Exit out of a Google Form without submitting - google-forms

I have a registration form for an event where the participants must meet a certain condition.
Section One has a question asking if the participant meets the condition. If they answer "yes", they are taken to the section where registration begins.
If they answer "no", they are taken to a section that explains the necessity and includes a link for more information.
I would like for the form to "end" at this point. There would be no answers submitted.
Is there a way to do this?


Pre fill info based on previously answered questions

I want to use Google Forms to collect Contact Info for students.
In the case of families with more than one student at the school, I would like to see if there is a way to use one form for all students in one family. In this case, I would use conditional logic to continue on to the contact info for each student.
I would like to know if there is a way to pre-fill the info for any subsequent students in the family (based on the answers for the first student entered), but still allow the answers to be edited.
Any ideas on how to achieve that?

Single term answer to Alexa Skill

I'm writing an Alexa Skill and looking to get pieces of information from the user.
The following conversation for example:
Alexa: What month were you born at?
User: April
Alexa: Good. And what was your favorite movie?
User: April
The problem
Given the following utterances:
GetMonthIntent {month}
GetMovieIntent {movie}
Once a user answers April for the second time, the GetMonthIntent might be triggered.
What I have tried
Asking the user to specify which piece of information is giving by using the following utterances:
GetMonthIntent Month {month}
GetMovieIntent Movie {movie}
The question
What is the right way to make Alexa wait for a single term answer based on the current context?
In the same vein as the other answers here, you should take a look at the newest Node.JS library here, which handles state out of the box:
You could define:
And then return the proper error response if anything other than the GetMovieIntent or GetMonthIntent (etc.) intents are called in the wrong state.
You would have to do data validation on the server side to make sure the "month" is a valid one, and movies are even harder to validate unless you have a list of expected values. That is, if you care to parse them for use beyond repeating back.
Unfortunately, there is no solution. There is no way to specify the 'context' in which a user reply should be interpreted, so you have to tell the user "what was your favorite movie? Please say 'my favorite movie is' and then the name of the movie".
Here are two ASK feature requests that I think would address your issue:
Personally I think this is fairly important so I voted for those, but they are not near the top.
I ran into this same problem when I created the "Who's on First? Baseball Skit" skill. I handled this by:
Create a sequence number for each response given by Alexa
Write this number to the "session" in the response.
The session is then passed back to your skill by Alexa in the next request.
Read the sequence number from the request to know what the previous question was.
If a given intent could be the answer to multiple questions (eg. month and movie in your case) then use the sequence number to determine which it is.
This should give you ideas on how to deal with repeated answers. The session is quite easy to use. Other options include writing the userId and status to a database like DynamoDB, but I find that the session works in most cases.

Filtering event by custom audience doesn't work

I am having a problem with filtering event by custom audience.
Here is what I did:
I have created a custom event with name, "test_audience_event" .
When choosing date = "5.7.2016 - 5.7.2016", I can see this custom events as you can see in the below picture:
I've created audience with name "has_test_audience_event", users who have at least one "test_audience_event" event.
as you can see in the below picture:
but now in events console when I set "has_test_audience_event" audience I got zero events. as you can see in the below picture:
Why I got zero events? At least I should got the events of "test_audience_event"
Audience membership evaluation is prospective, not retrospective. The Help Center documentation phrases it this way
Once created, an audience accumulates users who meet the specified
criteria from that point onward.
Once more test_audience_events are logged, you should see the Audience user count grow.

Google Anlytics wrong visits

When I select a short period (1 week) I get a correct visits number, however when I select a big period like (1 month and +) I get less than 50% of results, this problem is started from 17 january.
Even though you are not mentioning it in your question, I assume the "issue" is related to data-sampling that occurs if your report include data from more than 500,000 visits.
See this page on Google Analytics Help that explains everything.
Also, check out this related question that might help you to get un-sampled data.
Yes, that's right it's data-sampling but in addition this problem is du to an other parameter that's hostname condition was based on visit filter I set it to user filter and that's work fine now. Thank you all for your responses.

ASP.NET Variable issues

I have some terribly written ASP.NET code that is just not working right (go figure).
I'm charged with maintaining and bug fixing this code, but I can barely make head or high water of it
Unfortunately I don't have the time to rewrite it.
If someone could help this would be great:
(the code): given to you here (some minimal obfuscation necessary):
What it's supposed to do:
Receives an order from a shopping cart application, and creates a table of textboxes based on the quantity of said object ordered.
Once the whole thing is validated (submit_Click()), then it reveals a div with further instructions and grays out the input fields so you can still see what was entered, but can't affect anymore. Emails are sent to each inputted email address.
What it actually does:
Receives the order, and correctly displays the inputs. On Submit, all of the "required field validators fire - if they are Vaild, then the comparison validators fire. SOMEWHERE AROUND HERE, it all goes south."
All of the input areas in the table except the first user disappear. if the comparisons success, then it postsback, and the first user is there (greyed out) and the other users are gone. if the comparisons fail, then it doesn't successfully postback, and stays on the input form, but all of the input fields except the first user still disappear
I know this is a little too specific to be a really well formed Stack Overflow question, but I've tried to break it down to things I think were wrong and I asked other questions that were more specific to try to fix it. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked. The code got better, but the whole thing is still broken. At this point I'm desperate.
If anyone could help, it would be a huge lifesaver. Thanks in advance for all of you who pour through this terrible code (and terrible question) for even a minute...
I guess the problem could be due to this line.
Session["quantity"] =(null != Request["quantity1"]) ? Request["quantity1"].ToString() : "1";
Do you have a field (hidden/input) named quantity1 on the form?
Is it being passed to querystring or as part of form item collection?
It will be 1 (when the form posts back to itself) & hence the loop will only run once.
