Is any way to change the year faster from a datePicker element in javaFX? - javafx

I'm working with javaFX - in particular the datePicker node and I was just wondering, instead of incrementally changing the date via mouseclick in the datePicker popup menu, is there a faster way of changing the year?
I was hoping there would be a way to make the year field editable but I was unable to find such a solution.

You might just add a second control to set the year more quickly with the mouse and then coordinate the display (model) of both controls.


How to display a button inside a b-tabs in boostrap vue?

this is the situation:
We have a series of tabs, which have card-like elements inside. The designer choose to push a "change display" feature which hides part of the content of the cards (image, description) to increase the displayed number per time.
The problem:
The designer choose to put this change display button, in the tabs section. Like (Tab - Tab - Button).
After a couple hours of research, I couldn't find a way to place a button inside the <b-tabs> component (which has X number of <b-tab>). I had to use float, position absolute and use coordinates to place the button, but obviously this is not a desirable solution.
Is there a better approach to this problem? Or it's possible to place the button inside the component itself?
#Anatoly gave the answer !
Try to use tabs without a content, described here

How to do a context dependant layout in Qt Designer and PyQt5?

I have a group box or the like containing a combobox and some more widgets that shall not all be visible at the same time. Depending on the selection I want at the same place to be displayed a button or a line edit or a (second) combobox. So if combobox entry one is selected it shows the button, if entry two is selected it shows the line edit, if entry three is selected it shows the second combobox, while not showing the other two.
I know that I can do it all dynamically but this results in a lot of code lines. I want to use QT Designer and a grid layout and I can't see how to put two widgets at the same place and then make only one visible programmatically.
I hope I could explain properly.
I played with Qt Designer but could not place two widgets over one another in a grid layout.
Thanks for any help.
Thank you G.M.
Yes, I was looking for QStackedWidget. I wasn't aware of this at all. I tried it and it works easily out of the box.

Override default expand behaviour on Timeline group click

I'm trying to find a way to override the default expand/collapse behaviour when clicking on a Group element in a VisJS Timeline.
I'd like to allow other actions from the group contents, and invoke the expand/collapse action programmatically from somewhere else in the UI.
I'm been looking into the code in the v4.21, but I don't seem to find a way to override the _onGroupClick on the ItemSet.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this in the most elegant way? (trying to avoid monkey patching)
I've been looking for the same solution, and I found the solution just here
In my case, I just use the 'off' to disconnect the toggle from the general first cell of each row. Then I manually change the showNested property of the groups and call setGroups to open, in this way I can show the action exactly in the item I want not in the whole cell.

FullCalendar - week view events display vertical order

Is it possible to show the events one below the other like the image?i want view week with events vertical order
sorry my English is not perfet
No, it is not possible without editing the source code of fullcalendar.
The best you can do is set eventOverlap: false so that users at least cannot drag and drop the events to have the same time.
You can also try fullcalendar's scheduler plugin which will do almost the same. Search the documentation for vertical resources layout.

Fullcalendar customizing the Agenda display

I want to make three changes to the fullcalendar Agenda view.
Remove start time from events, essentially I just want to display the title in each slot.
Change the height of timeslots, I have tried adjusting the contentHeight but that had no apparent effect.
Show 30min slots on Y-axis, I know about axisFormat option but it still only displays the full hours.
If anyone can give me any suggestions on how to accomplish these 3 changes?
Fullcalendar have rich callback set to configure:
You should use eventRender to modify it (hide title in already constructed is best way of it). Do not try construct new element and replace original
The same eventRender where you can add CSS or class and then change per event or direct from CSS
Agenda view does not have time slots at all, it is time-ordered list which does not represent proportion of time-lenght between events. If you wan't time based view, then try singe day view and set slotDuration as close as you want, even on the fly with buttons or keybind. + when setting slotDuration, if you wan't support adding events, change also snapDuration
