wordpress issues in edit 2 language content - wordpress

In WordPress the content in (about) is fixed in both languages when I modify one of them I find it in the other language, I want all the content in them translated in his language only ?
edit this text in english and save and go to arabic i found the same edit in english ?


wordpress different languages same element

I have a strange behavior in a Wordpress site which I develop. Same text element 2 different languages.
My website is in Greek Language but some elements have both English and Greek language.
I use Elementor free. I have set in Settings -> General -> Website language to Greek.
The Theme is Astra.
In every article page, the user can post a comment. The page shows "Post a σχόλιο" where σχολιο is the greek word for comment (In English ισ "Post a comment", in Greek, "Γράψε ένα σχόλιο"). Below the post place has 1 element that is "previous αρθρο" where αρθρο is the greek word for article.
How can I solve this issue?
You can try Loco Translate to add translation to your site.

how to set qTranslate for Wordpress to automatically give me German language although my website language is in English

I installed qTranslate plugin (qtranslate-Version 2.8.42) for Wordpress.
My default language my website is written in English.
I have configured qTranslate plugin to show three languages on my website, i.e. German, English, and Chinese.
Nevertheless, I want my website to be in German instead of English on the first visit. I mean that although my website is in English I want it to show the German language first when somebody enters my website and NOT the original English language...
Is there any idea on how I could achieve this, please?
Many Thanks!
You probably did not check the qTranslate's option page at Admin panel.
See the marked area. The arrows are for setting the order of language. If you set German at top, it would be primarily selected.

how to change wordpress english to wordpress arabic?

the site currently working with Wordpress English. now I want to change it to Wordpress Arabic. the theme , posts everything same. the theme supports RTL. so the contents should so in right to left for that I want to change the English version to Arabic version?
is that possible? how to do it?
In the latest Wordpress version 4.1 you should be able to change language by visiting:
Settings > General : Change Site Language option value.
Language can be selected from a list of available languages.

How to display only the non chosen language in the language switcher menu in a multilingual drupal 7 website?

Hi. I'm a newbie in Drupal development.
I'm building a multilingual website in French and English using Drupal 7.
I'm using Internationalization and Entity translation modules to translate contents and blocks in the page.
I'm using the theme Omega, with the sub-theme Foundation downloaded from the website friendlymachine to which I added another sub-theme file to modify the CSS.
I'm already having a language switcher block which is working properly.
My question is: what code in which file can I modify (and how?) to display in the language switcher only the non chosen (i.e the needed) language?
i.e: If I'm currently using the website in French, Only the option "English" is displayed on the language switcher menu. And vice versa. (if I'm using the website in English, only the option "French" is displayed in the language switcher menu).
Any help would be welcomed.
Thank you.
Hide the current language link (which is not link but text) for the Language Switcher block with css. It has a specific class for that purpose.

Change a content language

Can someone tell me please how could I change a content language?
I created my basic pages in the frensh default language, now i would like to make english as my site default language, but i lost all my pages linked to the menu I had .
Thank you
===============Sorry I can't post answers:
Thanks every body for your ansewrs. In fact when i ckecked it again the probleme was in the url alias when the menu link point on a page which i made an alias it does not work it redirect me to an empty page
You'll want to use Drupal's built in Locale module and then Internationalization module. http://drupal.org/project/i18n
You must put an english page as a frontpage ;-) then the english menu will be launch!
a new menu english is made when you create english language. this menu is linked with a node with the language english... recreate the menu-links, you have no chois, it is the default with drupal ...
The solution was to enable the Multilingual support in the content types I had including the basic pages attched to my menu, and change the language of every single node I had, it's long but it did it,
Thank you all very much.
