Netsuite - Permissions for Approve/Reject Inventory County - count

Supply Chain is wanting to restrict who can Approve/Reject the Inventory Count.
I have adjusted the Count Inventory Permission. but even on 'View' the Approve/Reject buttons are still appearing.
Is there a separate permission for this?
Or a way to hide the buttons through a workflow?
Or would I need to do it through Script? (netsuite-freak blog)
Screenshot of Netsuite
Have tried changing the Count Inventory Permission.
Have tried setting up a workflow but not finding the count inventory as an object.
Looked at doing a script but hoping to find a simpler solution.

Figured out this was a transaction form.
Two possible solutions found:
Make a custom form without the Approve/Reject Buttons.
Use workflow to hide the buttons based on role. I went this route, but would probably go with the first one if doing this again.


Place order button to automatically download

I'm new here and was directed to try this forum for my quandary with WooCommerce.
I’ve created downloadable products that are free. – I’m using Storefront WooCommerce Theme for WordPress.
– Before the download is available I would like the users information ie: email, name. I’m using the checkout page (place order) for this and bypassing the cart. So instead of collecting payment I’m collecting contact info. I have customized that page and buttons to only gather the information required for download.
– Once they enter the information they are able to download the file, but only from a different page (another click). I’d like download to automatically download on the place order button click.(I've changed the text to read: download specifications)
In summary:
– I would like to have the file download automatically without the place order summary page more of a thank you for your interest page.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you again for any help you can give me.
I'm not sure why the negative votes, I thought this was a place to share and find answers.
I did a work-around which works for now. I may revisit this later. There are still 3 clicks but the flow is a lot nicer.
• I copied the woo thank you php check out template to my child theme and made some custom changes to eliminate the extra order information
• changed button title for smoother flow while still gather the user information in my order information.
• I can trim the template even more but that will take a while because the download function is attached to the order table which is actually the information I want to record.
• Then, I thought about attaching a form to the button at the single product page to capture the user info but that opens another can of worms in record keeping since it won’t populate the order table.
What I wanted to do requires lots of heavy lifting which will take some time for me to figure. If I come up with the answer to my original question I will share with the forum.

Restrict custom post type by user Wordpress

Can any help me?
I make the marketplace with a user role for example i call "seller" can sell his own music from dashboard. Then i have some problems and hope you can help me…
How do i make limit/restrict data access to the select dropdown "Connect Album Playlist" in the Product menu? where the user seller can only see his own data and unable to access / view others people music album data on the dropdown select?
In the Release Album, same as the problem above. i want to make "Select Artist" dropdown, only display the name of artist created by that user?
Then, i try to make custom code for limit user view data on select dropdown "Connect Album Playlist" on this picture:
but not work. can any help me with this code?
Many Thanks,
Kind regards,
I'd recommend looking at this plugin:
You can also follow the documentation found here: if you want to write custom code. But with the number of edits you want to make, I think the plugin will be an easier and smoother solution.

User Blog difficulty Wordpress

I have have a client that wants to create a Wordpress site with the following features.
Private Messaging
User profile
Friend Groups
The ability for a user to create one or many "journals" which are essentially a blog, which only their friends can see.
The last item is the one that I am puzzling over. It seems that it might be best to create a multisite where users can create their own blogs. But I'm not sure how I would manage who can see the blogs, or how I would display the blogs on the user's profile page.
Does anyone know any projects similar to this or have any ideas about where to start with a project like this?
Update for anyone who sees this.
Buddypress solves first three problems more or less out of the box.
I decided to customize the groups feature a bit to fit the bill for a user created journal. The user can create a group (groups are renamed 'journals' by means of the translation file for BP) and he is the only one allowed to post to it. I have updated some of the group meta fields so the user can add a bit more information about his journal, as well.

How to force addition of Product B in order to add product A in Drupal 7?

I am looking for an easy way to associate two products with each other on checkout while at the same time forcing the user to create the association if it doesn't exist yet. Basically, a user can by hosting, but in order to complete the checkout, they also need a domain name. I have classes for each, but I am trying to think of ways to solve two problems:
On checkout, display that two products are associated
Force the user to create the association
Any ideas on what I can use to do that?
What I did was:
Created two separate products
If you add the one, it does a check to see if this item has been linked to another product
If not, it takes you to a custom page forcing you to add and assign the other product
This works, but it's not very elegant. Any better suggestions would be much appreciated.
Use Rules to display messages to the user. Use the event on "add to cart", check the type of product, then check to see if the associated product is added to the cart, if not show message saying you also need to add a hosting package and auto redirect them there. Then upon checkout, check to see if one of those products exist, does the other exist in the cart? Throw same message and auto redirect them to the missing one.
You may need to use components with your rules to get the full effect. But that is what I would do.

Client management page on Drupal 7

I would like to know what is the best way to create a custom page for my client where he can update is content by himself, the simpliest way possible for him, without even entering drupal management.
I would like to create a page with different dropdown list where he can't update a table on a page, only by selecting an item in those and add other dropdown list as well.
For example: he logs in a custom page
Theres a list with different kind of fruits, he choose banana and it automaticaly update a page table and update it with banana.
After that he could also create a new drop down list of vegetables for example, and add different kind in it so he can use it to update the site later. All that done with ajax as well.
I'm very new to drupal and have a couple of php notions, but i don't know where to start, would it be in CCK, Views or Form Api or the three at the same time?
Or is there a module out there doing that kind of thing?
English is not my primary language, so sorry if it isn't very clear.
Thank you very much.
I think what you are looking for is CCK module. You can create a CCK content type and have a field within it called fruits. From the admin interface you can decide what are the values that should be in the dropdown.
You can give the client permission to create a node of the content type. If you think he should be able to edit only the drop down values, make sure you give him the permission to only that field.
You can create a listing page using or you can also consider using
You should take a look at views bulk operations, and try using the "modify node fields" feature which will allow you to perform bulk operations on node fields displayed in a view and then look into roles & permissions which will help you restrict viewing the "View" by role.
