Cpanel alternative for WordPress on AWS lightsail? - wordpress

I hired a developer to stand up my website. I had already created a WordPress install on AWS lightsail. The developer says he needs cpanel in order to finish the work (header/footer code, configuration etc...). I was hoping to do this as cheaply as possible and it seems like cpanel would add $15 a month. Is it really needed? Any alternatives?
Looked at AWS docs on alternatives but didn't find anything.

cPanel is a hosting control panel to manage a website and server. It seems that you have already hosted and configured your server without cPanel. For developers, they should be able to manage and customize your website using FTP and WordPress admin details and it does not require from Development point of view.
Even if you are planning to add cPanel to your server, you will have to reinstall your server from scratch because cPanel requires a fresh server without any software, data or website.


AWS Lightsail WordPress Multisite plugins require FTP?

I have a WordPress Multisite running on a relatively new Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lightsail instance, based on a Bitnami image (provided through AWS Lightsail) running a LAMP stack, based on Debian.
Until recently, plugins installed through the WordPress multisite Administrator Dashboard installed and ran good. Worked great before, no problems. Now, for some reason, attempting to install any WordPress plugin surfaces a dialog requiring FTP credentials be provided. There's a screenshot of the WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials at the end of this message.
I'm thinking this - new - demand to provide FTP credentials when adding a WordPress plugin is happening due to permissions. Naturally, I'd rather not need to install WordPress plugins using FTP.
So, I have two questions:
What settings were accidentally - somehow - changed to cause WordPress to now produce this new requirement asking for FTP credentials when installing any WordPress plugin?
How to I fix WordPress so that plugins can be installed without FTP?
I did see many solutions for fixing permissions on the Internet, except since I'm new to AWS, Linux (Debian) & WordPress I'd like to use this opportunity to learn how this situation happened, while learning how to fix the hiccup. Other than using a few new plugins, which installed & ran fine without FTP, I have not made any edits to any internal WordPress files.
The only chance to change permissions might - maybe - have happened when setting-up users within my AWS account, including setting-up of a Yubico key with key-pairs --> I don't think that security change would influence the LAMP stack running the WordPress multisite, but I wanted to offer information that might - maybe - related to security changes influencing why, now, adding WordPress plugins requests FTP credentials.
Thanks in advance, everybody. Thank you. :)
WordPress multisite dialog asking for FTP credentials
I tried to add many, many WordPress plugins to confirm that every WordPress plugin now asks for FTP credentials for any new plugin.
I have looked at many Internet posts explaining how to change WordPress & Linux permissions, along with posts explaining how to change WordPress configuration files to not ask for FTP when installing new plugins. I have not acted on these many suggestions since I'm cautious & careful --> I'm ready to study months & months becoming a Linux, WordPress, and supporting technologies expert, but at this stage since I'm new to all-of-the-above, I'm reluctant to make any changes until I fully understand the technologies (after making this post, I will make copies of WordPress configuration-files to test changes that can be undone, but I wanted to see whether StackOverflow might help me learn what happened in the first place, while learning how to correctly fix these issues.
I pay for AWS Premium Support --> I've sent a message to AWS Premium Support, but so far have not heard back from AWS.

How to deploy a local wordpress to bluehost server using git

I have a wordpress website in localhost and a hosting plan with a domain name on
My website is ready and now I wanted to go live and push my website to hosting server using Git. But in Bluehost C-panel there is no git option.
I have searched google but did not succeed to find a solution, so I came here if somebody could redirect to me to a tutorial link or give me some clues on how to do it i would be very grateful.
If you have VPS or Dedicated server on bluehost, try this manual from Bluehost FAQ:
Pretty sure, that you must manually import database (as it not included to git and can't upload automatically in mysql) and configure again wp-config.php. Also you don't say, what server you using with localhost, cause it can be different from bluehost config (for example apache / nginx / php version).

Hostgator sub-domain not working

I'm new to hostgator and multisites, and my client has an account in hostgator, using the plan that you can have multisites.
The account already have a site "" made by some other programmer that they don't work with anymore.
I need do develop a new site for them, hosted in that account, they dont have a domain for it yet, then i tried to create a subdomain on hostgator like, but even waiting 8 hours i cant acess the subdomain, i want to install wordpress in it, to start developing the site.
Techinical Information
The yyy site is in: /home/username/public_html
The xxx subdomain is in /home/username/public_html/
I used the "add subdomain" tool and softaculous app installer to install wordpress in that subdomain.
I think that the programmer of used magento
What i'm doing wrong and how can i get it right?
(As a standard: sorry for english errors, its not my native language)

Developing on plesk

Trying to figure the best way to develop on plesk.
I would like to develop my wordpress website on a temporary url, and attach the production domain only when I am done developing.
From some reason I'm getting various dns errors, saw a guide referring to change of hosts file but it dosent seem like the perfect solution to me.
Any tips?
You may create the clone of your WP instance (staging) and use Plesk Git extension for developing this staging WP site. After making all necessary changes on staging non-public clone you can publish it to a production domain to make it publicly available.

Weebly site hosted with GoDaddy-Client wants to keep GoDaddy, but use Wordpress instead

I have minimal experience with Wordpress. I have a client who currently has a site on Weebly, with their domain hosted on GoDaddy.
What they want:
They want to eliminate their Weebly site and use Wordpress instead.
They want to keep their GoDaddy domain hosting, since they already pay for that.
Where I'm lost:
Wordpress requires you to pay a monthly fee to have the "" removed from the Wordpress site domain name. So, will the client need to pay for that as well as the GoDaddy hosting?
Also, since I've never really started this process from scratch, what is the recommended order that I start this process? I'll need to rebuild the site manually, so I don't need a transfer service or anything.
I suggest you to purchase a good hosting with following requirement
PHP version 5.2.4 or greater.
MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater or any version of MariaDB.(Optional) (Required for Multisite)
Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)
And point your domian to that hosting server. You can purchase a hosting from GoDaddy also.
