How to compare a picture sent by a bot with a picture from my file - telegram

Please tell me if there are analogs of the operation:
if(message.text == "text"):
for pictures. I want a certain image to be executed for a certain image.
I tried like this:
if( == "img/1(1).jpg"):
p = open('img/1 (1).jpg', 'rb')
if(p == "img/1 (1).jpg"):
but the result is the same, nothing works
in general, I need to compare the picture sent by the bot with the picture from my file


Adding rows to different dataframe programatically

Im creating a dataframe dynamically and Im using custom names to refer to those data frames.How ever, I can succesfully create the data frames dynamically and add information individually but manually when i try to add a record to it it will run the action but nothing happens. I can open the data frame and it shows as empty
#Extract unique machines on the system
machines <- unique(wo_raw$MACHINE)
for(machine in machines){
#Check if the machine is present on current data frames or has a record
if(exists(machine) &&{
#Machine already exists on the system
cat(machine," is a dataframe","\n")
netlbs <- subset(wo_raw,((wo_raw$TYPE =="T" & wo_raw$TYPE2=="E") | (wo_raw$TYPE == "T" &$TYPE2))) & wo_raw$WEEK<=curWeek & wo_raw$MACHINE == machine & wo_raw$YEAR == curYear,select = NET_LBS)
scraplbs<- subset(wo_raw,((wo_raw$TYPE =="T" & wo_raw$TYPE2=="E") | (wo_raw$TYPE == "T" &$TYPE2))) & wo_raw$WEEK<=curWeek & wo_raw$MACHINE == machine & wo_raw$YEAR == curYear,select = SCRAP_LBS)
if( && nrow(netlbs)!=0){
totalNet<- sum(netlbs)
totalScrap<- sum(scraplbs)
scrapRate <- percent(totalScrap/(sum(totalNet,totalScrap)),accuracy = 2)
cat("Total Net lbs for ",machine,": ",totalNet,"\n")
cat("Total Scrap lbs for ",machine,": ",totalScrap,"\n")
cat("Total Scrap Rate for ",machine,": ",scrapRate,"\n")
cat("added row \n")
#cat("Total Net lbs: ",netlbs,"\n")
#netlbs <-NULL
cat("Creating machine dataframe: ",machine,"\n")
#Create a dataframe labeled with machine name contining
#date information, net lbs,scrap lbs and scrap rate
All the functions that I've tried are in commented lines from previous answers found on Stack Overflow. I did get working with a for but i dont think that would be really feasible since it will consume a lot of resources plus it doesn't work well when handling various data types . Does anybody have an idea of whats going on, I don't have an error to go by.
I think your code needs quite a lot of cleanup. Make sure you know for yourself at each step what exactly you are handling.
Some hints:
Try to make your code self-contained. If I run your code, I get an error right away, as I don't have wo_raw defined. I understand it's some kind of data.frame, but exactly what is in there? What do I need to do to try to run your code? Also with variables like curYear. I get that it needs to be 2019, but I need to type an awful lot to just get to the problem, I can't just copy-paste.
If you use any libraries, please also include a line for them. I don't know what add_row does or is supposed to do. So I also don't know if that's where your expectations are wrong?
Try to make your code minimal before posting it here. I like the comments and cats sprinkled throughout, but why a line such as netlbs <- subset(wo_raw,((wo_raw$TYPE =="T" & wo_raw$TYPE2=="E") | (wo_raw$TYPE == "T" &$TYPE2))) & wo_raw$WEEK<=curWeek & wo_raw$MACHINE == machine & wo_raw$YEAR == curYear,select = NET_LBS)? For this problem, just something like subset(wo_raw, wo_raw$mach==machine, net) would suffice
I get that the code works, but try to work out where you are using what kind of objects. if ( {total=sum(netlbs)} may work, but summing a data.frame while you actually just need a column leads to confusion.
When using variables to store the names of other variables such as you are doing, be very aware of what you are actually refering to. For that reason, it's generally advisable to steer clear of these constructs, it's almost always easier to store your results in a list or something similar
Come to that: the variable machine is not a data.frame, it's a character. That character is the name of another variable, which is a data.frame. So (commented out) I see some instances of machine <- NULL and machine$year, those are wrong. As is rbind(machine, ...), as machine is not a data.frame
That being said, I think you got close with the assign-statement.
Does assign(machine,rbind(get(machine),tempDf)) work?

Is there a way to jump to last edited cell in Jupyter?

Often in Jupyter I'd move to different parts of the notebook to look at something, and when I am done I want to jump back to where I was working on previously. Right now I'd have to navigate to the closest Markdown section (through the Jupyter Notebook Extensions) and move up or down to get to where I was. Is there a way to jump directly to the last cell that I have made an edit (preferably through keyboard shortcut)? Thanks!
Ideally this would be a built-in shortcut of course, but in the meantime:
Option 1: Custom JavaScript
If you get a browser extension like Custom JavaScript for Websites 2 (open-source), then you can use this code to record a stack of scroll position histories and jump backwards with Ctrl+Shift+X:
// Visit JupyterLab in browser and click the Custom JS browser extension icon and then paste this:
if(location.href.startsWith("http://localhost:8888/lab")) {
let scrollLocationsHistories = new Map();
let scrollBinHeight = 100;
window.addEventListener("keydown", (e) => {
let notebookEl = document.querySelector(".jp-mod-searchable .jp-NotebookPanel-notebook");
if(!scrollLocationsHistories.has(notebookEl)) scrollLocationsHistories.set(notebookEl, [])
let scrollLocationsHistory = scrollLocationsHistories.get(notebookEl);
if(e.ctrlKey && e.shiftKey && e.key === "X") {
if(scrollLocationsHistory.length > 0) {
let origScrollPos = notebookEl.scrollTop;
notebookEl.scrollTo(0, scrollLocationsHistory.pop()*scrollBinHeight);
let newScrollPos = notebookEl.scrollTop;
if(Math.abs(origScrollPos-newScrollPos) < scrollBinHeight && scrollLocationsHistory.length > 0) {
notebookEl.scrollTo(0, scrollLocationsHistory.pop()*scrollBinHeight); // jump back again because last edit position was close to current position
console.log("Scroll History (newest locations at end):", => v*scrollBinHeight))
} else if(!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") {
let scrollBin = Math.round(notebookEl.scrollTop/scrollBinHeight);
if(scrollLocationsHistory[scrollLocationsHistory.length-1] !== scrollBin) {
if(scrollLocationsHistory.length > 500) scrollLocationsHistory = scrollLocationsHistory.slice(-250);
It's just an initial prototype, but it seems to work quite well so far. You may want to adjust it a bit - e.g. scrollBinHeight causes nearby edits that are within scrollBinHeight pixels of one another to not create a second history entry. You'll need to edit http://localhost:8888/lab to match the URL that you want to enable it on. If you're reading this long after I've written it, then you may also need to change document.querySelector(".jp-mod-searchable .jp-NotebookPanel-notebook") (i.e. the main scrolling element of the active notebook) in case they've updated the HTML class names, or HTML structure.
Option 2: Fold Often
Another possible option (which may be impractical depending on your use case) is to get used to folding cells that you're not currently working on. That makes it much easy to quickly scroll between cells that you're working on.
Option 3: Search Hack
If you're working on a particular cell but often have to jump to another one, you can add a comment like #vv (or any random easy-to-type string) to both of those cells and then whenever you need to jump between them, just press Ctrl+F and then Enter. The first time you do this you'll obviously need to type vv in the search box, but after that it'll be remembered (unless you use the search for another string). The disadvantage of this approach is that you need to "prune" the #vvs from cells that you're no longer working on.
echap to go to command mode, then Ctrl + z will undo your last change, which will bring the focus on the last edited cell. ctrl + y will redo the last modification.
(Only tested on python3 kernel)
EDIT Actually if you press ctrl + z just once, you only get the focus part, without modifying your cell. Then press enter to go to edit mode, which scrolls the page to the active cell.

Harvesting data from webpage in R - accessing multiple pages

I am following my question from yesterday - harvesting data via drop down list in R 1
first, I need to obtain all 50k strings of details of all doctors from this page:
I know, how to obtain them from a single page:
web<- ""
html<- POST(url=web,body=query)
html<- content(html, "text")
starting<- unlist(gregexpr("filterId", html))
ending<- unlist(gregexpr("DETAIL", html))
starting<- starting[seq(2,length(starting),2)]
if (starting != -1 && ending != -1){
for (i in 1:length(starting)) {
still, I am aware that downloading whole page for only few lines of text is quite uneffective(but works!:) Could you give me a tip how to make this process more effective?
I have also encountered some pages with more than 20 doctors listed (i.e. combination of "Brno-město" and "chirurgie". Such data are listed and accessed via hyperlink list at the end of the form. I need to access each of these pages and use there the code I presented here. But I guess I have to pass some cookies there.
Other than that, combination of "Praha" and "chirurgie" is problematic as well, because there is more than 200 records, therefore page applies some script and then I need to click the button "další" and use the same method as in the previous paragraph.
Can you help me please?

Console not showing up on Xcode Playground 7.1.1

This is what Standard Editor looks like:
This is what Assistant Editor looks like:
This is a problem because whether I click on the eye icon or the + next to (6 times), it shows me a graph only: I was wondering if there would be a way to show more useful output?
Edit: When I show the debug area, it doesn't show any output there:
You can access the console by the menu
View > Debug Area > Show Debug Area
There's also a little upper arrow icon in the bottom left of the Playground, and the SHIFT+CMD+Y shortcut.
In the console you will be able to see not only the error messages but also anything you print.
To be able to see the output in the preview panel you have to place the statement you want to see on a separate line, and break down the logic on separate lines up to some point.
In your case, for example:
let arr = [1,2,3,4,5]
let triple ={
(i:Int) -> Int in
return i*3
Here with let triple ... not being on the same line as the closure anymore, the Playground is able to preview it.
And by clicking on the + on the right side, you can now unfold the special panel where all values are visible:

How Can WYSIHTML5 output inline CSS?

I am running WYSIHTML5 to allow myself to enter email text and format it for sending as HTML. However when I view HTML of the formatted text I get classes associated with elements for Colors. This is expected behavior but since I need to send the output in an email hence I would like to have those colors to be in Inline CSS, since I cannot attach CSS files with the email like that. Example here
<span class="wysiwyg-color-green">Testing</span>
That is if I select green color for text: Testing. Is there any way to modify that green to become part of html itself like
<span style="color:green">Testing</span>
I have tried to search for this but could not find, so I am not asking without first looking for it. If anybody could please just point somewhere. Even a link to any guide to this, will do. I do not wish that you spend time writing code for me.
You could do it with php :
str_replace ( 'class="wysiwyg-color-green"', 'style="color:green"' ,$html)
You can do the same with javascript, altrough it's always safer to do everything server-side.
Here's the javascript code I used but may be a good idea to heed Jean-Georges warning above:
replaceColorStylesWithInlineCss = function (htmlContents){
result = htmlContents.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-black"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-black" style="color:black"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-silver"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-silver" style="color:silver"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-gray"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-gray" style="color:gray"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-maroon"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-maroon" style="color:maroon"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-red"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-red" style="color:red"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-purple"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-purple" style="color:purple"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-green"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-green" style="color:green"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-olive"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-olive" style="color:olive"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-navy"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-navy" style="color:navy"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-blue"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-blue" style="color:blue"');
result = result.replace('class="wysiwyg-color-orange"', 'class="wysiwyg-color-orange" style="color:orange"');
return result
Note: I kept the wysiwyg styles in there because I'm saving to the db and want it to display properly in the wysihtml5 section when I load it again. DRY it up if you're clever.
