Zip Codes along driving route - google-maps-api-3

I know that there is a Google API that can provide directions and/or driving distance between 2 points.
Is there a way to get all of the zip codes that the route passes through, or within a specified distance from the route?
The application has to do with deliveries. E.G. a truck is making a delivery from point A to point B. I would like to get all of the zip codes along the route in order to determine which other deliveries can be done in the same trip.
I've only found one post for something similar, but it's old, the links aren't valid any more and I would think there is something else out there.


Here maps Getting attractions / places aling route

I am using the Routing service to get the route between two points. I would like to return attractions or places along or near the route, if possible. I have searched but unable to find anything that looks like it does what I need.
You can use the browse end point for the same. This endpoint provides search results for places based on different filters, such as categories or name, ranked by distance from a given search center. The only mandatory elements exposed in the response are id and position. The other elements shown in the response samples section are only dataset attributes suggestions.
For more details please check below doc.

Error Message: "through traffic restriction might apply" (Here Maps Fleet Telematics API)

When using Fleet Telematics API I have been getting the error message quite often -- about 10% of the routes I want to calculate: "Couldn't reach way point 1 (start links 781909352 -781909352 dest links 881144574 -881144574 881144579 -881144579 ), link 881144574's through traffic restriction might apply, link 881144579's through traffic restriction might apply"
Sample query:;truck;traffic:disabled&driver_cost=20&currency=EUR&rollups=total,country,tollsys,country;tollsys&commercial=1&shippedHazardousGoods=0&waypoint0=52.51,13.42&waypoint1=45.747353, 11.733903&tollVehicleType=3&vehicle_cost=0.5&fuelType=Diesel&emissionType=6&length=1500cm&height=270cm&heightAbove1stAxle=120cm&vehicleWeight=7000kg&vehicleNumberAxles=2&trailerType=2&trailersCount=1&trailerNumberAxles=4&trailerHeight=270cm
What are these numbers after the word "links"? Do they give more information about what the restriction might be? And if so, how do I access that information?
When I manually adjust the waypoint latitude and longitude a bit to move it to a nearby bigger road, a route is able to be found. But for me this needs to be automated to work. If I could increase the radius around the waypoint that would be considered a "success" to find a route, that would solve my problem.
The numbers after the word "links' are link IDs with the - indicating an opposite direction of travel. The error means the algorithm cannot get a valid route that goes through those two waypoints without violating the restrictions that you have provided (as parameters). You can add a routeMatch parameter with value 1 so the algorithm will treat you waypoints as GPS trace and find the most probable trace along the route.

Get nearest intersection using HERE Maps APIs

I want to measure the distance to the next intersection/traffic light based on a gps location(s).
I DON’T have a route (i.e. no destination point) but I can get gps locations every second (while on the move).
Is it possible to get the information using HERE APIs?
I understand that there is no direct way (specific api) to do it, but I would appreciate any idea that will fulfill my needs.
The general idea that I came up with was getting at least 2 gps points to understand the direction, then getting link_id for current location and try to get the next links in same direction/road and find if any of them are intersections...
I didn’t find a way to do it. Any ideas?
There is no direct API for this however there is an idea that you have to crawl along the link into the direction determined like you outlined (or better by sending the last few GPS points to our Route Matcher (aka RME)) until you reach an intersection.
And this can be achieved with a concept of "electronic horizon" in SDK. It takes your current road link and driving direction and then crawls forward over the upcoming links until an intersection comes (or even beyond taking the most probable choice). mobile SDK has this "electronic horizon" feature.

Sabre developer api - how limited is the data in development? Am I using it wrong or is data THAT limited?

Im trying our different flight api's from sabre, I understand from reading the data Im getting back is limited in development but Im not sure if it really can be THAT limited or its me doing something wrong.
1: InstaFlights Search
First I use the citypairs lookup to show city pairs, then use them for the instasearch,
The problem is unlike I use NY or London (there were 2 other cities working fine), for almost ALL other cities, Im getting no response.
I know data is limited but since the citypairs api already returns VERY limited data, but is it really THAT limited? Feeling like I must be doing something wrong because I cannot image, that api to work (in dev) only for 3 cities on 3 different dates :-/
destination api
here I use first the supported cities api, then use results to use the multi airports api, then use that for destination api.
Again, same here, only 2/3 cities actually work. Since in the destination api, UNLIKE the instaflights api, the changes of 'matches' are higher as any destination could be shown for the picked origin. HERE AGAIN almost no results, BUT for about 3 cities.
If anyone who has some experience with sabre, could help out it would be great- just trying to figure out if its me whos using it wrong or no. Thanks!
Can you please provide the city pairs that seem to be failing for you? I just did a test of both APIs (InstaFlights and DestinationFinder) and was able to obtain results with the city pairs provided there. I changed the point of sale to FR and obtained PAR-ATH, and that worked. Also worked with ABE-MCO which is the first city pair I obtain when using POS US.
The testing environment for this API but you should be not limited to just three cities.

google maps api v3: avoid specified coordinates while computing a path in navigation

i would like to know if it's possible to make a navigation function that, before creating the path, check through an array of "indesiderate" points and, if the best way touch one of these, try to find an alternative path.
for example, if i have a busy street (from my database, not using traffic service), i took an array of point along all the street (at any switch of course), and i want to avoid these points (=this street)
i made this sort of list of points, but i cannot find a way to find alternatives in path computing
i saw in the gmaps api documentation that the avoid command alredy exist, but can be used only to avoid tolls or highway, but i cannot find a cord-avoid command
Not available at present. Vote (star) the enhancement request:
