How to log out with the Firebase Auth Rest Api? - firebase

Users who have certain user IDs can perform add and delete operations.
How can I log in and disable idToken to log out after adding or deleting, log out? Tokens have a 1-hour duration. People who are learning idToken can make additions and deletions. That's why it should be disabled.
I get idToken by requesting[API_KEY].
With the Firebase Realtime Rest Api endpoint, you can have the authority to add and delete.

The REST API itself is stateless, so the only available information that someone is logged in is in your application that calls the REST API.
When you sign out in one of the Firebase SDKs they simply remove the ID token from the local state. I recommend you do the same: remove the ID token from memory effectively signs the user out.
Firebase only passes the ID token over encrypted connections, so is not susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks (like the one you describe) unless your network is already compromised.
There is no way to revoke the ID token itself once it's minted, but if you want to revoke access for a specific ID token or user, have a look at


If anyone take my Google Sign in token, can he or she sign in via that access token?

I am learning react-js development, from this course I learned that I can use Firebase and Google sign as a third part storage service and sign in verification service, I draw a sign in steps with drawio diagram, as diagram below if someone take my (2) Google verification token or (6) Firebase access token can he or she sign in my website on his machine by that two tokens before expired ?
clarification about google token or firebase token security level.
That's a pretty standard OAuth flow. Firebase JS SDK does the same under the hood when you call signInWithPopup():
Getting user's access token after user's approval
Signing in with the response (see sign in with OAuth credential)
Yes, if I somehow get your Google Access Token (2), I can use it to access your account's data (for the scopes it has access to). Similarly, Firebase tokens are generally used as a Bearer token that means anyone in possession of the token gets access to the resources.
But chances of someone getting these tokens are slim to none (unless they have physical access to user's computer). As long as users do not share these tokens or any malicious script tries to read them, this flow has no issues.

What does firebase use to generate a registration token?

I have already created a push notification system using firebase. It generates and saves a token for a user, then upon login displays their subscription status. It works fine, unfortunately it’s only one device per user, the most recent device they logged in on. I’d like to allow for multiple devices per user.
I’m assuming firebase uses some ID unique to each device to generate a token. If I’m wrong in that assumption, please point me in the right direction.
As Doug commented, since FCM doesn't associate its tokens with users, this is probably some limitation in your implementation.
You'll want to allow multiple ID tokens per user in your database, and then send to all tokens for the current user. If the device/app install can be shared between users, you'll want to remove the association between the user and the token for that installation when the user signs out/a new user signs in.
On associating tokens with users, see:
Is FCM (firebase cloud messaging) Token for one device or for one account?
When to register an FCM token for a user
How to get Firebase user id from FCM token? (in admin code on server)
And then finally you'll also want to clean up any tokens that FCM flags as not valid anymore, as otherwise you'll keep adding more and more tokens, which may not be valid anymore.
On deleting expired tokens, see:
When device token expires, is it automatically removed from FCM device group?
How do I identify and delete the expired FCM token on server?

How to logout the user using Firebase Admin SDK?

So, I have created a cloud function using Firebase Admin SDK. The purpose of that function is to disable the user and after successfully disabling it, I want that user to be logged out from my application. I have disabled user but can't figure out how to log out the user.
I was wondering if there is any function of a workaround to achieve this?
A user that is signed in to your app has a ID token that is valid for up to an hour. Once that token has been created, there is no way to revoke it.
The typical way to handle your use-case is to also flag the user in a server-side database once you disable their account, and then check that flag in any operations.
For example, if your using the Firebase Realtime Database, and disable the user with Node.js, the code to also flag the user in the database could look like this:
// Disable the user in Firebase Authentication to prevent them from signing in or refreshing their token
admin.auth().updateUser(uid, {
disabled: true
}).then(function() {
// Flag the user as disabled in the database, so that we can prevent their reads/writes
And you can then check this in the server-side security rules with something like this:
"rules": {
".read": "auth.uid !== null && !root.child('blacklist').child(auth.uid).exists()"
This rule allows all users that are signed in (auth.uid !== null) full read access to the database, but blocks users who you've flagged (!root.child('blacklist').child(auth.uid).exists()).
For an (even) more elaborate example of this approach, see the documentation on session management.
There are two main types of tokens used in Firebase Auth that are relevant to your question here:
Refresh token
ID token (aka, access token)
Firebase ID tokens are short lived and last for an hour; the refresh token can be used to retrieve new ID tokens. Refresh tokens expire only when one of the following occurs:
The user is deleted
The user is disabled
A major account change is detected for the user. This includes events like password or email address updates.
So in your case, when you disable the user, the refresh token will be automatically revoked. This means that once the short-lived ID token expires, they won't be able to retrieve a new one.
But you want them to be logged out immediately after being disabled. There are two main considerations here:
if you control the well-behaved client application, you can voluntarily log them out in the client
if you want to truly protect against malicious actors, you can revoke the ID token on the backend
Voluntarily logging out in a well-behaved client
If the token is revoked via the Admin SDK, the client is informed of the revocation and the user is expected to reauthenticate or is signed out:
However, the docs are very misleading here. There is no built-in behaviour to automatically inform the client of a revocation. Instead, you can follow the suggestions in this thread ( which talk about how to implement this behaviour. The two main options presented are:
Use Firebase Realtime Database to build your own real-time "push" mechanism to detect revocations
Use currentUser.getIdToken(true) to force-fetch a new id token, which will detect the refresh token revocation, and log the user out (you should get an even on the onAuthStateChanged listener).
For option 2, note the parameter true passed in to forceRefresh. This is generally not a good option - you don't want to force refresh on every API request, but if you don't, it's hard to know when to do a force refresh.
When you refresh the page, the Firebase client SDK will typically automatically perform a force refresh.
Server-side detection
When a user's ID token is to be verified, the additional checkRevoked boolean flag has to be passed to verifyIdToken. If the user's token is revoked, the user should be signed out on the client or asked to reauthenticate using reauthentication APIs provided by the Firebase Authentication client SDKs.
Note that using the checkRevoked=true option results in a network request from your backend to Firebase's backend, which is expensive. Again, it's hard to know when it's worth using checkRevoked. Perhaps it's worth the cost to always perform the network check on a small subset of highly sensitive APIs.
You should read through the docs in full ( and see which approach suits you best.
Frank van Puffelen has already covered the other standard option - using rules to guard Firebase backend services.
But in general, there isn't anything that helps out of the box. If you understand the concept behind refresh tokens and id tokens, you'll notice that it's fundamentally not possible to revoke the ID token while retaining the performance benefits (ie, reducing network traffic) that is the entire reason for using the refresh+id model to begin with.
I'd just let the token expire, and accept that any "disable" can be delayed by up to 1 hour.

Using firebase jwt to authenticate users to external server\service?

Okay so in my iOS app I log the user into firebase, then get the jwt token. So now I have my server with an api which accepts an idtoken in the header of the GET.
What do I do here? Certainly I wouldn't be validating the JWT againt firebase on every single API call right? I mean its fast, but that adds latency with a second external check, no? How does one simply just decode that guy in C#? I have an Auth0 layer already and that decodes the JWT with my server-stored secret, but that same code doesn't work for the Firebase token.
Could it just be decoded then extract the user details from that, maybe just check expiry and if expiry > X months it's still okay?
In order to verify Firebase ID tokens and JWTs in general, you only make a network call on your server to get the public certs which are usually not updated for several hours. You could cache that and try to verify with an ID token and if it fails, only then, load the new public certs.
And yes, you must verify the ID token on each call especially since Firebase ID tokens expire after typically an hour and need to be refreshed continuously.

Can I access the registration tokens of all users registered in my Firebase notifications?

Sometimes I want to send a message through Firebase notifications to one unique user, then I want access the token from that user, so I like to know what is the best practice for get that token at any time?
On initial startup of my app, the FCM SDK generates a registration token for the client app instance.
I can get that token, but if I save that token in Firebase realtime database, I think other people can access that data because it is "set persistent mode on" to access offline data.
My questions is:
Is it possible to get tokens of all users without save that in a database?
Can I get these tokens direct from Firebase Authentication? If not, what is the best practice for access these tokens?
I think other people can access that data because it is "set persistent mode on" to access offline data.
Simply save the registration token details to a secure node. Making sure that only you (or even including the user itself) to be the only ones that can access it. Read more on Understand Firebase Realtime Database Rules.
I can get that token, but if I save that token in Firebase realtime database, I think other people can access that data because it is "set persistent mode on" to access offline data.
Users won't be able to get the data they're not allowed to/wasn't designed to have on their device if you choose to restrict them.
Is it possible to get tokens of all users without save that in a database?
There is no API to get all the registration tokens related to your app. As mentioned in the documentation (emphasis mine):
After you've obtained the token, you can send it to your app server and store it using your preferred method. See the Instance ID API reference for full detail on the API.
It's the developer's (you) responsibility to send and store the registration token to a secure location.
Can I get these tokens direct from Firebase Authentication?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. FCM Registration tokens are different from auth tokens. So, no.
If not, what is the best practice for access these tokens?
So long as you store the tokens in a secure location and make sure that you're always using the most recent/valid token, it should be good.
