Raise LinkedIn Permissions from lite to basic - linkedin

I set up a new app for "Signin with LinkedIn" but only got the following scopes
I tried to modify the scope to get r_basicprofile but could not find any way to do so. Even when I recreate one, it just does not allow me to choose the scopes.
When I try to force the scopes from the client, I get "unauthorized_scope_error".
How should I do?

It seems you're looking to leverage the marketing APIs. See the documentation on getting access to these.


Linkedin - OAuth2 scopes - Missing basic/fullprofile

The Feature is:
Instead of Entering his Data himself (Firstname,Lastname,Image,Company,Position,Email and co)
We want to use the Oauth2 Feature from Linkedin.
I implemented everything, with the scopes granted by the App.
But we only get following Scopes
r_emailaddress, r_liteprofile
But i read through the Documentation and in order to recive the "vanityName" or company other fields i need the r_fullprofile scope. But first of all I dont see them in the available Scopes in my application and I also tried to use them anyways but it did not work. Obviously :)
Maybe someone knows why its not possible.

Where are Firebase CustomClaims stored

I've searched around and have come up blank. I can't figure out where OAuth2 claims are actually stored in Firebase. I refer here to the claims that I can set via SetCustomUserClaimsAsync and get (through the returned user) via GetUserAsync. I guess I was imagining being able to manage that data via some browser page, as well as via code, but perhaps by design this is not possible?
Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Custom claims currently don't have a UI in the Firebase console. Feel free to file a feature request for that. Right now, you will have to write code to find the contents using the APIs you already mentioned.

Firebase pure Go language based authentication | Golang

I'm trying to find a way of authenticating a user with email /password purely through Go. I'm using Go templates and would like to use HTML purely as a dumb terminal to fetch input from. I seem to need to go through the firebase-app.js apis, sign-in, then pass the returned UID to go. Am I missing something? I am looking for something similar to the js :
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(_emailText, _passText)
I've had no luck finding anything in the godocs.
I figured it would be straight forward since I'm hosting on GAE and fetching a firebase service account is trivial. But it seems I need to capture the userInfo through js and possibly pass it back to go possibly through a GET method.
thanks in advance!

Basic configuration for Wechat Js sdk

I have a subscription Official Account and I'm trying to use the basic js sdk test.
I'm using the sample code at the bottom of this page.
It's supposed to work with very little manipulation, but I'm not sure what to do : for example I found in the code "YOUR-APPID-HERE", where I need to put my appID, but it's not specified anywhere. I could be missing other things like this, very basic setup I just don't know of. For example I don't know what to do with the .json files : access_token.json and jsapi_ticket.json.
Should I leave them blank of fill them with my info ? If so I know my OA token but I don't know how to find the ticket.
I'm getting {"errMsg":"config:invalid signature"} but I don't know how to apply most of those fixes.
What I've done so far:
Declared my domain in the official account settings
Uploaded the files on my server
In all.php, I've replaced the arguments in $jssdk = new JSSDK("YOUR-APP-ID", "YOUR-APP-SECRET"); with my appID and appSecret
I'm sorry my questions are a little fuzzy, I find it hard to go straight to the point and to give clear context at the same time.
TL;DR is I'd need someone who's made the demo work to tell me what the basics are, I'm sure a lot of people would benefit from it.
Thank you very much !
first let's try to clarify things out.
the access_token is provided by the wechatApi. It's the proof that you are logged in, with your official account. You can generate the access_token only with your appId and appSecret. Be aware that an access_token is valide only for 7200 secondes, so you need to have a function who renew this token before it expires.
access token doc
The jsapi_ticket gives you the access to Wechat JS API's endpoint.
You just need the access_token to generate it. It also need to be renewed quite often.
js ticket doc
The *.json provided in your exemple are used as a storage for access_token and js_ticket.
You can store the token and the expiring time so you can always renew them before it expires.
Note that the link you posted is not an official documentation. Very useful for an overview but you need to double check with this documentation
Also, wechat have now an official english doc
You can find more details for Oauth in here

Fetching facebook user events using graph

I am trying to write an application that uses facebook user's events as a possible data source and unfortunately I can log in and get an access token which I can use to get my picture and UID but when I try to access my events I get an empty array.
Does anyone know how I can go about doing this?
I am using Facebook's new Graph API but I must be doing something wrong, I tried using "perm" to get extra user permissions to access their "user_events" but that did not work at all. I am stumped any help would be greatly appreciated.
best regards!!
When you do the authentication bit, you'll also need to request access to the user_events extended permission.
This question has a little more info from someone in a similar position as you.
Further instructions for prompting for extended permissions can be found in the Extended Permissions documentation.
