I'm facing a strange issue with WpBakery text block. I need to modify some text after a text block is added, buu when I click on the pencil to open the edit screen, it will open the text block setting popup but not the text editor to input in the text. Is there anyone that have faced the same issue?
I'm running WP 6.1.1, this is the first time that this problem is occur.
The site is build with wordpress and using the favetheme,houzes theme for real estate theme site, and what seems to be the problem here i cannot change this button text [Load more] so what i need is to know where can i edit the button text.
Thank you
i've tried elementor but its not showing the button i think its attached to the section which is for showing featured properites, i tried with edit page and the customize but i still couldn't change the text or the button it's self.
I changed it on back-end accessing cpanel, it was at shortcodes of houzes theme you can find, at property-cards-v5.php (you can check its name in elementor by trying to edit it) changed its content of Load More, it was attached to the section it was part of the slide show
When I adding iframe in rich text editor it's not showing properly in html. This is my editor.
I'm getting this when trying to show this iframe.
Did I missed something? Can anyone help me to get?
This is the view after adding a iframe I click on on '</>' this.
using WP, when I type in paragraph and then press "Shift Enter" it goes to new line (if we see html code, it places ). But when I see in the homepage recent posts preview short description, it shows plain text without br effect. How to tackle this issue?
Post Editor View Screenshot:
View Image 1
Preview on Homepage:
View Image 2
Add <br> to your text to break text line. Learn more
I am new to WordPress and I am currently using version 4.2. I want to see the rich text editor (headings drop down menu, underlining, text colours etc.) when I am editing my posts. I see that in a few tutorials, like this one and yet cannot get it on my WordPress.
Thank you.
WordPres comes with Rich text editor is by default.
You can see in first image.
And if it's disabled by any reason you can re-enable it by un-checking "Visual Editor" option and clicking save. (refer image 2)
Display kitchen Sink (refer image 3)
I'm having trouble displaying the body text when creating a Basic Page. I've somehow deleted the body field at some point and then tried to add existing field again.
Now that I've added Body field again and typing in some text in the body for a Basic Page, it won't appear on my page. I can see my text in body_value in myphpadmin in field_data_body and my page is only displaying the title.
I've tried several things. Cleared cache, reapplied all template files (page.tlp.php etc.)
Im using Drupal 7.
Any help appreciated