Can't Delete Record 2sxc Error: No parent ID listed and item is Brand New - 2sxc

Getting this error on any piece of content we try and delete across entire site. So not isolated to a certain entity. We add even a brand new 2sxc content module, add a new item and then try and delete and get this as the error:
2sxc version 14.12.3
DNN 9.10.2
{Message: "Bad Request", ExceptionType: "System.InvalidOperationException",…}
"Can't delete Item 22002. It is used by others. Found 1 relationships where this is a child - the parents are: 2SexyContent-ContentGroup."
"Bad Request"
Expected record to be permanently deleted.

As soon as an entity is in use, this warning appears to protect users from "shooting themselves in the foot".
If you delete it from the Admin-UI, you should also get a question to force delete (because Admins should know what they are doing).
You are probably trying to delete it from the toolbar - which usually means that the item is already in use (as it was added to the page).


Access 2013 unable to add new line to form and runtime error 2105 when trying to a new record

I am migrating several adp files to accdb so that it can work under access 2013 but one problem is driving me nuts:
I have a form on which I cannot see an empty line to add new data.
the form property allowaddition is on
the recordsource of the form is an sql View to which I can add a new line directly from access (so it is not readonly)
I am forcing the AllowAddition on the code when initializing security with me.allowadditions = true (this used to be enough to make it work in the old adp)
I have a button to add a new line to the form that runs on_click and gives me a runtime error on this line of code Docmd.gotorecord , , AcNewRec
The runtime error is "2105 : you can't go to the specified record".
This tells me that there is something that is still read only.
the SQL View has an index as well as all the table used in it.
I tried to replace the view in the recordset of the form by a table and still not working.
Am I missing something? What else can I do to be able to add a new record to my form (or view)?
Thank you
Try setting focus to one of the textbox controls in your form before calling the new record, something along the lines of
The reason is, SQL Server backend allocates new records differently than Access backend, and Access does a bit of magic for you in the interface, so I've found sometimes explicitly setting focus to a text control will fix this issue.
Depending on how things are structured with your Access app, if that suggestion doesn't work, then you might need to go the extra step of programatically creating the new record (blank fields except for primary key) in SQL Server first and then refresh the Access form and then setfocus to the newly created record (e.g. either the last or first record depending on your recordsource sort order)

Not able to delete 2sxc view

I'm not able to delete a 2sxc view. getting a warning
"Had an erro talking to the server (status 400).
Massage:Bad Request
Detail:found 2 relationship where this child - the parents are:3854 (2sexyContent-ContentGroup), 3897 (2sexyContent-ContentGroup)."
Please find warning image attached.
This means the template is still in use. You can either find out where exactly, delete the module and the dnn-trash, then you can delete.
Alternately you can force-delete it (not recommended). To Force-delete, go to "Data" and switch to debug-mode and change scope to "2SexyContent-System"
There you'll find the content-item describing the template, which you can delete, and force-delete.

Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'PHP-php'

When I trying to load my wordpress site, Its giving an error " Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'PHP-php' ".
Any issue with the following code.
Please help me.
You may ignore this as I have managed to fix the issue. There was a duplicate collection entry of PHP and I have removed the same ;) from domains appPools config file.
Fix: 1. Go to the error occured config file : here, it is C:\inetpub\temp\appPools\
take a back up of that (not necessary)
Open in a text editor and find the section containing the website configuration:
Under this section, find and remove the string starting with the collection entry name shown in the error (PHP-php):
Save the config file.
Then give it a try...!!

Tridion UI 2012 - Error "The item tcm:280-29837-64 does not exist."

When we are trying to create a new page through a PageType in Tridion UI.It is throwing below error --
"The item tcm:280-29837-64 does not exist."
Is it the Id of the page which i want to create,as it is no more exists in the tridion?
Could any body help me out in this regard ?
Note :-we defined the pagetype to those pages which already exist and published.
Edit-1 When we click on the 'Create Page' button(see the attached screenshot), above mentioned error Pops up.
In the cd_core.log file below error and warning comes --
ERROR XMLConfigurationReader - Error while validating file 'cd_ambient_conf.xml' with schema 'schemas/cd_ambient_conf.xsd'. cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'ClaimStoreProvider'. One of '{Cookies}' is expected.
WARN AmbientDataContext - There is no current ambient data context - the ambient data framework is not properly initialised
Edit-2 Now errors related to AmbientDataWork are resolved but we are still getting same issue. There are two options in UI (a) "New Page" (b) Create and insert Content. This error also comes when we go with the option "Create and Insert Content". On each click of "Create Page" or "Create and insert Content" it generate a new Id(XXX-59248 -64 then XXX-59249- 64 etc) for page and same way for component also and throws above mentioned error message.
Note:- We are using IIS 6.
Edit-3 - I am using VB script in my page templates.
If someone is using VB script page template,it is required to install UI_2012.0.0.81248 hotfixes to create new pages in UI 2012.
I was not aware about this so fact of using VB script is not mentioned anywhere in the question .So I am updating my question again to assist community member in right direction.
It "looks like" the creation of the page somehow fails on the CM side (but i'm doing an awful lot of interpretation here based on very limited data...).
Can you verify
1. that you can create pages in the content management explorer in the publication with ID 280
2. that your blueprint context settings for UI 2012 are correct (should the new page/component be created in the publication with ID 280?)
3. that you have no workflow or event system interfering with the creation of the page
I would also expect an event log entry in the Tridion/Tridion Content Manager event log which would contain a detailed stack trace...

How to create a User in Alfresco?

I tried creating a user. But when I tried, it displayed the following error:
Failed to create the user: 05190030 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 05192817 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/person/people.‌​post.json.js': Non-unique path:found : /app:company_home/app:user_homes 0." I am new to Alfresco. Can anyone help me?
This pretty much sounds like you try to create a user which already exists (username property is unique).
As stated in my comment to your other question, it's a known issue when you move, delete or rename User Homes.
