Speed up exponential elgamal decryption - encryption

I am implementing the exponential El Gamal cryptosystem (the same that El Gamal, but encrypting g**m when you wanna encrypt m). I am working with plain texts between 1 and 10**35. Everything is fine until the moment of the decryption corresponding to the bigger plain texts.
If cypher text is composed by c1 = g**r mod p and c2 = g**(ar) g**m mod p, with private key a, when decrypting, I can get the value of g**m mod p, but I can't calculate the discrete logarithm in a reasonable amount of time.
If I were working with smaller plain texts, I could calculate sequentially g%m, g**2%m,... until obtain the value of g**m mod p, and deduct the discrete logarithm. But, with big plain text this takes a lot of time.
I thought to precompute the values โ€‹โ€‹of g%m,... g**(10**35)%m โ€‹โ€‹(assuming the risk of leaking the private key), to avoid making the big calculus on each decryption.
In order to doing this, I develop a code that parallelizes the calculation of powers using Cuda (you can see more detail on this question). But I found Cuda doesn't support such big numbers as the value of g and p I am using :(
Do you know some technique, algorithm or tool I can use to calculate faster multiplications of big big numbers?


What is a simple formula for a non-iterative random number sequence?

I would like to have a function f(x) that gives good pseudo-random numbers in uniform distribution according to value x. I am aware of linear congruential generators, however these work in iterations, i.e. I provide the initial seed and then I get a sequence of random values one by one. This is not what I want, because if a want to get let's say 200000th number in the sequence, I have to compute numbers 1 ... 199999. I need a function that is given by one simple formula that uses basic operations such as +, *, mod, etc. I am also aware of hash functions but I didn't find any that suits these needs. I might come up with some function myself, but I'd like to use something that's been tested to give decent pseudo-random values. Is there anything like that being used?
You might consider multiplicative congruential generators. These are linear congruentials without the additive constant: Xi+1 = aXi % c for suitable constants a and c. Expanding this out for a few iterations will convince you that Xk = akX0 % c, where X0 is your seed value. This can be calculated in O(log(k)) time using fast modular exponentiation. No need to calculate the first 199,999 to get the 200,000th value, you can find it in something proportional to about 18 steps.
Actually, for LCG with additive constant it works as well. There is a paper by F. Brown, "Random Number Generation with Arbitrary Stride", Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. (Nov. 1994). Based on this paper there is reasonable LCG with decent quality and log2(N) skip-ahead feature, used by well-known Monte Carlo package MCNP5. C++ post is here https://github.com/Iwan-Zotow/LCG-PLE63/. Further development if this idea (RNG with logarithmic skip-ahead) is pretty decent family of generators at http://www.pcg-random.org/
You could use a simple encryption algorithm that can encrypt the numbers 1, 2, 3, ... Since encryption is reversible, each input number will have a unique output. The 200000th number in your sequence is encrypt(key, 200000). Use DES for 64 bit numbers, AES for 128 bit numbers and you can roll your own simple Feistel cipher for 32 bit or 16 bit numbers.

How to numerically compute nonlinear polynomials efficiently and accurately?

(I'm not sure whether I should post this problem on this site or on the math site. Please feel free to migrate this post if necessary.)
My problem at hand is that given a value of k I'd like to numerically compute a rational function of nonlinear polynomials in k which looks like the following: (sorry I don't know how to typeset equations here...)
where {a_0, ..., a_N; b_0, ..., b_N} are complex constants, {u_0, ..., u_N, v_0, ..., v_N} are real constants and i is the imaginary number. I learned from Numerical Recipes that there are whole bunch of ways to compute polynomials quickly, in the meanwhile keeping the rounding error small enough, if all coefficients were constant. But I do not think those ideas are useful in my case since the exponential prefactors also depend on k.
Currently I calculate it in a brute force way in C with complex.h (this is just a pseudo code):
double complex function(double k)
return (a_0+a_1*cexp(I*u_1*k)*k+a_2*cexp(I*u_2*k)*k*k+...)/(b_0+b_1*cexp(I*v_1*k)*k+v_2*cexp(I*v_2*k)*k*k+...);
However when the number of calls of function increases (because this is just a part of my real calculation), it is very slow and inaccurate (only 6 valid digits). I appreciate any comments and/or suggestions.
I trust that this isn't a homework assignment!
Normally the trick is to use a loop add the next coefficient to the running sum, and multiply by k. However, in your case, I think the "e" term in the coefficient is going to overwhelm any savings by factoring out k. You can still do it, but the savings will probably be small.
Is u_i a constant? Depending on how many times you need to run this formula, maybe you could premultiply u_i * k (unless k changes each run). It's been so many decades since I took a Numerical Analysis course that I have only vague recollections of the tricks of the trade. Let's see... is e^(i*u_i*k) the same as (e^(i*u_i))^k? I don't remember the rules on imaginary numbers, or whether you'll save anything since you've got a real^real (assuming k is real) anyway (internally done using e^power).
If you're getting only 6 digits, that suggests that your math, and maybe your library, is working in single precision (32 bit) reals. Check your library and check your declarations that you are using at least double precision (64 bit) reals everywhere.

RSA - bitlength of p and q

I'm just trying to understand the key generation part of RSA, and more specifically, selecting the p and q primes. Given a target bit length for the modulus, n, what range I should be generating p and q in?
The modulus, n, is the product of p and q, where p and q are both prime numbers. I've read that p and q should be relatively close to each other, and somewhere around sqrt(n). If the target bit length is, for example, 32 bits (very small I realise), then does that follow that p and q should be a random prime of a maximum 16 bits?
Thanks for any clarification
For a 32-bit modulus the question is a bit academic: your primary aim in choosing p and q is to make the product hard to factorize, but finding the prime factorisation of a number smaller than 2^32 is so easy that there's little point worrying about the sizes of p and q in this case. Note that the mathematics will work just fine so long as p and q are distinct primes.
For something more realistic, like a 1024-bit modulus, then yes, you're pretty safe choosing two 512-bit primes p and q at random: that is, choose p and q uniformly from the set of all primes in the range [2^511, 2^512]. There's a notion of 'strong primes', which are primes designed to avoid particular possible known attacks---for example, you'll see recommendations that p and q should be chosen so that p-1 and q-1 have large factors, to guard against easy factorizations using Pollard's 'p-1' algorithm. However, these recommendations don't really apply to large moduli and state-of-the-art factorization algorithms (GNFS, ECM). There are other possible cases that in theory could give an easy factorization, but they're so unlikely to turn up in practice from random choices of p and q that they're not worth worrying about.
Summary: just choose two random primes with equal bitlength, and you're done.
A couple of additional comments and things to think about:
Of course, if you do choose two 512-bit primes, you'll end up with either a 1023-bit or a 1024-bit modulus; that's probably not worth worrying about, but if you really cared about getting exactly a 1024-bit modulus you could either restrict the range of p and q further, say to [1.5 * 2^511, 2^512], or just throw out any 1023-bit modulus and try again.
Don't deliberately choose p and q so that they're near each other: if p and q are truly close to each other (e.g., less than 10^10 apart, say), then their product pq is easily factorized by Fermat's method. But if you're choosing random primes p and q in the range [2^511, 2^512], this isn't going to happen with any sort of realistic probability.
When choosing a prime at random, a tempting strategy is to pick a random (odd) integer in the range [2^511, 2^512] and then increment it until you find the first prime. But note that that does not give a uniform choice amongst all primes: primes occurring after a large gap would be more likely to come up than other primes. A better strategy is just to keep picking random odd numbers and keep the first one that's a prime (or more likely, a strong probable prime to so many randomly-chosen bases that you can be sure in practice that it's prime).
Make sure you've got a really good cryptographic source of random numbers on hand for your prime number generation.

Generate very very large random numbers

How would you generate a very very large random number? I am thinking on the order of 2^10^9 (one billion bits). Any programming language -- I assume the solution would translate to other languages.
I would like a uniform distribution on [1,N].
My initial thoughts:
--You could randomly generate each digit and concatenate. Problem: even very good pseudorandom generators are likely to develop patterns with millions of digits, right?
You could perhaps help create large random numbers by raising random numbers to random exponents. Problem: you must make the math work so that the resulting number is still random, and you should be able to compute it in a reasonable amount of time (say, an hour).
If it helps, you could try to generate a possibly non-uniform distribution on a possibly smaller range (using the real numbers, for instance) and transform. Problem: this might be equally difficult.
Any ideas?
Generate log2(N) random bits to get a number M,
where M may be up to twice as large as N.
Repeat until M is in the range [1;N].
Now to generate the random bits you could either use a source of true randomness, which is expensive.
Or you might use some cryptographically secure random number generator, for example AES with a random key encrypting a counter for subsequent blocks of bits. The cryptographically secure implies that there can be no noticeable patterns.
It depends on what you need the data for. For most purposes, a PRNG is fast and simple. But they are not perfect. For instance I remember hearing that Monte Carlos simulations of chaotic systems are really good at revealing the underlying pattern in a PRNG.
If that is the sort of thing that you are doing, though, there is a simple trick I learned in grad school for generating lots of random data. Take a large (preferably rapidly changing) file. (Some big data structures from the running kernel are good.) Compress it to increase the entropy. Throw away the headers. Then for good measure, encrypt the result. If you're planning to use this for cryptographic purposes (and you didn't have a perfect entropy data set to work with), then reverse it and encrypt again.
The underlying theory is simple. Information theory tells us that there is no difference between a signal with no redundancy and pure random data. So if we pick a big file (ie lots of signal), remove redundancy with compression, and strip the headers, we have a pretty good random signal. Encryption does a really good job at removing artifacts. However encryption algorithms tend to work forward in blocks. So if someone could, despite everything, guess what was happening at the start of the file, that data is more easily guessable. But then reversing the file and encrypting again means that they would need to know the whole file, and our encryption, to find any pattern in the data.
The reason to pick a rapidly changing piece of data is that if you run out of data and want to generate more, you can go back to the same source again. Even small changes will, after that process, turn into an essentially uncorrelated random data set.
NTL: A Library for doing Number Theory
This was recommended by my Coding Theory and Cryptography teacher... so I guess it does the work right, and it's pretty easy to use.
RandomBnd, RandomBits, RandomLen -- routines for generating pseudo-random numbers
ZZ RandomLen_ZZ(long l);
// ZZ = psuedo-random number with precisely l bits,
// or 0 of l <= 0.
If you have a random number generator that generates random numbers of X bits. And concatenated bits of [X1, X2, ... Xn ] create the number you want of N bits, as long as each X is random, I don't see why your large number wouldn't be random as well for all intents and purposes. And if standard C rand() method is not secure enough, I'm sure there's plenty of other libraries (like the ones mentioned in this thread) whose pseudo-random numbers are "more random".
even very good pseudorandom generators are likely to develop patterns with millions of digits, right?
From the wikipedia on pseudo-random number generation:
A PRNG can be started from an arbitrary starting state using a seed state. It will always produce the same sequence thereafter when initialized with that state. The maximum length of the sequence before it begins to repeat is determined by the size of the state, measured in bits. However, since the length of the maximum period potentially doubles with each bit of 'state' added, it is easy to build PRNGs with periods long enough for many practical applications.
You could perhaps help create large random numbers by raising random numbers to random exponents
I assume you're suggesting something like populating the values of a scientific notation with random values?
E.g.: 1.58901231 x 10^5819203489
The problem with this is that your distribution is going to be logarithmic (or is that exponential? :) - same difference, it isn't even). You will never get a value that has the millionth digit set, yet contains a digit in the one's column.
you could try to generate a possibly non-uniform distribution on a possibly smaller range (using the real numbers, for instance) and transform
Not sure I understand this. Sounds like the same thing as the exponential solution, with the same problems. If you're talking about multiplying by a constant, then you'll get a lumpy distribution instead of a logarithmic (exponential?) one.
Suggested Solution
If you just need really big pseudo-random values, with a good distribution, use a PRNG algorithm with a larger state. The Periodicity of a PRNG is often the square of the number of bits, so it doesn't take that many bits to fill even a really large number.
From there, you can use your first solution:
You could randomly generate each digit and concatenate
Although I'd suggest that you use the full range of values returned by your PRNG (possibly 2^31 or 2^32), and populate a byte array with those values, splitting it up as necessary. Otherwise you might be throwing away a lot of bits of randomness. Also, scaling your values to a range (or using modulo) can easily screw up your distribution, so there's another reason to try to keep the max number of bits your PRNG can return. Be careful to pack your byte array full of the bits returned, though, or you'll again introduce lumpiness to your distribution.
The problem with those solution, though, is how to fill that (larger than normal) seed state with random-enough values. You might be able to use standard-size seeds (populated via time or GUID-style population), and populate your big-PRNG state with values from the smaller-PRNG. This might work if it isn't mission critical how well distributed your numbers are.
If you need truly cryptographically secure random values, the only real way to do it is use a natural form of randomness, such as that at http://www.random.org/. The disadvantages of natural randomness are availability, and the fact that many natural-random devices take a while to generate new entropy, so generating large amounts of data might be really slow.
You can also use a hybrid and be safe - natural-random seeds only (to avoid the slowness of generation), and PRNG for the rest of it. Re-seed periodically.

calculate the average of three encrypted numbers

Is possible to calculate average of three encrypted integer? No constrain on the method of encrypting. The point of this is just to hide the three numbers and find average.
What you seem to be looking for is called Homomorphic Encryption: an encryption scheme which allows you to perform operations on encrypted data, with the encrypted result as the outcome.
Such a scheme would allow you to give encrypted data to a 3rd party, which could then do computations on it for you without knowing what they were computing.
In your case, you need two operations: addition and division. Until recently, homomorphic encryption schemes typically supported only 1 operation. But in september 2009 IMB announced the first fully homomorphic cryptosystem. Other researches published another system soon after that.
These cryptosystems might be be able to do what you want, but it is all cutting edge computer science research.
Decrypt the numbers, then calculate their average.
I don't see any simple ways to do what you ask, apart from decrypting the numbers first.
Taking the average (or the "arithmetic mean") requires adding the numbers. Now if you wanted to multiply the numbers, then you could do that neatly with RSA encryption. If p is the plaintext, c is the ciphertext, and e is the encryption key, then in RSA, c = p^e. If you have 3 separate integers, p1, p2, p3, and the product is pp then
pp^e = (p1 * p2 * p3)^e = p1^e * p2^e * p3^3 = c1 * c2 * c3 = cp
That is, you can either multiply the three plaintext integers together and then encrypt, or you can just multiply the three ciphertexts together, and get the same answer. This would get you some way towards the "geometric mean", where you multiply all the numbers together, and then take the cube-root (or nth root for n numbers). Unfortunately, calculating a cube root in modular arithmetic is non-trivial.
With ideal encryption methods: No.
With most real-world encryption methods: No.
With some stupidly simple to undo obfuscation method especially designed to allow averaging: Yes.
Calling the latter method "encryption" really would be using the wrong term.
If you could calculate the average of encrypted numbers without decrypting them, that would make decrypting the original numbers quite a lot easier, so I would be very surprised if this works with any serious encryption algorithm.
In general three encrypted numbers shouldn't maintain the same order if encrypted, so I'm pretty sure you have to decrypt them and calculate the avarage.
If, and only if, the method of encryption is a one-to-one mathematical function, then it is possible to do so while the numbers are encrypted.
For example, if my very unsecure method of encryption is to multiply every number of 2, then I would do the following:
function encrypt($number){
return $number*2;
$a=encrypt(3); // a= 9
$b=encrypt(5); // b= 15
$c=encrypt(6); // c= 18
$average = ($a+$b+$c)/6; // We divide by 6 because first we divide by 3 to get the average, then by 2 to do the decryption. The method will vary based on the mathematical function.
The only other possibility is to decrypt the numbers first.
