Basic configuration for Wechat Js sdk - wechat

I have a subscription Official Account and I'm trying to use the basic js sdk test.
I'm using the sample code at the bottom of this page.
It's supposed to work with very little manipulation, but I'm not sure what to do : for example I found in the code "YOUR-APPID-HERE", where I need to put my appID, but it's not specified anywhere. I could be missing other things like this, very basic setup I just don't know of. For example I don't know what to do with the .json files : access_token.json and jsapi_ticket.json.
Should I leave them blank of fill them with my info ? If so I know my OA token but I don't know how to find the ticket.
I'm getting {"errMsg":"config:invalid signature"} but I don't know how to apply most of those fixes.
What I've done so far:
Declared my domain in the official account settings
Uploaded the files on my server
In all.php, I've replaced the arguments in $jssdk = new JSSDK("YOUR-APP-ID", "YOUR-APP-SECRET"); with my appID and appSecret
I'm sorry my questions are a little fuzzy, I find it hard to go straight to the point and to give clear context at the same time.
TL;DR is I'd need someone who's made the demo work to tell me what the basics are, I'm sure a lot of people would benefit from it.
Thank you very much !

first let's try to clarify things out.
the access_token is provided by the wechatApi. It's the proof that you are logged in, with your official account. You can generate the access_token only with your appId and appSecret. Be aware that an access_token is valide only for 7200 secondes, so you need to have a function who renew this token before it expires.
access token doc
The jsapi_ticket gives you the access to Wechat JS API's endpoint.
You just need the access_token to generate it. It also need to be renewed quite often.
js ticket doc
The *.json provided in your exemple are used as a storage for access_token and js_ticket.
You can store the token and the expiring time so you can always renew them before it expires.
Note that the link you posted is not an official documentation. Very useful for an overview but you need to double check with this documentation
Also, wechat have now an official english doc
You can find more details for Oauth in here


Raise LinkedIn Permissions from lite to basic

I set up a new app for "Signin with LinkedIn" but only got the following scopes
I tried to modify the scope to get r_basicprofile but could not find any way to do so. Even when I recreate one, it just does not allow me to choose the scopes.
When I try to force the scopes from the client, I get "unauthorized_scope_error".
How should I do?
It seems you're looking to leverage the marketing APIs. See the documentation on getting access to these.

Sign-in with Google without Google Sign-In JavaScript Platform Library for web

I want to add "Sign-in with Google" as an alternative to creating an account when signing up for our services.
I want the process to retrieve the user's email address and name. That's it.
And this example was all I needed
Worked great. Very similar to Log in with Facebook, which I added last week.
But now I read that it won't be supported after March 2023.
Using the destined-for-the-dustbin JS code, I can get back useful info about the account I'm logging in with.
ID: 10855600*******690837;Frank;Hart;frank.hart*****
The parameter passed to the callback function has a getBasicProfile() method which does the job
var profile = googleUser.getBasicProfile();
But using the new code, I found (by trial and error) that the parameter passed to the callback function is an object, which has three fields, the only potentially useful one called credential, with content such as:
Now, my guess is that I have to send that string to my server, and do something with it, possibly involving the "Client secret" that is associated with the App on But I've been looking most of the day, and I'm not sure if what I've found is necessary - I hope it isn't
Do I now need to become an OAuth2 programmer just to add a Sign-in with Google button?
The good news is that you do not need to learn OAuth2, you do not need to follow the backend-auth guide linked in your question. This migration actually removes the complexity OAuth2, access and refresh tokens from sign-in. Yes, there is the difficulty of learning and understanding the new and different way of securely sharing the user profile. Hopefully, after cresting over the learning curve you'll see how this makes working with a profile more simple.
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) are now used to securely share the Google Account profile.
That big pile of text--the credential, it is a base-64 encoded and a JWT. has an online JWT decoder that's handy for testing and a nice writeup of working with JWTs. After decode its just a JSON object, no get methods are necessary, just access the individual fields.
All this said, you need to decide whether decode should take place in the user's browser, or on your backend server. This depends upon how you're working with the profile and your setup. Typically, you'd decode on your server after a redirect using data-login_uri in HTML or login_uri in JS.
There are a large number of JWT decode libraries available, so it's very likely you'll be able to add a JWT library, decode it and you're all set to access the individual fields in the credential.

Where are Firebase CustomClaims stored

I've searched around and have come up blank. I can't figure out where OAuth2 claims are actually stored in Firebase. I refer here to the claims that I can set via SetCustomUserClaimsAsync and get (through the returned user) via GetUserAsync. I guess I was imagining being able to manage that data via some browser page, as well as via code, but perhaps by design this is not possible?
Thanks in advance for suggestions.
Custom claims currently don't have a UI in the Firebase console. Feel free to file a feature request for that. Right now, you will have to write code to find the contents using the APIs you already mentioned.

In my meteor app, how do I make authenticated google API calls on behalf of my user?

Background: This is my first standalone web development project, and my only experience in Meteor is building the Discover Meteor app over the last summer. I come from about a year of CS experience as a side interest in school, and I am most comfortable with C and C++. I have experience in python and java.
Project so far: I'm creating a calendar management system (for fun). Using accounts-google, I have created user accounts that are authenticated through google. I have requested the necessary permissions that I need for my app, including 'identity' and 'calendar read/write access'. I've spent the last week or so trying to get over this next hurdle, which is actually getting data from google.
Goal: I'd like to be able to make an API call to Calendar.list using a GET request. I've already called meteor add http to add the GET request functionality, my issue comes with the actual implementation.
Problem: I have registered my app on the developer console and set up Accounts using the client ID and secret, but I have not been able to find/generate my 'API key' for use in the request. Here is the google guide for creating the access token by using my (already) downloaded private key. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around an implementation on the server side using JS because I don't have a lot of experience with what is mentioned in the HTTP/REST portion of the implementation examples. I would appreciate some help on how to implement a handshake and receive an access token for use in my app. If there is a call I can make or some package that will handle the token generation for me, that would be even better than implementation help. I believe an answer to this would also benefit this other question
The SO answer that I've been referring to so far: Some of it is in spanish but it's pretty understandable code. He has an API key for his request, which I asked this question to help me with. The accounts-google documentation isn't really enough to explain this all to me.
Also an unrelated small question: What is the easiest way to deal with 'time' parameters in requests. I'm assuming JS has some sort of built-in functionality that I'm just not aware of yet.
Thanks for your research. I have also asked a very similar question, and right now I am looking into the package you recommend. I have considered this meteor-google-api package, but it looks abandoned.
Regarding your question about time manipulation, I recommend MomentJS. There are many packages out there; I am using meteor add mrt:moment
EDIT: MomentJS now has an official package for Meteor, so use meteor add momentjs:moment instead of the mrt command above
Below is a snippet of what moment can do. More documentation here.
var startTimeUTC = moment.utc(event.startTime, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss").format();
//Changes above formatting to "2014-09-08T08:02:17-05:00" (ISO 8601)
//which is acceptable time format for Google API
So I started trying to implement all of this myself on the server side, but was wary of a lot of the hard-coding I was doing and assumptions I was making to fill gaps. My security prof. used to say "never implement encryption yourself", so I decided to take another gander for a helpful package. Revising search criteria to "JWT", I found jagi's meteor-google-oauth-jwt on Atmosphere. The readme is comprehensive and provides everything I need. Following the process used in The Google OAuth Guide, an authorization request can be made and a key generated for making an API call.
Link to Atmosphere:
Link to Repo:
I will update this answer with any additional roadblocks I hit in the Google API process and how I solved them:
Recently, I've been running into problems with the API request result. I get an empty calendarlist back from the API call. I suspect this is becuase I make an API call to my developer account rather than to the subject user. I will investigate the problem and either create a new question or update this solution with the fix I find.
Fix: Wasn't including the 'sub' qualifier to the JWT token. Fixed by modifying JWT package token generation code to include delegationEmail: after scope. I don't know why he used such a long designation for the option instead of sub: as it is in the google API, but I appreciate his package nontheless.
I'm quickly becoming proficient in this, so if people have meteor-related google auth questions, let me know.
The correct approach is to use standard web access + requesting offline access. The documentation on the api page specifically states this:
Typically, an application uses a service account when the application uses Google APIs to work with its own data rather than a user's data.
The only exception to this is when you are using google apps domain accounts and want to delegate access to your service account for the entire domain:
Authorizing a service account to access data on behalf of users in a domain is sometimes referred to as "delegating domain-wide authority"
This makes logical sense as a user must be allowed to "authorise" your application.
Back to the posters original question the flow is simple:
1) Meteor accounts google package already does most of the work for you to get tokens. You can include the scope for offline access required.
2) if you are building your own flow, you will go through the stock standard process and calls as explained on auth
This will require you to:
1) HTTP call to make the original request or you can piggyback off some of the internal meteor calls : Package.oauth.OAuth.showPopup() -- go look at the source there are more nifty functions around there.
2) Then you need to create an Iron router server side route to accept the oauth response which will contain a code parameter that you will use to exchange for tokens.
3) Next use this code to make a final call to exchange the "code" for the token + refresh_token
4) Store these where ever you want - my requirement was to store them not at the user level but multiple per user
5) Use a package like GoogleAPI this wraps up Google API calls and refreshes when required - it only works when tokens are stored in user accounts so you will need to rip it apart a bit if your tokens are stored somewhere else (like in my case)

Fetching facebook user events using graph

I am trying to write an application that uses facebook user's events as a possible data source and unfortunately I can log in and get an access token which I can use to get my picture and UID but when I try to access my events I get an empty array.
Does anyone know how I can go about doing this?
I am using Facebook's new Graph API but I must be doing something wrong, I tried using "perm" to get extra user permissions to access their "user_events" but that did not work at all. I am stumped any help would be greatly appreciated.
best regards!!
When you do the authentication bit, you'll also need to request access to the user_events extended permission.
This question has a little more info from someone in a similar position as you.
Further instructions for prompting for extended permissions can be found in the Extended Permissions documentation.
