I'm not able to delete a 2sxc view. getting a warning
"Had an erro talking to the server (status 400).
Massage:Bad Request
Detail:found 2 relationship where this child - the parents are:3854 (2sexyContent-ContentGroup), 3897 (2sexyContent-ContentGroup)."
Please find warning image attached.
This means the template is still in use. You can either find out where exactly, delete the module and the dnn-trash, then you can delete.
Alternately you can force-delete it (not recommended). To Force-delete, go to "Data" and switch to debug-mode and change scope to "2SexyContent-System" http://2sxc.org/en/blog/post/advanced-dynamic-data-content-understanding-content-type-scopes.
There you'll find the content-item describing the template, which you can delete, and force-delete.
I assume that Kiera3 is part of AzerothCore, so I thought it would be ok to ask here.
(https://i.stack.imgur.com/4XsKp.png) - the fields listed
(https://i.stack.imgur.com/y4vq2.png) - the error message received
(I am new to all of this, so I am not sure what exactly that means)
I attempted to look in the creature documentation that was linked at the top of the page... modelid did not exist. https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/creature
This error happens even when I fill out the other values.
I tried to change different values that would allow modelid to work. I changed modelid to the same modelid that is on the creature template, I tried to have it as 0, I tried to leave it blank.
I expected it to be able to execute the query, setting the spawn position etc. for the custom npc that I had created.
Please check your core and Keira and update both to the latest version. They seem to mismatch.
Getting this error on any piece of content we try and delete across entire site. So not isolated to a certain entity. We add even a brand new 2sxc content module, add a new item and then try and delete and get this as the error:
2sxc version 14.12.3
DNN 9.10.2
{Message: "Bad Request", ExceptionType: "System.InvalidOperationException",…}
"Can't delete Item 22002. It is used by others. Found 1 relationships where this is a child - the parents are: 2SexyContent-ContentGroup."
"Bad Request"
Expected record to be permanently deleted.
As soon as an entity is in use, this warning appears to protect users from "shooting themselves in the foot".
If you delete it from the Admin-UI, you should also get a question to force delete (because Admins should know what they are doing).
You are probably trying to delete it from the toolbar - which usually means that the item is already in use (as it was added to the page).
While trying to understand why my view is not displaying, I noticed the following error in the log:
I do not think it is possible to delete the URL alias from Taxonomy terms. At least I cannot find how to do this.
I have, however gone through ALL of my taxonomy terms and removed the value for this field.
I have also done the following with Pathauto:
Also, I have checked the report located at admin/reports/fields and can confirm that there are no entities that use a field called URL alias.
I have gone through each content item and ensured that they have the following setting (anyone know how to do this in bulk?). But still the error remains.
Anyone know then how I can fix this strange error?
Im not entirely sure what this command does, but it fixed the error:
drush updb --entity-updates
Since https://www.drupal.org/node/2554097, the magic in Drupal core that took care of updating entity definitions is gone. drush updb --entiy-updates is an alternative to this but it is not a silver bullet. Instead, it is safer to write database updates.
Taking the screenshot at the top as an example, here is a database update that would delete those two field definitions:
* Fix taxonomy and node field definitions.
function mymodule_update_8101() {
$manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('alias', 'node')) {
if ($field = $manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('alias', 'term')) {
Have a look at the rest of the available methods at https://www.drupal.org/node/2554097 in order to write database updates for each scenario.
use the entity_update module or the devel_entity_updates module
I tried creating a user. But when I tried, it displayed the following error:
Failed to create the user: 05190030 Wrapped Exception (with status template): 05192817 Failed to execute script 'classpath*:alfresco/templates/webscripts/org/alfresco/repository/person/people.post.json.js': Non-unique path:found : /app:company_home/app:user_homes 0." I am new to Alfresco. Can anyone help me?
This pretty much sounds like you try to create a user which already exists (username property is unique).
As stated in my comment to your other question, it's a known issue when you move, delete or rename User Homes.
I am getting strange problem.
When I am listing some content type, intead of data I am getting 'n/a' string.
I listed views, and on one view I have 'Warning - Broken view!' message.
I can't edit / delete this view because it always redirect to front page.
I checked my logs and all I see is repeating:
# warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/testetelgsm/www/includes/common.inc on line 3364.
# warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/www/testetelgsm/www/modules/cck/content.module on line 1284.
# warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/www/testetelgsm/www/includes/common.inc on line 3361.
How can I delete / edit this view?
Could somebody help?
You need to go to the views admin page at: admin/build/views. Here you can find a list of all your views and edit/delete them.
It sounds like you are trying to pull something that doesn't exist anymore like a deleted cck field. Anyways, if it doesn't work to edit it, try to recreate it.
You can make views into features with the features module. That will define the views in a custom module that is generated for you, and make the view defined in code. That will make it possible to restore it, if it gets edited.