Invalid Dynamic Link on accessing (no query params) - firebase

Here is my Firebase Dynamic Links page:
On running this command: npx uri-scheme open "" --android - notice there is no query params in the link, a web page is opened on Android as expected, but with the following content:
It is working find when I add /c8Ci or /bbb at the end, but it throws me the error above when the link is clear (without any query params)
To be short:
Android: - success (app launched) - success (app launched) - fail
iOS - success (app launched) - success (app launched) - success (app launched)
Can you please help me to figure out what's wrong with my Dynamic Linking.
Thank you mates in advance!

It is an expected behavior when you try to open the "" directly, as its purpose is solely for Dynamic Links domain only. Note that Firebase provides a default '' subdomain for your Dynamic Links for free, this is because you can't use the same domain for both Dynamic Links and regular hosting. The domain is not configured to behave as a regular Hosting domain.
This is why configuring a short link URL allows you to redirect your users to you app. And visiting the domain directly returns an invalid page.
As for iOS, I can only assume it was cached that’s why it worked.
I guess it is best reaching out directly to Firebase support regarding this as there could be any other underlying reasons that could cause this.


Set Electron origin to domain

I'm building an Electron application (electron builder) and when deploying if I look at the dev tools it just says app:// at the top and also when sending any http(s) requests the origin is app://.
I have a feeling this has been a cause with some cookies not setting and CORS issues and I have been having.
In the createWindow function in background.js theirs a section that runs if in production with default as:
Setting that to my domain and building give just a blank window with the dev console saying chrome-error://chromewebdata
chrome-error when setting what I assumed to be the origin
Comparing this with Discord the top bar in dev tools says the discord website and also all requests have the origin of
Discord dev tool header which makes me think this is app level rather than just http request level (axios/fetch)
Any ideas on how to change the origin
After doing some research into creating deep links, I've found that I basically needed my own protocol to do it (makes sense really).
So went to the documentation for Vue CLI Electron Builder and looked at the config section (
When electron:build is ran, it pulls in the options from vue.config.js. Adding in:
module.exports = {
pluginOptions: {
electronBuilder: {
customFileProtocol: 'myCustomProtocol://./'
And then also updating the win.loadURL('myCustomProtocol://./index.html') in background.js assigns the custom protocol to the app (all of this is in the documentation linked above)

Axios cannot get WP Json from WordPress Headless CMS

I have a JSON data which I want to get from my wordpress headless CMS site here.
const wpUrl = "";
However, I received a network error when getting data from this url.
On the other hand, I am successful in getting data from any of the two url below:
const wpUrl = "";
const wpUrl = "";
I suspect that the issue is with my WordPress or shared server hosting settings. But I can't seem to identify the problem & solution to this problem. Please refer to the sandbox link below to view the replicated problem.
My webhost service provider (Infinity Free) has responded that this cannot work due to its security system. More info here.
Now moving on to my next question;
Is there any way to work around this? If yes, how?
Which free web hosting service provider is recommended for me to be able to retrieve data from WP-Json?

Firebase (Firechat) "Route not found." error

I have been trying to use the firebase fire chat, it works using the default demo url ( However, as soon as I change it to my URL it does not work, even though I have enabled twitter login, and I have twitter authentication working on another firebase app. The error message I get is the following:
{"error":{"code":"ROUTE_NOT_FOUND","message":"Route not found."}}
Any idea?
The twitter callback url for your app should be:
I found the answer, in the Twitter app settings, the following option was ticked. So, I untucked it and it is now working
Enable Callback Locking (It is recommended to enable callback locking to ensure apps cannot overwrite the callback url)
you need to set Callback URL in example,

Integrate twitter in drupal 7 website

I am trying to get the twitter module (7.x-5.4) running on my local drupal 7.19 website. Already installed Oauth and registered a twitter app. I am using the keys of that twitter app.
Callback URL
twitter host
Twitter API
Twitter search
when I want to add at least my own twitter account so that the site can display my tweets. when I want to add this account, an error occurs:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in Twitter->request() (line 131 of root\modules\twitter\twitter.lib.php).
Could not obtain a valid token from the Twitter API. Please review the configuration.
any ideas? thanks in advance.
In my case, uncommenting the line
in php.ini resolved the error.
I'm not sure this will work for you, but this worked for me. I had the same exact error, even though I had followed the documentation. Here's the test: go to admin/reports/status. If you see the following warning: "HTTP request status Fails" this means your drupal/LAMP stack is unable to use DNS to callback to itself. In my case I used my machines's IP to access my Drupal instance. So, rather that use "localhost" use your machine's IP address (you can use ipconfig on MSWin or ifconfig on Mac/Linux) and use that for finishing the twitter account setup process.
Again, not
(substituting your machine's IP address)
I was getting the exact same error which i fixed by adding appropriate proxy server details.
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$data in Twitter->request() (line 131 of C:\wamp\www\test_twitter\sites\all\modules\twitter\twitter.lib.php
The problem was due to proxy-settings. I added values for $conf['proxy_server'] and $conf['proxy_port'] in settings.php and this error vanished.
I also verified that if i remove the proxy settings, this error is reproduced again.
Install oauth_common and twitter on your Drupal site
Check that both Oauth and the Twitter modules are enabled. I didn't use any of the other Twitter modules to do this
Go to the twitter module in Drupal
Go to the Configure (button) -> settings (Tab)
(note that the Callback URL is http://localhost/yourwebsite/twitter/oauth i.e. it doesn’t have to be
Click on the link that says register your application
Go to twitter and sign in to be a developer
Add a new application, making a distinct feed name
Enter your site details
For localhost use: for both the website and callback URLs
Press save when you've done
Next go to the Test OAuth button - this will give you your illusive consumer key and consumer secret key
Back to the Drupal website and and to the twitter module to configure (button) -> settings (Tab)
Copy and paste these consumer and consumer secret keys you just got
Press Save configuration
Hopefully no errors.
Go to the twitter tab in the module and hopefully your twitter avatar has appeared
Read the top of the page where it says "Tweets are pulled from Twitter by running cron. You can view the full list of tweets at the Tweets view."
Select the View Tweets checkbox and click view - Chances are your tweets won’t show up in the next window - yet
Go to your drupal Configuration screen and to [System] Cron and press the "Run cron"
Now go back to view tweets from the twitter module and they should all appear
[This was a pig to figure out]

Can I request scripts for use in a Spotify app?

I'm trying to use in my spotify app and the get request for [domain]/ keeps getting canceled. I've added the domain to the manifest and everything.
Try restarting Spotify. Your app's manifest.json file is loaded when you first view your app, and cached until you quit, even if you modify it.
Note: How external resource permissions work
In order to request external resources, your application needs to specify each domain it plans to connect to in its manifest.json file.
Add a line like this:
// ...
"RequiredPermissions": [ "http://*", "", "" ]
// ...
For the full details check out the Permissions section of the Spotify Apps API Guide.
I can add that when you use it will try to initialize Flash to check if flash is available so if you find a white box in Spotify (only in Windows), remove the swbobjects initialization in the on the node server.
