R: Adding Missing Rows to a Dataset - r

I am working with the R.
I have a dataset that looks something like this:
id = c("john", "john", "john", "john","john", "james", "james", "james", "james", "james")
year = c(2010,2011, 2014, 2016,2017, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018,2020)
var = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1)
my_data = data.frame(id, year, var)
> my_data
id year var
1 john 2010 1
2 john 2011 1
3 john 2014 1
4 john 2016 1
5 john 2017 1
6 james 2013 1
7 james 2016 1
8 james 2017 1
9 james 2018 1
10 james 2020 1
As we can see, there are some missing years (i.e. non-consecutive years) in this dataset - for each ID, I am trying to add rows corresponding to these missing years and assign the "var" variable as "0" in these rows.
As an example, this would look something like this for the first ID:
id year var
1 john 2010 1
2 john 2011 1
3 john 2012 0
4 john 2013 0
5 john 2014 1
6 john 2015 0
7 john 2016 1
8 john 2017 1
I tried to do this with the following code:
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74365569/backfilling-rows-based-on-max-conditions-in-r
my_data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
complete(year = full_seq(year, period = 1)) %>%
fill(year, var, .direction = "downup") %>%
mutate(var= 0 ) %>%
But this is not giving the desired result - as we can see, rows have been deleted and all values of "var" have been replaced with 0:
A tibble: 16 x 3
id year var
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 james 2013 0
2 james 2014 0
3 james 2015 0
4 james 2016 0
5 james 2017 0
6 james 2018 0
7 james 2019 0
8 james 2020 0
Can someone please show me how to fix this problem?

I would include the fill argument in your complete function. There you can specify in a named list what you want to include as values for missing combinations.
my_data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
complete(year = full_seq(year, period = 1), fill = list(var = 0)) %>%
id year var
<chr> <dbl> <dbl>
1 james 2013 1
2 james 2014 0
3 james 2015 0
4 james 2016 1
5 james 2017 1
6 james 2018 1
7 james 2019 0
8 james 2020 1
9 john 2010 1
10 john 2011 1
11 john 2012 0
12 john 2013 0
13 john 2014 1
14 john 2015 0
15 john 2016 1
16 john 2017 1

You can create a data.frame with all year's and id's, then do a full_join with the original data.frame
expand_grid(id = unique(my_data$id),year = min(my_data$year):max(my_data$year)) %>%
full_join(my_data) %>%
replace_na(replace = list(var = 0))


Calculate Sum of Random observations as sum per week in R

I have a dataset of random, sometimes infrequent, events that I want to count as a sum per week. Due to the randomness they are not linear so other examples I have tried so far are not applicable.
The data is similar to this:
df_date <- data.frame( Name = c("Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim","Jim",
Dates = c("2010-1-1", "2010-1-2", "2010-01-5","2010-01-17","2010-01-20",
"2010-1-1", "2010-1-2", "2010-01-5","2010-01-17","2010-01-20",
Event = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) )
What I'm trying to do is create a new table that contains the sum of events per week in the calendar year.
In this case producing something like this:
Name Week Events
Jim 1 3
Sue 1 3
Jim 2 0
Sue x ... x
and so on...
Update OP request for multiple years:
We could use isoweek also from lubridate instead of week
We could add the year as follows:
df_date %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Week = week(ymd(Dates))) %>%
mutate(Year = year(ymd(Dates))) %>%
count(Name, Year, Week)
We could use lubridates Week function after transforming character Dates to date format with lubridates ymd function.
Then we can use count which is the short for group_by(Name, Week) %>% summarise(Count = n())
df_date %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate(Week = week(ymd(Dates))) %>%
count(Name, Week)
Name Week n
<chr> <dbl> <int>
1 Jim 1 3
2 Jim 3 2
3 Jim 5 1
4 Jim 6 2
5 Jim 7 1
6 Jim 9 1
7 Sue 1 3
8 Sue 3 2
9 Sue 5 1
10 Sue 6 2
11 Sue 7 1
12 Sue 9 1
Here is an approach that gets you each ISO week for each individual, with zeros when there are no events for that week for that individual:
get_dates_df <- function(d) {
data.frame(date = seq(min(d, na.rm=T),max(d,na.rm=T),1)) %>%
mutate(Year=year(date), Week=week(date)) %>%
distinct(Year, Week)
df_date = df_date %>% mutate(Dates=lubridate::ymd(Dates))
full_join(distinct(df_date %>% select(Name)), get_dates_df(df_date$Dates), by=character()),
df_date %>%
group_by(Name,Year=year(Dates), Week=week(Dates)) %>%
summarize(Events = sum(Event), .groups="drop")
) %>%
Name Year Week Events
1 Jim 2010 1 3
2 Jim 2010 2 0
3 Jim 2010 3 2
4 Jim 2010 4 0
5 Jim 2010 5 1
6 Jim 2010 6 2
7 Jim 2010 7 1
8 Jim 2010 8 0
9 Jim 2010 9 1
10 Sue 2010 1 3
11 Sue 2010 2 0
12 Sue 2010 3 2
13 Sue 2010 4 0
14 Sue 2010 5 1
15 Sue 2010 6 2
16 Sue 2010 7 1
17 Sue 2010 8 0
18 Sue 2010 9 1

Count the occurences of accidents until the next accidents

I have the following data frame and I would like to create the "OUTPUT_COLUMN".
Explanation of columns:
ID is the identification number of the policy
ID_REG_YEAR is the identification number per Registration Year
CALENDAR_YEAR is the year that the policy have exposure
NUMBER_OF_RENEWALS is the count of numbers that the policy has renewed
ACCIDENT is accident occurred
Basically, if column NUMBER_OF_RENEWALS = 0 then OUTPUT_COLUMN = 100. Any rows that an accident did not occurred before should contain 100 (e.g rows 13,16,17). If an Accident occured I would like to count the number of renewals until the next accident.
1 A A_2015 2015 0 YES 100
2 A A_2015 2016 0 YES 100
3 A A_2016 2016 1 YES 0
4 A A_2016 2017 1 YES 0
5 A A_2017 2017 2 NO 1
6 A A_2017 2018 2 NO 1
7 A A_2018 2018 3 NO 2
8 A A_2018 2019 3 NO 2
9 A A_2019 2019 4 YES 0
10 A A_2019 2020 4 YES 0
11 B B_2015 2015 0 NO 100
12 B B_2015 2016 0 NO 100
13 B B_2016 2016 1 NO 100
14 C C_2013 2013 0 NO 100
15 C C_2013 2014 0 NO 100
16 C C_2014 2014 1 NO 100
17 C C_2014 2015 1 NO 100
18 C C_2015 2015 2 YES 0
19 C C_2015 2016 2 YES 0
20 C C_2016 2016 3 NO 1
21 C C_2016 2017 3 NO 1
22 C C_2017 2017 4 NO 2
23 C C_2017 2018 4 NO 2
24 C C_2018 2018 5 YES 0
25 C C_2018 2019 5 YES 0
26 C C_2019 2019 6 NO 1
27 C C_2019 2020 6 NO 1
28 C C_2020 2020 7 NO 2
Here is a dplyr solution. First, obtain a separate column for the registration year, which will be used to calculate renewals since prior accident (assumes this is years since last accident). Then, create a column to contain the year of the last accident after grouping by ID. Using fill this value will be propagated. The final outcome column will be set as either 100 (if no prior accident, or NUMBER_OF_RENEWALS is zero) vs. the registration year - last accident year.
df %>%
separate(ID_REG_YEAR, into = c("ID_REG", "REG_YEAR"), convert = T) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
mutate(LAST_ACCIDENT = ifelse(ACCIDENT == "YES", REG_YEAR, NA_integer_)) %>%
fill(LAST_ACCIDENT, .direction = "down") %>%
mutate(OUTPUT_COLUMN_2 = ifelse(
<chr> <chr> <int> <int> <int> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
1 A A 2015 2015 0 YES 100 2015 100
2 A A 2015 2016 0 YES 100 2015 100
3 A A 2016 2016 1 YES 0 2016 0
4 A A 2016 2017 1 YES 0 2016 0
5 A A 2017 2017 2 NO 1 2016 1
6 A A 2017 2018 2 NO 1 2016 1
7 A A 2018 2018 3 NO 2 2016 2
8 A A 2018 2019 3 NO 2 2016 2
9 A A 2019 2019 4 YES 0 2019 0
10 A A 2019 2020 4 YES 0 2019 0
# … with 18 more rows
Note: If you want to use your policy number (NUMBER_OF_RENEWALS) and not go by the year, you can do something similar. Instead of adding a column with the last accident year, you can include the last accident policy. Then, your output column could reflect the policy number instead of year (to consider the possibility that one or more years could be skipped).
df %>%
separate(ID_REG_YEAR, into = c("ID_REG", "REG_YEAR"), convert = T) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
fill(LAST_ACCIDENT_POLICY, .direction = "down") %>%
mutate(OUTPUT_COLUMN_2 = ifelse(

Create incremental column year based on id and year column in R

I have the below dataframe and i want to create the 'create_col' using some kind of seq() function i guess using the 'year' column as the start of the sequence. How I could do that?
id <- c(1,1,2,3,3,3,4)
year <- c(2013, 2013, 2015,2017,2017,2017,2011)
create_col <- c(2013,2014,2015,2017,2018,2019,2011)
Ideal result:
id year create_col
1 1 2013 2013
2 1 2013 2014
3 2 2015 2015
4 3 2017 2017
5 3 2017 2018
6 3 2017 2019
7 4 2011 2011
You can add row_number() to minimum year in each id :
df %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(create_col = min(year) + row_number() - 1)
# id year create_col
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 1 2013 2013
#2 1 2013 2014
#3 2 2015 2015
#4 3 2017 2017
#5 3 2017 2018
#6 3 2017 2019
#7 4 2011 2011
df <- data.frame(id, year)

how do I identify rows where an element appears for the first time?

I have the following data frame of student records. what I want is to identify students who joined a certain program in 2014 for the first time when they were in 9th grade.
To do this, I have used the following statement to say that I want students where the program year==2014 and their grade ==9.
df$first.cohort<-ifelse(df$year==2014 & df$grade==9,1,0)
names.first names.last year grade first.cohort
1 a c 2014 9 1
2 a c 2013 8 0
3 b z 2014 9 1
4 b z 2015 10 0
5 c f 2015 10 0
6 d h 2014 10 0
However, as you can notice this would include students who didn't enter the program in year 2014 such as student awho started in 2013. How do I create a ifelse statement where I only capture students who are in 9th grade and started the program in 2014 for the first time so that the df looks like
names.first names.last year grade first.cohort
1 a c 2014 9 0
2 a c 2013 8 0
3 b z 2014 9 1
4 b z 2015 10 0
5 c f 2015 10 0
6 d h 2014 10 0
We can use first after arrangeing by 'name' and 'year' to create the logical expression
df %>%
arrange(names, year) %>%
group_by(names) %>%
mutate(first.cohort = as.integer(grade == 9 & first(year) == 2014))
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: names [4]
# names year grade first.cohort
# <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#1 a 2013 8 0
#2 a 2014 9 0
#3 b 2014 9 1
#4 b 2015 10 0
#5 c 2015 10 0
#6 d 2014 10 0
For keeping the same order as in the input dataset, we can create a sequence column first and then do the arrange on the column after the mutate
df %>%
mutate(rn = row_number()) %>%
arrange(names, year) %>%
group_by(names) %>%
mutate(first.cohort = as.integer(grade == 9 & first(year) == 2014)) %>%
ungroup %>%
arrange(rn) %>%
Or using the same logic with data.table that have the additional advantage of keeping the same order as in the input dataset
setDT(df)[order(names, year), first.cohort := as.integer(grade == 9 &
first(year) == 2014), names]
With the new example in the OP's post, we do the grouping by both the 'names' column
df %>%
arrange(names.first, names.last, year) %>%
group_by(names.first, names.last) %>%
mutate(first.cohort = as.integer(grade == 9 & first(year) == 2014))
# A tibble: 6 x 5
# Groups: names.first, names.last [4]
# names.first names.last year grade first.cohort
# <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#1 a c 2013 8 0
#2 a c 2014 9 0
#3 b z 2014 9 1
#4 b z 2015 10 0
#5 c f 2015 10 0
#6 d h 2014 10 0
Using dplyr
# A tibble: 6 x 4
# Groups: names [4]
names year grade Fc
<fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 a 2014 9 0
2 a 2013 8 0
3 b 2014 9 1
4 b 2015 10 0
5 c 2015 10 0
6 d 2014 10 0

R - Add row index to a data frame but handle ties with minimum rank

I successfully used the answer in this SO thread
r-how-to-add-row-index-to-a-data-frame-based-on-combination-of-factors but I need to handle situation where two (or more) rows can be tied.
df <- data.frame(
season = c(2014,2014,2014,2014,2014,2014, 2014, 2014),
week = c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),
player.name = c("Matt Ryan","Peyton Manning","Cam Newton","Matthew Stafford","Carson Palmer","Andrew Luck", "Aaron Rodgers", "Chad Henne"),
fant.pts.passing = c(28,19,29,28,18,22,29,22)
df <- df[order(-df$season, df$week, -df$fant.pts.passing),]
df$Index <- ave( 1:nrow(df), df$season, df$week, FUN=function(x) 1:length(x) )
In this example, for week 1, Matt Ryan and Matthew Stafford would both be 2, and then Peyton Manning would be 4.
You would want to use the rank function with ties.method="min" within your ave call:
df$Index <- ave(-df$fant.pts.passing, df$season, df$week,
FUN=function(x) rank(x, ties.method="min"))
# season week player.name fant.pts.passing Index
# 3 2014 1 Cam Newton 29 1
# 1 2014 1 Matt Ryan 28 2
# 4 2014 1 Matthew Stafford 28 2
# 2 2014 1 Peyton Manning 19 4
# 7 2014 2 Aaron Rodgers 29 1
# 6 2014 2 Andrew Luck 22 2
# 8 2014 2 Chad Henne 22 2
# 5 2014 2 Carson Palmer 18 4
Assuming you want ranks by season and week, this can be easily accomplished with dplyr's min_rank:
df %>% group_by(season, week) %>%
mutate(indx = min_rank(desc(fant.pts.passing)))
# season week player.name fant.pts.passing Index indx
# 1 2014 1 Cam Newton 29 1 1
# 2 2014 1 Matt Ryan 28 2 2
# 3 2014 1 Matthew Stafford 28 3 2
# 4 2014 1 Peyton Manning 19 4 4
# 5 2014 2 Aaron Rodgers 29 1 1
# 6 2014 2 Andrew Luck 22 2 2
# 7 2014 2 Chad Henne 22 3 2
# 8 2014 2 Carson Palmer 18 4 4
You could use the faster frank from data.table and assign (:=) the column by reference
setDT(df)[, indx := frank(-fant.pts.passing, ties.method='min'), .(season, week)]
# season week player.name fant.pts.passing indx
#1: 2014 1 Cam Newton 29 1
#2: 2014 1 Matt Ryan 28 2
#3: 2014 1 Matthew Stafford 28 2
#4: 2014 1 Peyton Manning 19 4
#5: 2014 2 Aaron Rodgers 29 1
#6: 2014 2 Andrew Luck 22 2
#7: 2014 2 Chad Henne 22 2
#8: 2014 2 Carson Palmer 18 4
