I am trying to optimize a Wordpress site that has some Amazon Affiliate iframes on it. Those iframes are those that you can get on the left corner of Amazon -> Obtain link -> Text + Image when you are on a specific product to obtain an affiliate link of it:
and this is how they look like (as typical Amazon affiliates iframe):
My question comes because when I run a test on PageSpeed, it shows me "Enable text compression" error that makes references to all the urls from the iframes:
My hosting have CPanel so I have enabled Text Compression on cPanel --> Optimize Website --> Mark "Compress All Content" option but it is still showing the error, so it doesnt seem it takes any effect on them.
Is there a way to optimize those iframes and enable text compression on them? It is a bit annoying that it takes so much time to load all of them (and they are between 15-20).
You can add lazy load to your Iframe to increase page speed.
Refer this link to implement lazy load for iframes in Wordpress
loading = "lazy"
src= {amazon link}>
Since compression takes place on the server side it's not possible to compress files hosted outside of your server and that is why you can't serve the files from the Amazon iframe compressed. Also the iframes may cause problems with any caching on the website.
Maybe an alternative would be to create the product box yourself and then link them to the product using the affiliate link instead?
Old answer:
What version of apache are you running?
I belive if it's above version 2 then you could try adding this to your root .htaccess. Try it out and see if the compression takes any effect on the iframes.
<IfModule mod_filter.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE "application/atom+xml" \
"application/javascript" \
"application/json" \
"application/ld+json" \
"application/manifest+json" \
"application/rdf+xml" \
"application/rss+xml" \
"application/schema+json" \
"application/vnd.geo+json" \
"application/vnd.ms-fontobject" \
"application/x-font-ttf" \
"application/x-javascript" \
"application/x-web-app-manifest+json" \
"application/xhtml+xml" \
"application/xml" \
"font/eot" \
"font/opentype" \
"image/bmp" \
"image/svg+xml" \
"image/vnd.microsoft.icon" \
"image/x-icon" \
"text/cache-manifest" \
"text/css" \
"text/html" \
"text/javascript" \
"text/plain" \
"text/vcard" \
"text/vnd.rim.location.xloc" \
"text/vtt" \
"text/x-component" \
"text/x-cross-domain-policy" \
The website loads its assets from some other domain & I am not able to download those assets at all.(JS, CSS, Images, etc)
Say the website is example.com & it includes assets from, say, assets.orange.com.
How do I tell WGET to download those assets, save it into different folders(js, css, images) and convert the links in the downloaded HTML files?
I don't know what I am doing wrong & where to specify assets.orange.com in this command.
wget \
--mirror \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--html-extension \
--convert-links \
--restrict-file-names=windows \
--domains example.com \
--no-parent \
where to specify assets.orange.com in this command
wget manual says that --domains usage is
-D domain-list
where domain-list is a comma-separated list of domains, so if you wish to specify more than one you should do
According to wget manual if you aim to to download all the files that are necessary to properly display a given HTML page you might use
Beware that This includes such things as inlined images, sounds, and referenced stylesheets.
I am using the here-api to get a 7 day forecast for my application. When I copy and paste the code onto my browser from the Here documentation using my app-code and app-id, it says that my app-id and app-code are invalid. I am wondering why this is happening since i have an account with Here and am using the code they provided.
I have already tried switching them.
When i enter this request i expected json in return but instead get a page that says my code is invalid. I am using safari but have tried chrome and i still get the same problem
Make sure to remove the curly brackets around the credentials, and to remove newlines (if any) that were added in the documentation for readability.
If you do have valid credentials, the following request should work:
Use the query like below. For any query you can use the swagger here . And, from the "view code" button you can download either the curl or the jQuery snippet.
curl \
-X GET \
-H 'Content-Type: *' \
--get 'https://weather.api.here.com/weather/1.0/report.json' \
--data-urlencode 'product=forecast_7days_simple' \
--data-urlencode 'latitude=52.516' \
--data-urlencode 'longitude=13.389' \
--data-urlencode 'oneobservation=true' \
--data-urlencode 'app_id={YOUR_APP_ID}' \
--data-urlencode 'app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}'
I have this command in cURL and it works
curl -X GET \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: APP_ID" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: API_KEY" \
-G \ https://parseapi.back4app.com/classes/Books
I want create a url that will execute the same way on the browser.
The website that I'm working with is back4app.
There is no way to achieve the same thing with just a URL. This relies on HTTP Headers (both -H parameters) that can't be translated to something else easily. To set these headers in a web browser, you'd at least need to execute JavaScript.
There might be a way if the target API supports reading the same fields from the url in some way (technically, there's no reason not to do this). I haven't found something on that topic in their docs, though.
I have some curl request, in which i would like to build from it a basic POST request-authenticated (with headers etc), i couldn't find any tool that convert that :
curl -X POST 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls.json' \
--data-urlencode 'To=xxxxxxx65542' \
--data-urlencode 'From=+xxxxxxx4215' \
-d 'Url=https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01' \
-d 'Method=GET' \
-d 'FallbackMethod=GET' \
-d 'StatusCallbackMethod=GET' \
-d 'Record=false' \
-u ACbe68cddxxxxxxxxxxxx3aba243cc4cdb:0f442xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
So how would my POST request should look like ?
Okay so i was trying to figure out how to send a text message from an ESP8266 nodeMcu v0.9 module. It is capable of working like an arduino with the arduino ide 1.6.4.
Anyways, I found http://textbelt.com and it only shows a simple CURL way of sending the text message.
This is the CURL message it wants you to send
$ curl -X POST http://textbelt.com/text \ -d number=5551234567 \ -d "message=I sent this message for free with textbelt.com"
So to convert to a normal HTTP POST command i did the following. (this works in Arduino IDE)
number and message are String objects.
String messageToSend = "number="+number+"&message="+message;
client.print("POST /text HTTP/1.1\r\n");
client.print("Host: textbelt.com\r\n");
client.print("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
client.print("Content-Length: ");
At first i tried without the Content-Type but that didn't seem to work. So i had to add the type of content i was sending as well.
If you were to monitor the network traffic with say WireShark you would see
POST /text HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: textbelt.com\r\n
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n
Content-Length: 48\r\n
number=5551234567&message=this is a text message
I may have been able to use less text with text/plain as the content-type but i think it may need the application urlencoded type to work.
Hope this helps someone else trying to convert curl to http.
From the cURL man page :
-H, --header (HTTP) Extra header to use when getting a web page. You may specify any number of extra headers. Note that if you
should add a custom header that has the same name as one of the
internal ones curl would use, your externally set header will be
used instead of the internal one. This allows you to make even
trickier stuff than curl would nor‐ mally do. You should not replace
internally set headers without knowing perfectly well what you're
doing. Remove an internal header by giving a replacement without
content on the right side of the colon, as in: -H "Host:". If you send
the custom header with no-value then its header must be terminated
with a semicolon, such as -H "X-Custom- Header;" to send
curl will make sure that each header you add/replace is sent with the
proper end-of-line marker, you should thus not add that as a part of
the header content: do not add newlines or carriage returns, they will
only mess things up for you.
See also the -A, --user-agent and -e, --referer options.
This option can be used multiple times to add/replace/remove multiple
Amazon AWS makes heavy use of headers for authentication. A quick Google should lead to many examples such as this one from http://tmont.com/blargh/2014/1/uploading-to-s3-in-bash :
curl -X PUT -T "${file}" \
-H "Host: ${bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com" \
-H "Date: ${dateValue}" \
-H "Content-Type: ${contentType}" \
-H "Authorization: AWS ${s3Key}:${signature}" \
All you need to do is adapt the AWS examples for your twilio use.
To make the example into a POST, just change PUT to POST and add your POST fields -d "field1=val1&field2=val2&field3=val3"
You can specify the headers using --header and the type of request (POST) by using -X / --request parameters.
curl --request POST --header "X-MyHeader: MyAuthenticatedHeader" www.stackoverflow.com
In your case it should be:
curl -X POST 'https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/Calls.json' \
--header 'X-MyHeader: MyAuthenticatedHeader' \
--data-urlencode 'To=xxxxxxx65542' \
--data-urlencode 'From=+xxxxxxx4215' \
-d 'Url=https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01' \
-d 'Method=GET' \
-d 'FallbackMethod=GET' \
-d 'StatusCallbackMethod=GET' \
-d 'Record=false' \
-u ACbe68cddxxxxxxxxxxxx3aba243cc4cdb:0f442xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Fairly new to Open Graph. I am able to post an action with (using the sample code from when I created the action on the dev app page):
curl -F 'access_token=xxx' \
-F 'chatter=http://samples.ogp.me/225477284175782' \
-F 'place=134676523236535' \
Everything looks fine on my timeline.. But when I tried to add "friend tags" using this:
curl -F 'access_token=xxx' \
-F 'chatter=http://samples.ogp.me/225477284175782' \
-F 'place=134676523236535' \
-F 'tags=854450021' \
I got this error:
{"error":{"type":"Exception","message":"One or more of your tags are not allowed."}}
What am I missing? does the user being tagged have to auth the app or something?
Please help! Thanks.
Yeah, until the open graph is live (with Timeline) users can't be tagged unless they are an admin of the app. I think you also have to be friends with them too.