Can I access the registration tokens of all users registered in my Firebase notifications? - firebase

Sometimes I want to send a message through Firebase notifications to one unique user, then I want access the token from that user, so I like to know what is the best practice for get that token at any time?
On initial startup of my app, the FCM SDK generates a registration token for the client app instance.
I can get that token, but if I save that token in Firebase realtime database, I think other people can access that data because it is "set persistent mode on" to access offline data.
My questions is:
Is it possible to get tokens of all users without save that in a database?
Can I get these tokens direct from Firebase Authentication? If not, what is the best practice for access these tokens?

I think other people can access that data because it is "set persistent mode on" to access offline data.
Simply save the registration token details to a secure node. Making sure that only you (or even including the user itself) to be the only ones that can access it. Read more on Understand Firebase Realtime Database Rules.
I can get that token, but if I save that token in Firebase realtime database, I think other people can access that data because it is "set persistent mode on" to access offline data.
Users won't be able to get the data they're not allowed to/wasn't designed to have on their device if you choose to restrict them.
Is it possible to get tokens of all users without save that in a database?
There is no API to get all the registration tokens related to your app. As mentioned in the documentation (emphasis mine):
After you've obtained the token, you can send it to your app server and store it using your preferred method. See the Instance ID API reference for full detail on the API.
It's the developer's (you) responsibility to send and store the registration token to a secure location.
Can I get these tokens direct from Firebase Authentication?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by this. FCM Registration tokens are different from auth tokens. So, no.
If not, what is the best practice for access these tokens?
So long as you store the tokens in a secure location and make sure that you're always using the most recent/valid token, it should be good.


How to log out with the Firebase Auth Rest Api?

Users who have certain user IDs can perform add and delete operations.
How can I log in and disable idToken to log out after adding or deleting, log out? Tokens have a 1-hour duration. People who are learning idToken can make additions and deletions. That's why it should be disabled.
I get idToken by requesting[API_KEY].
With the Firebase Realtime Rest Api endpoint, you can have the authority to add and delete.
The REST API itself is stateless, so the only available information that someone is logged in is in your application that calls the REST API.
When you sign out in one of the Firebase SDKs they simply remove the ID token from the local state. I recommend you do the same: remove the ID token from memory effectively signs the user out.
Firebase only passes the ID token over encrypted connections, so is not susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks (like the one you describe) unless your network is already compromised.
There is no way to revoke the ID token itself once it's minted, but if you want to revoke access for a specific ID token or user, have a look at

Firebase Firestore integrate chat using existing backend for user data

I develop an iOS application and I'm using Node & Postgres for handling user data and authentication. I would like to add a chat feature to my app and I chose Firestore for this.
My question is how should I link the existing user data with a Firebase collection of users without re-implementing the authentication part from the ground up. Right now the authentication is based on JWTs with access and refresh tokens.
In order to link my existing users, I can add the userId already present in my database to the users collection that I will create in Firestore, but I need some kind of authentication to ensure security.
While the token for Firebase is also a JWT, it will probably have to be separate from your existing JWT, as it contains Firebase-specific information (such as the project ID), and they're signed with different keys.
After you authenticate the user with your own backend, mint a custom token for Firebase authentication with the information you want to use in Firebase/Firestore and security rules, pass that to the client, and sign them in to Firebase with it.

Firebase user login managing connection with API

I'm quite new to firebase and I am looking for best practices using it, maybe I will be able to get some advices here.
What I want to do:
User login using firebase.
I save user info in firebase but use SQL server as database where I need that user information as userId
Question: How should I approach that?
Register user on firebase and when I get response with userId and token, save it to my sql database too?
what's my current approach:
At this stage we're thinking of creating new users via admin panel (and then these users can sign in)
Would it be good approach to add user to sql database, send email to finish registration (create pasword) and then add this user to firebase, and with response send request to my backend where I update user that he's verified, add userId and token?
It's very common to store additional information about Firebase Authentication users in your own database. Whether it's good in your use-case is subjective, but it's definitely common.
Assuming that you have a server interacting with SQL server on the user's behalf, be sure to pass the ID token from the client to the server, decode it there, and then use the UID (and other claims) from that token in your database interactions. Don't allow the user to just pass their UID, as that'd be a security risk.
For more on this scenario, see the Firebase documentation on verifying a user through their ID token.
Your approach with an admin panel is a common first approach, but not something I'd recommend. Since you'll need to allow the user's to sign in with email/password, there is nothing keeping them from calling the createUserWithEmailAndPassword API themselves on your project. So I'd recommend leaving the creation completely to the clients, and save yourself from having to consider that an abuse scenario.
If you want to control what users an access the data, store a list of email addresses (since you seem to associate that with uniquely identifying a user already) in the database, and check the email address in the ID token is in the list (and is marked as verified in the token).

Storing Firebase Auth UID in Cookie while using Firestore - Is this secure?

I was recently having an argument with another programmer mate of mine regarding storing Firebase Auth UID (just the uid nothing else) in a cookie with sameSite: 'strict' enabled.
What's the argument about
Currently, I am working in a Nuxt JS project where I am saving the user's uid on onAuthStateChange() event in a cookie with sameSite: 'strict' enabled so that I can grab it in my serverMiddleware code and do stuff with it.
I have checked this firebase doc about managing cookie and it shows how to store the JWT idToken in a cookie and then in the server decode it.
In fact, that is who I initially coded my work. But due to some requirements, it was super helpful if I store the uid instead. So, I did that. Then I started reading about how can I hack my own data to see if anyone can harm my data from the uid in the cookie.
Then I stumbled upon to this firebase doc: Use the Cloud Firestore REST API which shows how to get the firestore data using REST API and I figured out that you need to provide Google OAuth 2.0 token in the header of the API call in order for it to work, otherwise even if you put the correct URL with all the collection name and everything (which is hard for an outsider to know, but lets assume he knows), you will get nothing but this:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Missing or insufficient permissions.",
I have also tried to run code in browser console in order to hack the data out of my project. But That didn't work as well.
Now in order to get the Google OAuth 2.0 token, the person must need login access to my account which is not that easy as I have a unique long password along with 2 Step Authentication with phone OTP & push notification. Besides if anyone has login access to my Google account, he can easily go to and see the data, so at that point, nothing will matter.
But I did say that if anyone is using firebase Realtime database then I will not recommend storing the uid in a cookie as the realtime database provides easy REST API without any authentication layer to fetch data. At that time I would recommend using JWT idToken instead.
So, what's the final question?
The final question is this:
If someone is using firebase auth & firebase cloud firestore (not realtime database) using firebase SDK in his project, is it secure to store just the uid in cookie instead of storing JWT idToken if it will reduce the code complexity and code execution time over using idToken?
I would love to know your thoughts on these as there are many super experienced devs beside two programmers arguing.
My friend keeps telling me that storing uid in the cookie is not sure, but when I asked him why exactly, he had no concrete answer. As what is secure and what is not a universal thing and changes as you change your tools. But in this exact context what do you guys think? I know that normally in most cases it is not a secure thing, but I am asking about this specific context only.
It is in fact fairly common to expose the UID of a user to other user to identify that user. See Firebase - Is auth.uid a shared secret?
There is nothing insecure about storing the UID in a cookie, nor in reading that cookie in your middleware. But if your middleware then assumes that the UID is the authenticated user, you have a security risk.
What is keeping any other user from putting your or my UID into that cookie, and thus getting access to your or my data?
Also note that UIDs don't change over time, so if ever one (even inadvertently) leaks, you could impersonate that user forever.
ID tokens on the other hand have a limited lifespan (currently about an hour), which limits the risk if they accidentally get exposed.

Firebase: Implementing Switch / Add Account Features

I am working on Firebase application ( Firebase version 4.1.3 )
My health care related application is made for dependent group of people such as children and seniors. However, most of my users are independent group of people age around 18-55. Most of my users use my application for their seniors/children. They need to create account for each of their family seniors/children member. Therefore, my users have to log in and out many times and they have to keep track of their family members' account. My first thought was I should make an account switching feature so that my user can switch their account back and forth between their family members to update information on my application.
After searches on Google, I found way to force switching account on Firebase authentication with Google provider, but those are not what I'm looking for.
My questions are:
Is it possible to store the multiple firebase auth objects (logged in object) in client side?
If it is possible, for how long will the token inside the firebase auth object last for?
If it doesn't last forever, is it possible to refresh update the token so that it can be use without authenticating with the social/phone login again?
The functionality you are asking for is not available out of the box. You have to build it on your own. I do think Firebase provides the pieces to allow you to build it (via Auth and Database).
Is it possible to store the multiple firebase auth objects (logged in object) in client side: You can have multiple Firebase app instances and each one have an auth instance with a current user. You would need to ask each user to authenticate though (you can't authenticate once and sign-in into all of the account). However, you can build your own user group login mechanism, where logging in with one "master" account can allow you to login with multiple accounts using custom Auth.
If it is possible, for how long will the token inside the firebase auth object last for. Firebase sessions are supposed to be indefinite. If a token expires (typically after one hour), it can be refreshed automatically if you are using real time database.
I do not think Firebase has that token capability. But what you could do is simply put the email address of the people in the device by Shared Preferences( for Android). When the user wants to log in with that user bring the email address just ask him to enter the password and then go through the log in process. If you do not want to use SharedPreferences you could simply store the users(also as you said family members) in Firebase Database and link them with the controller user so to speak. Whenever user wants the switch, go and bring the email addres of other family members from Firebase Database and ask in the client for the password and do the login by Firebase Authentication.Hope that helps!
