I want help to center the icon of the dropdown field in the forms, I have tried several plugins but it always appears in the upper corner
I have some plugin and through css and could not change its position or identify that element
enter image description here
I'm trying to move the text to the bottom of this image ( it only shows the text when your hover)
Currently, it looks like this
On my website
The portfolio widget on WTXNews.co.uk
And ideally, I want it to look like - so the text you see can be at the bottom of that picture and always show
At the moment I am using two blog posts and moving the text upwards to do this, like this image
enter image description here
Thank you in advance
are the two options
You can do both with section and column editing
If image widget -> text widget -> post info widget
In the second option, simply make a bottom margin of -130 in the widget of the image
enter image description here
enter image description here
I've browsed all of the other questions on this topic and tried all of the sample code that was provided, but I still can't seem to get a fix after a few hours, so here I am.
I am trying to change the color of the selected menu page for my site's navigation. I am using the Astra theme, and Elementor Page builder. I went into WP customizer and made my selections for link color and link hover color, but it seems those changes only take effect when I am on the "Shop" page of my menu. The only difference I can see with the "Shop" menu text is it is a custom link, rather than the starter theme default link? Pictures attached to show what I am talking about.
Red orange color when "Home" is selected
When "Shop" is selected it takes my selected link color from my global color settings. This is the only one that appears to be doing what I asked of it in the UI
The rest of the menu text does the same thing "Home" does - it draws the red orange color from an unknown source, and I don't know what the color code is or where to find it.
I'm trying to either change the selected menu text color away from that red orange color to another custom color -- or keep all of the text as the grey color and make the menu text underlined when hovered over or selected. Issue is I can't seem to make a change consistent when navigating across the menu items. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Write a custom CSS property, use this CSS class for your menu.
Appearance - Customise - Custom CSS (Write your custom CSS here)
Appearance - Menus - Header/Main Menu
At the top of the page, you should the "Screen Option" menu... Click on it and enable(check) the CSS class box.
Now, click on your menu items and specify the CSS class to each menu items.
I'm using the custom select menu (https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/forms/#select-menu).
Now I want to change the arrows on the right.
I saw, that the class uses an background image to display the arrow.
But it's an strange url/svg...
Is there any way to change that image with an icon from a font?
Or at least with an other svg?
Is there a list of button icons that can be used in App Maker? E.g. when you set the HTML text field of a button to 'Edit' and choose 'Icon' as button style, App Maker conveniently provides me an icon with a pencil on it.
Right now I'm looking for a dropdown arrow icon, but a list of icons would be so useful to make my UIs more clean.
App Maker uses material font:
So it took me some time re-reading the comments and trying to understand how to do it. This is for future readers:
Go to https://material.io/icons/ and in the search bar on left, type the icon you are looking for. e.g. I am looking for left arrow.
Scroll the page down, and hover over the icon you are looking for and check the exact name of the icon. Copy it.
On your page/page fragment/popup, click on Widgets icon on top left.
Type button, and drag Button on your page (or fragment or popup).
On top left, right beside the Widgets icon, click the drop down and select "Icon".
Ensure your icon is selected on your page. In the property editor on the right,paste the exact name of the icon e.g. "keyboard_arrow_left".
The button will update with the icon of your choice.
Hope it helps.
I am using Divi Wordpress theme to build my website. I am creating a slider and trying to customize the CTA button. But it will not move from its default center position. Could you help me with the CSS code to move its position?
Here is what I am trying to do:
Screenshot Link
Try this:
Click on the three line in upper left of the module
Click on the three line in upper left of the slide
Click "Advance" tab and scroll down to find "slide button"
In slied button, type margin-left: 75% (play around with this number)
Check this out