Set Electron origin to domain - http

I'm building an Electron application (electron builder) and when deploying if I look at the dev tools it just says app:// at the top and also when sending any http(s) requests the origin is app://.
I have a feeling this has been a cause with some cookies not setting and CORS issues and I have been having.
In the createWindow function in background.js theirs a section that runs if in production with default as:
Setting that to my domain and building give just a blank window with the dev console saying chrome-error://chromewebdata
chrome-error when setting what I assumed to be the origin
Comparing this with Discord the top bar in dev tools says the discord website and also all requests have the origin of
Discord dev tool header which makes me think this is app level rather than just http request level (axios/fetch)
Any ideas on how to change the origin

After doing some research into creating deep links, I've found that I basically needed my own protocol to do it (makes sense really).
So went to the documentation for Vue CLI Electron Builder and looked at the config section (
When electron:build is ran, it pulls in the options from vue.config.js. Adding in:
module.exports = {
pluginOptions: {
electronBuilder: {
customFileProtocol: 'myCustomProtocol://./'
And then also updating the win.loadURL('myCustomProtocol://./index.html') in background.js assigns the custom protocol to the app (all of this is in the documentation linked above)


Invalid Dynamic Link on accessing (no query params)

Here is my Firebase Dynamic Links page:
On running this command: npx uri-scheme open "" --android - notice there is no query params in the link, a web page is opened on Android as expected, but with the following content:
It is working find when I add /c8Ci or /bbb at the end, but it throws me the error above when the link is clear (without any query params)
To be short:
Android: - success (app launched) - success (app launched) - fail
iOS - success (app launched) - success (app launched) - success (app launched)
Can you please help me to figure out what's wrong with my Dynamic Linking.
Thank you mates in advance!
It is an expected behavior when you try to open the "" directly, as its purpose is solely for Dynamic Links domain only. Note that Firebase provides a default '' subdomain for your Dynamic Links for free, this is because you can't use the same domain for both Dynamic Links and regular hosting. The domain is not configured to behave as a regular Hosting domain.
This is why configuring a short link URL allows you to redirect your users to you app. And visiting the domain directly returns an invalid page.
As for iOS, I can only assume it was cached that’s why it worked.
I guess it is best reaching out directly to Firebase support regarding this as there could be any other underlying reasons that could cause this.

IdentityModel.OidcClient library doesn't seem to work with UWP

We are using ASP.NET Identity with IdentityServer4. We've added a Client to use with Azure AD. This works great within a web page, that part is working.
Our end goal is a UWP app, so we found the IdentityModel.OidcClient which has a UWP sample. This sample has two browser classes. We configured HTTPS, but the WabBrowser class now refuses to connect to the site at all. If I change the config to hit then it works, but all the other config is the same, so I'm not sure what the problem could be. It shows an error message in the pop up browser that it could not connect.
I looked at the SystemBrowser class, but this logs in fine, then the browser window does not close, and even if we close it, the code doesn't move on to get back a result. Looking at the source, this is not surprising, it calls:
Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri(options.StartUrl));
and that's all. The RedirectUri is not passed in, and mechanism appears to exist to use it. So, the behaviour we see appears to be the extent of what the class can do.
Looking at the console .NET Core sample, it has a SystemBrowser class that works. I updated the UWP sample to use the Fall Creators Update and was able to bring in the ASP.NET Core dlls needed to compile this code. It sets up a class like this:
public LoopbackHttpListener(int port, string path = null)
path = path ?? String.Empty;
if (path.StartsWith("/")) path = path.Substring(1);
_url = $"{port}/{path}";
_host = new WebHostBuilder()
and I can confirm this gets called only once, but even if I hard code an unused IP address, I get an error that the IP is in use.
So, at this stage, the sample that exists for UWP works for the demo server but not for ours (I suspect an HTTPS issue, but that's not the error I get), and importing code that works for a Core sample, does not work either. I've spent a couple of days on this and would appreciate a nudge in the right direction.
So, to recap, the WabBrowser seems the best bet but, for my localhost IdentityServer I get this:
and if I try to use a .NET Core library that works elsewhere, it thinks a port is in use. I suspect I need to work out why WabBrowser can't connect to my local site. I have turned off Fiddler. I can browse to my https URL and get a disco document, in the browser, at https://localhost:44305/.well-known/openid-configuration.
There are extra steps necessary to enable localhost in the Web Authentication Broker -
This website gave me the fix. Here is a synopsis:
Remove loopback isolation
For security and reliability reasons, UWP applications are not allowed to send requests to the loopback interface. While Visual Studio automatically creates exemptions for debugged apps, this feature won't be helpful in this case, as the authentication broker always executes in a separate process.
If you see this (cryptic) error message in your Windows event logs, then you're likely facing this issue:
AuthHost encountered a navigation error at URL: [...] with StatusCode: 0x800C0005.
One option to fix it is to use the loopack exemption utility developed by Eric Lawrence. It's natively included in Fiddler 4 but can also be downloaded as a standalone software. To allow the authentication broker to communicate with the loopback interface, exempt the applications starting with and save your changes:
If everything was properly configured, you should now see the login/consent page returned by your server.

TodoList sample Bing Maps service returns error with status blank

I am working thru the sample todolist application for the Cordova SDK.
the url is here
I set up a key on the BING Maps website. I can access the location service sending latitude and longitude thru a standard web browser, pasting in the URL with my key.
However the angular call always fails. What is worse is the error is always blank. no status code no error message. Was thinking it must be CORS.
I have run through the sample and downloaded the code sample and both have the same issue.
For anyone going thru the sample. I have realised today that Angular is evil. They say it is nicely testable javascript with dependancy injection, however it doesn't seem to be too interested in telling you what the error is when you have one, it just fails. Great and noble programming ideas, but without an error message it isn't much good.
Anyhow the fix is that Angular is very strict about json code so the line in services.js for the Bings Maps Service method getAddressFromPosition
it used to work with .get() but this was probably an old version of Angular when the demo was written. I tried using 1.2 but the Ripple emulator didn't like references to browser specific code. So I used the latest 1.3.13 I believe.
This is where to access the Bing location service with the Cordova geolocation coordinates returns Json, but Angular wants them wrapped in JSONP. searching the increasing fragmented web it appeared the error might be CORS no, so a many different people had their JSONP calls in controllers, modules, services, some using $http others $resources. Finally using bits and pieces I got JSONP to work with $resources and to plug it into the $promise the call from the controller requires. I used a static Url with Coordinates I knew worked, so you will have to use the :param angular notation to put those back in. Hope it helps someone.
So change to:
getAddressFromPosition: function (position) {
var resource = $resource(url, {}, {
jsonp_query: {
method: 'JSONP'
return resource.jsonp_query().$promise.then(function (response) {
return response.resourceSets[0].resources[0].address.formattedAddress;
}, function (error) {
return position.coords.latitude + "," + position.coords.longitude
I put the above in and it worked. However the problem was for some reason, perhaps thru debugging, another instance of the app was deployed on another port in ripple. This then change the app to run on this new port. The initial port was 4400. The problem is that and $http or $resource calls in angular have to go thru this emulator, and the emulator was seeing this as cross domain, unless it is configured to the same port the app is running under.
so Url:
then in the Settings Div dropdown on the right side, the Proxy Port must also be set to 4409 or else the browser will complain that the $http request is cross-domain, before the emulator actually executes it to query Azure mobile service or Bing maps.
So this was very frustrating. However VS Cordova has definately reduced the amount of bits you have to configure to make hybrid mobile apps, there are still little glitches like this which can trip you up. I assumed it was something with angular, because there was no error messages, but in Chrome in the Dev Tools console that was where the error was, and after some googling it was plain that it was the ripple emulator running on a different port than its proxy was not allowing the call to be forwarded on due to Access-Control-Allow not being set.

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE

IS there a way to trick the server so I don't get this error:
Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate.
I'm pulling an iframe of an html website into another website but I keep getting the console (chrome) error in the title of this question and in internet explorer it says:
Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate.
Your resource probably use a self-signed SSL certificate over HTTPS protocol.
Chromium, so Google Chrome block by default this kind of resource considered unsecure.
You can bypass this this way :
Assuming your frame's URL is, open a new tab in chrome and go to
Chrome will ask you to accept the SSL certificate. Accept it.
Then, if you reload your page with your frame, you could see that now it works
The problem as you can guess, is that each visitor of your website has to do this task to access your frame.
You can notice that chrome will block your URL for each navigation session, while chrome can memorise for ever that you trust this domain.
If your frame can be accessed by HTTP rather than HTTPS, I suggest you to use it, so this problem will be solved.
Sometimes Google Chrome throws this error, even if it should not.
I experienced it when Chrome had a new version, and it needed to be restarted.
After restarting the same page worked without any errors.
The error in the console was:
I still experienced the problem described above on an Asus T100 Windows 10 test device for both (up to date) Edge and Chrome browser.
Solution was in the date/time settings of the device; somehow the date was not set correctly (date in the past). Restoring this by setting the correct date (and restarting the browsers) solved the issue for me. I hope I save someone a headache debugging this problem.
Offering another potential solution to this error.
If you have a frontend application that makes API calls to the backend, make sure you reference the domain name that the certificate has been issued to.
and not
In my case, I was making API calls to a secure server with a certificate, but using the IP instead of the domain name. This threw a Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE.
open up your console and hit the URL inside. it'll take you to the API page and then in the page accept the SSL certificate, go back to your app page and reload.
remember that SSL certificates should have been issued for your Dev environment before.
If you're developing, and you're developing with a Windows machine, simply add localhost as a Trusted Site.
And yes, per DarrylGriffiths' comment, although it may look like you're adding an Internet Explorer setting...
I believe those are Windows rather than IE settings. Although MS tend to assume that they're only IE (hence the alert next to "Enable Protected Mode" that it requries restarted IE)...
Try this code to watch for, and report, a possible net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
I was having this issue as well, using a self-signed certificate, which I have chosen not to save into the Chrome Settings. After accessing the https domain and accepting the certificate, the ajax call works fine. But once that acceptance has timed-out or before it has first been accepted, the jQuery.ajax() call fails silently: the timeout parameter does not seem help and the error() function never gets called.
As such, my code never receives a success() or error() call and therefore hangs. I believe this is a bug in jquery's handling of this error. My solution is to force the error() call after a specified timeout.
This code does assume a jquery ajax call of the form jQuery.ajax({url: required, success: optional, error: optional, others_ajax_params: optional}).
Note: You will likely want to change the function within the setTimeout to integrate best with your UI: rather than calling alert().
const MS_FOR_HTTPS_FAILURE = 5000;
$.orig_ajax = $.ajax;
$.ajax = function(params)
var complete = false;
var success = params.success;
var error = params.error;
params.success = function() {
if(!complete) {
complete = true;
if(success) success.apply(this,arguments);
params.error = function() {
if(!complete) {
complete = true;
if(error) error.apply(this,arguments);
setTimeout(function() {
if(!complete) {
complete = true;
alert("Please ensure your self-signed HTTPS certificate has been accepted. "
+ params.url);
params.error( {},
"Connection failure",
"Timed out while waiting to connect to remote resource. " +
"Possibly could not authenticate HTTPS certificate." );
This problem is because of your https that means SSL certification. Try on Localhost.

Can I request scripts for use in a Spotify app?

I'm trying to use in my spotify app and the get request for [domain]/ keeps getting canceled. I've added the domain to the manifest and everything.
Try restarting Spotify. Your app's manifest.json file is loaded when you first view your app, and cached until you quit, even if you modify it.
Note: How external resource permissions work
In order to request external resources, your application needs to specify each domain it plans to connect to in its manifest.json file.
Add a line like this:
// ...
"RequiredPermissions": [ "http://*", "", "" ]
// ...
For the full details check out the Permissions section of the Spotify Apps API Guide.
I can add that when you use it will try to initialize Flash to check if flash is available so if you find a white box in Spotify (only in Windows), remove the swbobjects initialization in the on the node server.
