses, but if I try to hit the service using
curl I am able to hit the service, I don't know what i am missing here.. please suggest..
GRPC uses HTTP/2. You may need to explicitly name your port h2c. I'm assuming that you've tested the container locally without Knative in the path and have been able to make a grpc call in that case.

Ngrok errors '502 bad gateway' - How to point web server to point 5000

I'm new to Web App so I'm sorry if this is a simple question.
I enter: ngrok http 5000
Then when I go to the correct https address I get the message below.
The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address
Make sure that a web service is running on and that it is a valid address.
The error encountered was: dial tcp connect: connection refused
According to this answer:
I need to set up a web server and point it to local host 5000.
But my error is slightly different and even when I try going to: localhost:5000
It doesn't work.
Is the problem just that I need to point a web server to 5000? How do I do that?

Error when trying to connect to gRPC endpoint from a UI tool or proxy tool

I'm testing gRPC with .NetCore and looked up for a GUI tool or something that can help me to test my endpoint like testing REST API.
I found a proxy tool: grpc-json-proxy that can be used with Postman tool (also found another GUI tool: grpcox).
Using any tool gives an error like the following when trying to connect to the endpoint:
unable to do request err=[Post
http://localhost:5001/greet.Greeter/SayHello: dial tcp
connect: connection refused]
Any idea what could be the issue?
Most importantly, are you confident the gRPC server is listening on localhost:50051? You may confirm this (on Linux) using:
ss --tcp --listening --processes "sport = :${GRPC}"
NOTE you may need to sudo ss ... to get the process
Or more simply:
telnet localhost 50051
If you get Connected to... that's a good sign
Then, if you're using either of these tools through docker, you'll need to ensure the container can access the host's 50051 port. To do this, run the container use --net=host. This will make the host's port available to the container.
I use grpCurl

ngrok not connecting to local server

So, I am running ngrok (current version) on my Mac OSx. But I am getting the following error:
Failed to complete tunnel connection
The connection to was successfully tunneled to your ngrok client, but the client failed to establish a connection to the local address localhost:3746.
Make sure that a web service is running on localhost:3746 and that it is a valid address.
The error encountered was: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:3746: getsockopt: connection refused
I know my server is running properly, as I can actually click the link to my localserver in the error message and get a response from my server.
Any ideas on how to diagnose?
Have you made sure you're running ngrok inside your project directory, also can you still access localhost:3746?
Also what command are you using to start hosting the ngrok sever?

GitLab not working w/ Nginx

I am trying to get GitLab setup with my current installation of Nginx but I keep getting an Error 502. I have included my configuration files, and not sure what I am doing wrong. But I followed the "Using a non-bundled web-server" steps on
HTTP 502 means "The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server." So there are two possibilities here.
Your Gitlab server is not actually working or is returning an invalid response. After starting the Gitlab server, use sudo netstat -plnt and make sure it is running on a port and note the port. Then connect directly to this port in your browser (or from the CLI on the server if necessary) and confirm that Gitlab is working fine without a proxy in front of it. If Gitlab is running on a socket and not a port, there are also tools to test HTTP servers through socket connections that you can use.
Nginx is not configured correctly to connect to Gitlab. In this case, check your Nginx error log to see if there is any more detail besides the "502" error.
