Multiple products load to single product woocommerce page - wordpress

I'm facing an issue where multiple products are loaded to a single product woocommerce page.
I don't know when, what or how this started. Anyone have any idea how to tackle this issue?
Single product page template is still the standard woocommerce template.
I've already tried deactivating my plugins, without any luck.
Have checked if there is any kind of relation between the displayed products, but can't seem any relation why the other products are loaded.
Any help would be kindly appreciated.


ExVat IncVat on single Product Page of Woocommerce

I am trying to integrate the exVat incVat auto Suffix from the Cart Page to the single product page..
Currently if you go to checkout the prices will show exVat incVAT depending on how taxes are set up within woocoomerce when change the country they change automatically to display correctly. However on the single product page it either shows nothing or you can force it to say one in the settings. Would be much nicer if it could display either suffix.
Screenshots of example from shop page:
Is there a solution to make the single product page do this?
(I have spent 5+hrs trying options from custom code and editing the templates but with little success so would appreciate some help :D)
I have tried a mash of other codes and my own experience into fucntions.php with fatal errors or not really touching what I am looking for.
I have also tried unsuccessfully editing WooCommerce template files.
Any help much appreciated.

Product filters by variation show wrong products

I’m having issues trying to understand how to fix a bug I have on my website.
Here's the link to the already filtered product grid:
I have set that the second product you see in the page (Galaxy Kush) doesn’t even have a 1KG variation in it (on the staging website we have it, but it’s disabled) yet when you apply the 1KG filter you see that product, but you should not!
The filters we’re using (the ones you see above the product grid) are standard WooCommerce widget put in a “sidebar” that has been placed there.
We have a lot of plugins installed on this website, mostly from YITH, but no plugin about filters, sorting or that kind of stuff.
Is there a way to fix this? Has anyone else had this issue before?
Additional info:
WooCommerce: 4.7.0
WordPress: 5.5.3
I tried switching to storefront theme and disabling all of the plugins except for woocommerce and the issue is still there.
It doesn't show the product if it doesn't have the variation, but it will show the product if the variation is disabled.
In the single product view of Galaxy Kush there are 1kg variations available as other products. The disabled are not working properly. Check variations of the product properly. They are still active.

Product Archive in WooCommerce 3.2.6 (Wordpress 4.8.5) shows 1 product description

I was having problems with the Woocommerce products archive page (instead of displaying products, it displayed one product's description. I solved that when, just after posting here, I simply created a new shop page.
I would, however, really prefer to use the correct page from the Woocommerce tools, so the Dashboard link to Visit Store works.
I thought shortcodes would be the answer...they are for a new page named Shop, but not for the Woocommerce page. Does anyone here know what would cause this error, and how to fix it?
[Original question edited//replaced by this new one]

Woo commerce - variable product prices missing from WP

hoping for some help.
We use the following - Wordpress/ woo commerce /wcvendors pro. Prices for variable products are disappearing from wp engine view despite being in the product variation information. It doesn't impact every product on our site but a fair few. How it occurs is, the price is disappearing when you go in and edit the product. If we quick edit the product the price reappears. But it will dissapears again if we use the edit button. Initially the problem started because under the "Products" and "Inventory" We had checked the following setting: "Hide out of stock items from the catalog". Now this button is not ticked but it is still causing us issues.
It seems you have an error on the product page which cause the price not to be saved.
There can be some reasons, here are two I see occasioanlly:
PHP error is caused during the save, and therefore the data is lost. WordPress and WooCommerce works flawlessly together, so the first suspects are other plugins and your theme. Try first to turn off all your plugins and switch to another theme to see if this happens again. If not try to activate your theme, and recheck, and then the plugins one after the other, and check after each activation, until you find the one makes the problem.
Too many data is being saved at one time. It can be too many variations or too many custom fields. This can be fixed by changing some PHP settings. Please have a look here especially under the WPEngine note, and also check this plugin.

Why woocommerce shows only five products in category page?

I'm new to wordpress. I've instaled woocommerce plugin in wordpress 3.9.1. And installed the add-on to import the products. I imported a csv file with 15 products. All those products are belongs to one category. But when I see the frontend that category page, it shows only 5 products. Rest of the products are missing. How can I fix this? Any help will be appreciated.
WooCommerce has an easy (I think) solution to this problem if you're still looking for one. Just set-up a page for each of your products and use this shortcode:
[product_category category="appliances"]
Replace appliances with whatever your category name is. It shows all your products of that category and gets you out of the WooCommerce loop so you can add more styling and content to your page.
Try checking Settings > Reading and see what it shows under "Blog pages show at most:" thats setting dictates how posts get shown on a page before pagination. That setting also affects how many products WooCommerce displays.
