Error Type Not an array type in constrain defined in Cplex - math

I wrote an simple Binpacking problem in Cplex from here. My code is:
using CP;
int n=...;//Num item
range Item = 1..n;
range Bin = 1..n;
float c=...; //Volume Bin
float w_j=...; //Volume Item
//Decision variable
dvar boolean x[Bin][Item];
dvar boolean y[Bin];
// Objective
minimize sum (i in Bin) y[i];
// Constrains
subject to{
forall(i in Bin)
sum(j in Item) w_j[j]*x[i][j] <= c*y[i];
forall(j in Item)
sum(i in Bin) (x[i][j]) == 1;
writeln("Item are placed in Bin as:", x.solutionValue);
writeln("Error. solution not found");
For reading data:
SheetConnection sheetData("data1.xlsx");
c from SheetRead(sheetData, "Sheet1!D2");
w_j from SheetRead(sheetData, "Sheet1!B2:B11");
Which n is the number of Item from 1 to 10 , c is bin volume and is 10, and w_j is the volume of items which are [7,9,2,8,4,6,7,8,3,6] and they are saved in a data1.xlsx.
The error is in (w_j[j]*x[i][j]):
Description Resource Path Location Type Not an array type.
I am sure there is no problem with accessing data because one time I removed that line and the code run correctly. Do you know where is the problem?

w_j is not a float but an array of float!
//using CP;
int n=...;
range Item = 1..n;
range Bin = 1..n;
float c[Bin]=...; //Volume Bin
float w_j[Item]=...; //Volume Item
//Decision variable
dvar boolean x[Bin][Item];
dvar boolean y[Bin];
// Objective
minimize sum (i in Bin) y[i];
// Constrains
subject to{
forall(i in Bin)
sum(j in Item) w_j[j]*x[i][j] <= c[i]*y[i];
forall(j in Item)
sum(i in Bin) (x[i][j]) == 1;
c=[1,2,3]; //Volume Bin
w_j=[1,2,3]; //Volume Item
work fine


Finding the minimum set of coins that make a given value

I've been trying to figure out if there would be a way to get the optimal minimum set of coins that would be used to make the change.
The greedy algorithm approach for this has an issue such as if we have the set of coins {1, 5, 6, 9} and we wanted to get the value 11. The greedy algorithm would give us {9,1,1} however the most optimal solution would be {5, 6}
From reading through this site I've found that this method can give us the total minimum number of coins needed. Would there be a way to get the set of coins from that as well?
I'm assuming you already know the Dynamic Programming method to find only the minimum number of coins needed. Let's say that you want to find the minimum number of coins to create a total value K. Then, your code could be
vector <int> min_coins(K + 1);
min_coins[0] = 0; // base case
for(int k = 1; k <= K; ++k) {
min_coins[k] = INF;
for(int c : coins) { // coins[] contains all values of coins
if(k - c >= 0) {
min_coins[k] = min(min_coins[k], min_coins[k - c] + 1);
Answer to your question: In order to find the actual set of coins that is minimal in size, we can simply keep another array last_coin[] where last_coin[k] is equal to the coin that was last added to the optimal set of coins for a sum of k. To illustrate this:
vector <int> min_coins(K + 1), last_coin(K + 1);
min_coins[0] = 0; // base case
for(int k = 1; k <= K; ++k) {
min_coins[k] = INF;
for(int c : coins) {
if(k - c >= 0) {
if(min_coins[k - c] + 1 < min_coins[k]) {
min_coins[k] = min_coins[k - c] + 1;
last_coin[k] = c; // !!!
How does this let you find the set of coins? Let's say we wanted to find the best set of coins that sum to K. Then, we know that last_coin[K] holds one of the coins in the set, so we can add last_coin[K] to the set. After that, we subtract last_coin[K] from K and repeat until K = 0. Clearly, this will construct a (not necessarily the) min-size set of coins that sums to K.
Possible implementation:
int value_left = K;
while(value_left > 0) {
last_coin[value_left] is added to the set
value_left -= last_coin[value_left]

How to call the objective function of CPLEX from external software?

I would like to know if I can have the objective function of CPLEX called from external software such as R. I built the optimisation model in CPLEX using its OPL and I would like to run the CPLEX model to optimise an external objective function. Is there a way to do so?
Let me give the 3 ways from "How to call CPLEX from R" at here
use system in r
use docplexcloud api
use doopl
More details about the first method:
# function to turn a csv dat file into an opl dat file
translateCsvToOpl <- function(csvfilename,setNameInOpl) {
t <-read.table(csvfilename)
for (j in 1:nrow(t)){
for (i in 1:ncol(t)){
if (i==1) cat("\"");
if (i==1) cat("\"");
system("oplrun diet.mod diet.dat")
tuple Food
key string name;
float unit_cost;
float qmin;
float qmax;
{Food} FOODS=...;
tuple Nutrient
key string name;
float qmin;
float qmax;
{Nutrient} NUTRIENTS=...;
tuple food_nutrients
key string name;
float q1;
float q2;
float q3;
float q4;
float q5;
float q6;
float q7;
{food_nutrients} FOOD_NUTRIENTS=...;
float array_FOOD_NUTRIENTS[f in FOODS][n in NUTRIENTS];
// turn tuple set into an array
for(var fn in FOOD_NUTRIENTS)
for(var n in NUTRIENTS)
// Decision variables
dvar float qty[f in FOODS] in f.qmin .. f.qmax;
// cost
dexpr float cost=sum (f in FOODS) qty[f]*f.unit_cost;
// KPI
dexpr float amount[n in NUTRIENTS] = sum(f in FOODS)
qty[f] * array_FOOD_NUTRIENTS[f,n];
minimize cost;
subject to
forall(n in NUTRIENTS) n.qmin<=amount[n]<=n.qmax;
var f=new IloOplOutputFile("dietoutput.txt");
f.writeln("quantity = ",qty);
f.writeln("cost = ",cost);
f.writeln("amount = ",amount);
and then when you run Rscript.exe diet.r you will get
quantity = [0 2.1552 0 0 0 10 1.8312 0 0.9297]
cost = 2.690409172
amount = [2000 800 11.278 8518.4 25 256.81 51.174]

How to find two optimal weights in a vector?

Imagine you're given an unsorted array [5,11,7,4,19,8,11,6,17] and a max weight 23. [similar to Two Sum Problem by a bit different]
One needs to find two optimal weights (by which I mean if two weights that are (almost or not) half of the weight you're trying to find) in this case [5,17], [3,19], [11,11] so I need to return [11,11].
I was taken back by the problem, and could not solve it. [I was not allowed to use structs]
I tried to sort [3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 11, 17, 19] and search from both ends and store indexes of values that were <= max weight in a vector as a pair (like v[i], v[i+1] and check them later by their pairs) then return a pair with both largest vals, but got confused.
[although, weights were doubles and I did not see duplicates at that set I did not use unsorted_map(hashMap), might it've worked?]
Can anyone suggest how should I go about this problem? is it similar to "knapsack problem"? Thank you
You can use Two Pointer Approach for the problem.
Sort the array.
Have two pointers startIndex and endIndex to 0 and arraySize-1.
sum = arr[startIndex] + arr[endIndex]
If sum is less than or equal to 23, increment startIndex else decrement endIndex.
keep track of closest value using a variable.
finish when startIndex == endIndex
Code in Java:
public class Solution {
private ArrayList<Integer> twoSumClosest(ArrayList<Integer> a, int s) {
// Sort the arraylist
// closests sum we got till now
int sumClosest = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// indexes used to traverse
int startIndex = 0;
int endIndex = a.size() - 1 ;
// answer Indexes
int firstIndex = 1;
int secondIndex = a.size() - 1;
while( startIndex < endIndex ) {
if( a.get(startIndex) + a.get(endIndex) > s) {
} else {
if( a.get(startIndex) + a.get(endIndex) > sumClosest ) {
sumClosest = a.get(startIndex) + a.get(endIndex);
firstIndex = startIndex;
secondIndex = endIndex;
ArrayList<Integer> ans = new ArrayList<>();
return ans;
Time Complexity: O(nlogn)
O(n) if array was already sorted
Extra Space Needed: O(1)

Frame the solution using Dynamic programming

Given a bag with a maximum of 100 chips,each chip has its value written over it.
Determine the most fair division between two persons. This means that the difference between the amount each person obtains should be minimized. The value of a chips varies from 1 to 1000.
Input: The number of coins m, and the value of each coin.
Output: Minimal positive difference between the amount the two persons obtain when they divide the chips from the corresponding bag.
I am finding it difficult to form a DP solution for it. Please help me.
Initially I had to tried it as a Non DP solution.Actually I havent thought of solving it using DP. I simply sorted the value array. And assigned the largest value to one of the person, and incrementally assigned the other values to one of the two depending upon which creates minimum difference. But that solution actually didnt work.
I am posting my solution here :
bool myfunction(int i, int j)
return(i >= j) ;
int main()
int T, m, sum1, sum2, temp_sum1, temp_sum2,i ;
cin >> T ;
cin >> m ;
sum1 = 0 ; sum2 = 0 ; temp_sum1 = 0 ; temp_sum2 = 0 ;
vector<int> arr(m) ;
for(i=0 ; i < m ; i++)
cin>>arr[i] ;
if(m==1 )
cout<<0<<endl ;
cout<<1<<endl ;
else {
sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), myfunction) ;
// vector<int> s1 ;
// vector<int> s2 ;
for(i=0 ; i < m ; i++)
temp_sum1 = sum1 + arr[i] ;
temp_sum2 = sum2 + arr[i] ;
if(abs(temp_sum1 - sum2) <= abs(temp_sum2 -sum1))
sum1 = sum1 + arr[i] ;
sum2 = sum2 + arr[i] ;
temp_sum1 = 0 ;
temp_sum2 = 0 ;
cout<<abs(sum1 -sum2)<<endl ;
return 0 ;
what i understand from your question is you want to divide chips in two persons so as to minimize the difference between sum of numbers written on those.
If understanding is correct, then potentially you can follow below approach to arrive at solution.
Sort the values array i.e. int values[100]
Start adding elements from both ends of array in for loop i.e. for(i=0; j=values.length;i<j;i++,j--)
Odd numbered iteration sum belongs to one person & even numbered sum to other person
run the loop till i < j
now, the difference between two sums obtained in odd & even iterations should be minimum as array was sorted earlier.
If my understanding of the question is correct, then this solution should resolve your problem.
Reflect as appropriate.

Mathematically Find Max Value without Conditional Comparison

----------Updated ------------
codymanix and moonshadow have been a big help thus far. I was able to solve my problem using the equations and instead of using right shift I divided by 29. Because with 32bits signed 2^31 = overflows to 29. Which works!
Prototype in PHP
$r = $x - (($x - $y) & (($x - $y) / (29)));
Actual code for LEADS (you can only do one math function PER LINE!!! AHHHH!!!)
----------Original Question-----------
I don't think this is quite possible with my application's limitations but I figured it's worth a shot to ask.
I'll try to make this simple. I need to find the max values between two numbers without being able to use a IF or any conditional statement.
In order to find the the MAX values I can only perform the following functions
Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Add, NOT, AND ,OR
Let's say I have two numbers
A = 60;
B = 50;
Now if A is always greater than B it would be simple to find the max value
MAX = (A - B) + B;
10 = (60 - 50)
10 + 50 = 60 = MAX
Problem is A is not always greater than B. I cannot perform ABS, MAX, MIN or conditional checks with the scripting applicaiton I am using.
Is there any way possible using the limited operation above to find a value VERY close to the max?
finding the maximum of 2 variables:
max = a-((a-b)&((a-b)>>31))
where >> is bitwise right-shift (also called SHR or ASR depeding on signedness).
Instead of 31 you use the number of bits your numbers have minus one.
I guess this one would be the most simplest if we manage to find difference between two numbers (only the magnitude not sign)
max = ((a+b)+|a-b|)/2;
where |a-b| is a magnitude of difference between a and b.
If you can't trust your environment to generate the appropriate branchless operations when they are available, see this page for how to proceed. Note the restriction on input range; use a larger integer type for the operation if you cannot guarantee your inputs will fit.
Solution without conditionals. Cast to uint then back to int to get abs.
int abs (a) { return (int)((unsigned int)a); }
int max (a, b) { return (a + b + abs(a - b)) / 2; }
int max3 (a, b, c) { return (max(max(a,b),c); }
Using logical operations only, short circuit evaluation and assuming the C convention of rounding towards zero, it is possible to express this as:
int lt0(int x) {
return x && (!!((x-1)/x));
int mymax(int a, int b) {
return lt0(a-b)*b+lt0(b-a)*a;
The basic idea is to implement a comparison operator that will return 0 or 1. It's possible to do a similar trick if your scripting language follows the convention of rounding toward the floor value like python does.
function Min(x,y:integer):integer;
abs:=d*(1-2*((3*d) div (3*d+1)));
Result:=(x+y-abs) div 2;
Hmmm. I assume NOT, AND, and OR are bitwise? If so, there's going to be a bitwise expression to solve this. Note that A | B will give a number >= A and >= B. Perhaps there's a pruning method for selecting the number with the most bits.
To extend, we need the following to determine whether A (0) or B (1) is greater.
truth table:
0|0 = 0
0|1 = 1
1|0 = 0
1|1 = 0
!A and B
therefore, will give the index of the greater bit. Ergo, compare each bit in both numbers, and when they are different, use the above expression (Not A And B) to determine which number was greater. Start from the most significant bit and proceed down both bytes. If you have no looping construct, manually compare each bit.
Implementing "when they are different":
(A != B) AND (my logic here)
try this, (but be aware for overflows)
(Code in C#)
public static Int32 Maximum(params Int32[] values)
Int32 retVal = Int32.MinValue;
foreach (Int32 i in values)
retVal += (((i - retVal) >> 31) & (i - retVal));
return retVal;
You can express this as a series of arithmetic and bitwise operations, e.g.:
int myabs(const int& in) {
const int tmp = in >> ((sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT) - 1);
return tmp - (in ^ tmp(;
int mymax(int a, int b) {
return ((a+b) + myabs(b-a)) / 2;
//Assuming 32 bit integers
int is_diff_positive(int num)
((num & 0x80000000) >> 31) ^ 1; // if diff positive ret 1 else 0
int sign(int x)
return ((num & 0x80000000) >> 31);
int flip(int x)
return x ^ 1;
int max(int a, int b)
int diff = a - b;
int is_pos_a = sign(a);
int is_pos_b = sign(b);
int is_diff_positive = diff_positive(diff);
int is_diff_neg = flip(is_diff_positive);
// diff (a - b) will overflow / underflow if signs are opposite
// ex: a = INT_MAX , b = -3 then a - b => INT_MAX - (-3) => INT_MAX + 3
int can_overflow = is_pos_a ^ is_pos_b;
int cannot_overflow = flip(can_overflow);
int res = (cannot_overflow * ( (a * is_diff_positive) + (b *
is_diff_negative)) + (can_overflow * ( (a * is_pos_a) + (b *
return res;
This is my implementation using only +, -, *, %, / operators
using static System.Console;
int Max(int a, int b) => (a + b + Abs(a - b)) / 2;
int Abs(int x) => x * ((2 * x + 1) % 2);
WriteLine(Max(-100, -2) == -2); // true
WriteLine(Max(2, -100) == 2); // true
I just came up with an expression:
(( (a-b)-|a-b| ) / (2(a-b)) )*b + (( (b-a)-|b-a| )/(2(b-a)) )*a
which is equal to a if a>b and is equal to b if b>a
when a>b:
a-b>0, a-b = |a-b|, (a-b)-|a-b| = 0 so the coeficcient for b is 0
b-a<0, b-a = -|b-a|, (b-a)-|b-a| = 2(b-a)
so the coeficcient for a is 2(b-a)/2(b-a) which is 1
so it would ultimately return 0*b+1*a if a is bigger and vice versa
Find MAX between n & m
MAX = ( (n/2) + (m/2) + ( ((n/2) - (m/2)) * ( (2*((n/2) - (m/2)) + 1) % 2) ) )
Using #define in c:
#define MAX(n, m) ( (n/2) + (m/2) + ( ((n/2) - (m/2)) * ( (2*((n/2) - (m/2)) + 1) % 2) ) )
#define ABS(n) ( n * ( (2*n + 1) % 2) ) // Calculates abs value of n
#define MAX(n, m) ( (n/2) + (m/2) + ABS((n/2) - (m/2)) ) // Finds max between n & m
#define MIN(n, m) ( (n/2) + (m/2) - ABS((n/2) - (m/2)) ) // Finds min between n & m
please look at this program.. this might be the best answer till date on this page...
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int a,b;
printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
b = (a+b)-(a=b); // this line is doing the reversal
printf("%d %d\n",a,b);
return 0;
If A is always greater than B .. [ we can use] .. MAX = (A - B) + B;
No need. Just use: int maxA(int A, int B){ return A;}
(1) If conditionals are allowed you do max = a>b ? a : b.
(2) Any other method either use a defined set of numbers or rely on the implicit conditional checks.
(2a) max = a-((a-b)&((a-b)>>31)) this is neat, but it only works if you use 32 bit numbers. You can expand it arbitrary large number N, but the method will fail if you try to find max(N-1, N+1). This algorithm works for finite state automata, but not a Turing machine.
(2b) Magnitude |a-b| is a condition |a-b| = a-b>0 a-b : b-a
What about:
Square root is also a condition. Whenever c>0 and c^2 = d we have second solution -c, because (-c)^2 = (-1)^2*c^2 = 1*c^2 = d. Square root returns the greatest in the pair. I comes with a build in int max(int c1, int c2){return max(c1, c2);}
Without comparison operator math is very symmetric as well as limited in power. Positive and negative numbers cannot be distinguished without if of some sort.
It depends which language you're using, but the Ternary Operator might be useful.
But then, if you can't perform conditional checks in your 'scripting application', you probably don't have the ternary operator.
using System;
namespace ConsoleApp2
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
float a = 101, b = 15;
float max = (a + b) / 2 + ((a > b) ? a - b : b - a) / 2;
#region GetMaximumNumber
/// <summary>
/// Provides method to get maximum values.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="values">Integer array for getting maximum values.</param>
/// <returns>Maximum number from an array.</returns>
private int GetMaximumNumber(params int[] values)
// Declare to store the maximum number.
int maximumNumber = 0;
// Check that array is not null and array has an elements.
if (values != null &&
values.Length > 0)
// Sort the array in ascending order for getting maximum value.
// Get the last value from an array which is always maximum.
maximumNumber = values[values.Length - 1];
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return maximumNumber;
