How to create a dynamic report in ignition s perspective - report

I’m trying to create a report at the end of the day for 1 product that has a range of 40-100 pieces per day. Here’s my issue:
How can I pass a start date and time and a end date and time parameter to a report that has 1 graph and 1 table. The graph is data coming in from a sensor per piece of product and a table displaying the details for that run. There could be 40-100 pieces ran and I need to query a ms sql server to report on these pieces all in one report. Is there a way to do this? I know if repeater components, but idk if that’s possible in a report. I think the easiest way is to use scripting to query and create tables and graphs on the fly and add them to the report but I haven’t found an example of how to implement that. Any help is appreciated.
I’ve tried nested queries and nested tables to display a graph in the header and have details for every piece of product but the problem is the data for the graph isn’t the same as the data for the details


IMPORTHTML / Table Pull Issues [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Scraping data to Google Sheets from a website that uses JavaScript
(2 answers)
Closed last month.
Trying to import weather forecasts for multiple sales markets, but the site I was using blocked Bot Crawl, so my ImportHTML function can't fetch the URL.
I found another site, but the table is formatted in calendar view instead of the list view.
Can I still pull this information into Google Sheets (GS) somehow? I've gotten it to pull information, but it just comes up as [TABLE] in GS.
This is the code I was using to pull changing dates:
And the code to pull the completed URL's table into GS:
=IMPORTHTML(A2, "Table", 1)
I want the first string of code to pull today's year and month from B3 and C3, and Concatenate, and then the second string of code pulls all that together and then pulls the desired table from the website, but I get a bunch of cells with [TABLE].
There is an API that returns json. Look into documentation to see if there is an endpoint that meets your needs. For example, network tab shows the following for 15 day forecast
You would probably need to write your own script to handle this response though or use a tool like ImportJSON. With a little research it is highly likely you will find something suitable.
Explore 15 day forecast JSON here

Create dashboard views that are based off of current date (ie. show resource overview for next 2 months)

I'm attempting to create a report that is based off the current date. So, for example, creating a line graph that shows total work for all resources for the next 2 months. It would be very similar to the resource overview dashboard, but it wouldn't be pulling in data from the entire project.
The 'Resource Usage' view below has been very helpful, as it would be visual aids based on the hour allocations below.
We can create a graph like the one below in the reporting module, I would like the graph to only look at the next 2 months (instead of the entire project duration).
The goal is to look at capacity and future work allocation to easily look at resource availability to aid in assigning future tasks.
Thoughts? Tips? Advice?
You should be able to use the built-in Report capability in MS Project 2016. Try modifying the Progress Versus Cost chart in the Cost Overview report.

Attempting to design a flexible reporting system. Getting stuck

I’m having some trouble coming up with a future-proof-ish design for reports for a company. Essentially the requirements are:
Be able to pull whatever data from the database
Generate formatted report from that data by populating a template (HTML, docx)
Export to Word and/or PDF
So initially I made an API endpoint per report (this is a web app), and had PDFs generated and formatted correctly.
But now I need to get the data into .docx/Word format, and I’m trying to figure out how I can design something as D.R.Y. as possible so that I don’t have to put in a TON of work every time the company decides they need another report (they’ve done this two, three times which is how I became aware that I had coded myself into a corner).
Every report I’ve done thus far has been done via a “brute-force” method: code the queries needed for the report, format the data, and then render to PDF (using HTML to PDF via phantomjs).
The complexity occurred when the company came back and said “Hey, we need all of those reports in Word format, also we have 3 other new reports that we need and a report that is a slight variation on the old one but +/- 2 fields”.
I am just having trouble coming up with a solid design/abstraction here, one that doesn’t send me down a week long hacking spree every time a requirement changes.

Error while trying to publish an Infopath 2013 form to Sharepoint 2013 Document Library

I am a newbie in Infopath & Sharepoint. I am trying to create a form from Infopath 2013 and publish it as a document library to Sharepoint. I have some 60 fields that needs to be calculated(add) into another field. When tried to use the Design Checker, it throws an error as mentioned below in the screenshot. But it accepts if I key in only 45 fields in the Insert Formula text area. Is there any limitation on number of fields to be entered in Insert Formula? When I use PREVIEW in Infopath it works fine. This error pops up only when I try to publish it to Sharepoint. Any ideas on how to resolve this? - Thanks inadvance
InfoPath preview is rendered with IP Filler. The Browser experience has always been different, and the Filler preview is not a reliable check for the browser experience. You may have hit the limits of what a browser form can do. I don't have the numbers or limits, though.
Looking at the error message, you seem to be amassing an awful lot of calculations in one single field. My gut feeling is that this is very bad information architecture. What is the purpose of the form? What are you trying to achieve? Why would anyone have 60 fields in a form?
It looks as if you are summing a large number of cells. InfoPath is not a spreadsheet.
Use repeating tables to capture similar data. Then you can total the table entries with a standard IP function.
This looks like a sum of all the items a restaurant has on the menu. This is a perfect case for a repeating table. Don't use all 60 items on the menu in a list of 60 fields all in one form. That is overkill and not user-friendly. Create a repeating table structure where the user selects one of the 60 items and enters the transaction data. Each row of the repeating table can have another item of the list of 60. The grand total will be calculated from the entries.
If that is not viable, use helper fields to calculate sub totals by item category, and create a grand total from all the category totals.

ASP.NET Consolidated Report

We have an ASP.NET 2 application and at the moment for the reporting, we are utilising DataSet/DataTable taking some storedprocedure/query and display on the screen (grids). For the graphics, we are using Dundas Chart component and again we are utilising DataSet/DataTable to display it. These thing has been running well ... no issue.
Now, we are having a challenge that every single report that we produce above (grid or graph), the user wants to consolidate into 1 single click solution which means if they click the "Consolidated Report" it will produce the page as well (grid/graph) into 1 page. But the issue is that the user wants use the display (grid/graph) and download into 1 file. It could Ms Words/Ms Excell.
How we are going to achieve this?
I am thinking to do as follow:
1. Convert everything to use the Reporting Services (client) .. or
2. Is it possible to do like convert the page/grapf into Word/Excel into a single page? Is there any other solution?
The issue is that the we have simple stored procedures to get the data source out and then we are using that data and do the massive data manipulation in DataSet/DataTable (loop through the records, create a new dataset and manipulate etc etc) and then to construct the final report and display on the screen.
I am appreciated your comment.
Thank you
In my opinion the best solution will be integrating the HTML into a PDF.
You can convert the HTML generated into PDF easily with ABCPdf from WebSuperGoo (I suspect that other solutions can work, but I have only used this product)
See this live demo, and select "Add URL" and point to your URL or check out this example
