Whmcs run woocommerce and scripts - wordpress

I have a question about WHMCS, when I open a new package can I have it pre-installed (swordpress - soopsomerchete) or what else...? I tried a lot but I didn't succeed is there a way to open a new package should the above be ready?
I tried to do it through WP-Toolkit, but it didn't work


RStudio cloud installed packages are not saved

Whenever I start a new project I have to install tidyverse and lubridate packages all over again. I thought I just have to update packages but not install them every time I start a new project. What am I missing? Maybe I have to save installed packages somehow or? and when I run .libpath() and go to the packages directory it is always empty.
So in RStudio Cloud you have to create a new workspace because there is no option to create a base project in the default workspace.
Create new workspace
New Project. download packages you need
Go back to your new workspace --> settings --> set as the base project.
After these steps, all projects you create will include packages that you downloaded previously in your base project.

Rstudio and R in command window in anaconda have different enviroments

I have a confusion when using R inAanaconda. I created an environment called "rstudio_env" and installed Rstudio in this environment. So far so good.
When I use Rstudio, I just open it without activating the "rstudio_env" and I also installed a lot of packages here. After updating the R through Rstudio, my new home path in Rstudio changes to some local default path. For example, the original .libPaths() = "C:/Users/someuser/.conda/envs/rstudio/lib/R/library" and new .libPaths()= "C:/someuser/Document/R/R-4.0.2/library".
Now when I use Rstudio, I have the new path. When I use R in the "rstudio_env" in conda, I still have the old path. This really confuses me, because I want to have the same libraries for both approaches. Why the updating changes the path of RStudio rather than only updating the contents?
I am too lazy to activate the "rstudio_env" when using Rstudio. That might be the reason for the conflict. But for now, how can I make the libraries consistent? I know I can change .libPaths manually, but are there other ways, some clearer ways?
I just reinstalled everything and made everything clean

How to automatically start and close R Console for StatEt plugin?

I want to use the Eclipse plugin StatEt to develop R code. In order to do so, I always have to start my R Console run configuration. Otherwise I get the error
No session of R is active in the current workbench window.
When I am finished and try to close Eclipse, I get a warning popup:
Extra starting and closing the console is annoying. I use this instance of Eclipse only for StatEt
=> How can I auto-execute the run configuration on Eclipse startup and
=> How can I avoid the warning window when closing Eclipse? (How to chose "Exit Workbench now and remember my decision"? or so)
What already helped a little was to use the Options/Arguments --silent --no-save in the R Console run configuration. Otherwise there would be another annoying warning when closing the console.
Here it is stated that there is an "Auto Run" plugin, which is listed under the "Utilities" category on the StatET update site:
However, using http://download.walware.de/eclipse-4.6 I could not find such a plugin. Therefore I guess that that plugin was available for an older version of StatET?
Related questions:
How to use "R Graph Builder" and "R Graphics" view with StatEt Eclipse Plugin?
How to index R library for Help view of StatEt Eclipse plugin?

Disabling package install feature from R GUI and RStudio

We have our R and RStudio Desktop running on individual users Windows 7 desktops and all the users are getting the required packages from our local R package repository. No, i am trying to see if there is a way to block users from access to external CRAN repository mirrors.
Editing "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\etc\repositories" files and making CRAN point to our local repository URL is helpful but this will only work as long as users are not trying to exercise R GUI Packages-> install packages or set CRAN mirrors options.(CRAN variable is getting over ridden as and when R GUI options are exercised. )
This is the reason i am truing to see if there is a way to disable R GUI and/ or R Studio Package install GUI options?
I didnt find any help how to do it on R GUI without modifying the source code, but RStudio seem to have an environment variable which is supposed to disable this option but is not working for me.
As per this link setting "RSTUDIO_DISABLE_PACKAGES" environment variable should do the trick but setting this variable to 1 on below locations doesnt do anything.
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\etc\Renviron.site
C:\Program Files\R\R-3.3.2\etc\x64.Renviron.x64
Also, I found below text on RStudio admin guide but don't know what are the equivalent files and folders for windows environment and whether or not this is applicable to RStudio desktop

Error in readRDS(file) : unknown input format

I am trying to install custom packages in my Rprofile.site file. I want to install packages in the site file because I have to install these packages on several users' computers. However, I am getting the following the error whenever I launch R.
Error in readRDS(file) : unknown input format
I have the following code added to the end of my Rprofile.site file.
if(length(grep("customPackage", installed.packages()))==0) {
install.packages("customPackage", repos=NULL, type="source")
The error keeps repeating itself as well until I stop the R session. If I remove that code from the site file and just install the package directly in an R session though it works fine.
The only reason I want to do it in the site file is because I will keep adding more custom packages that need to be installed on each user's machine and I would rather just call it from the site file than have each user install each custom package once.
I tried searching for the error and got a variety of answers which spoke about deleting the .Rhistory file (which I tried, but didn't work), or installing the latest version of R (I am on R-2.15.0 which is the latest version so that won't help either). I was wondering if there was any other solution to fixing this problem.
I had the same error. Simply closing RStudio, then reopening it and trying again is what worked for me. Note that restarting the R session via the RStudio menu or via rs.restartR() didn't work - only closing and reopening RStudio worked. Not sure why.
