I would like to plot a half violin plot instead of a full violin plot. Here is some reproducible code which creates full violin plots:
using StatsPlots
StatsPlots.violin(repeat(["A", "B"],outer=100),randn(300))
As you can see it creates a full violin plot. In the docs I can't find anything about half violin plots. So I was wondering if anyone know if it is possible to creat half violin plots in Julia?
The optional argument side defaults to :both, so to have a half violin, use :left or :right like this:
using StatsPlots
StatsPlots.violin(repeat(["A", "B"],outer=100),randn(300), side = :left)
Note that this behavior is not currently documented in the 'violin' method docs, but it is used in the examples.
I have a bar graph which looks like the following:
Problem: If I facet it by the same variable as the color, the x-axis has space for plotting all the bars even though I don't need them.
My Solution: I used multiplot function from the Rmisc to separately make bar graphs for each partner but then a lot of individual customization is needed to make the graphs go cohesively together.
Question: Is there another way that I can use to get closer to plot 2 without the extra spaces for the variables that don't apply.
I'm using ggplot to plot.
+ facet_wrap(~variable_to_facet_by,
scales = 'free')
as part of your ggplot code and that should get you what you want.
Sorry if this question has already been answered but I can't find a solution.
I have a data frame which is imported from a .csv file. It has four columns. I want to plot a 3d scatter plot of the first two columns against the last column using Plotly.
The problem is that for some reason, the scatter plot does not automatically resize its axes to fit the plot space. So in this case I end up with a tall thin plot. The weird thing is that if I do an example with some random numbers, I don't get this problem.
Can anyone help me to get my scatter plot to fit to the window?
My data can be found at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ojwrezjker33x2b/Data.csv?dl=0
Basically I want to do:
And this results in a tall and thin scatter plot (sorry can't post an image cos I am new to the site).
I would like this to be a well-proportioned scatter plot that fits the window.
Thanks for any help.
The default setting for aspectmode is 'auto' and Plotly will try to keep the relative axis lenghts equal.
If you set aspectmode='cube' you should get a plot with identical absolute axes lengths.
plot_ly(x=X[,1],y=X[,2],z=X[,4],type='scatter3d',mode='markers') %>%
This question already has an answer here:
2D filled.contour plot with 1D histograms by axes by R
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
My task is simple, just to plot the following, but the plot in the middle should be a filled.contour plot:
Background: I prefer filled.contour rather than hist2d. Because, I could use kernel smooth, so the plot for discrete data won't be too ugly. I also tried image() and then contour(), but the number on contour is not clear and no indication about the color.
My problem: in filled.contour function, it uses layout() for filledcontour() plot and rect() plot (color bar). However, I use layout() in outside code to organize 2 histograms and one filled.contour plot. Looks like, the layout outside is shadowed by filled.contour(). I am not sure how R deal with this problem. Should I rewrite filled.contour() somehow?
If we can plot in R like matplotlib in python, something like the following link will make life much easier:
This looks like an identical question to this one on CrossValidated. See the answer there (which is to use .filled.contour instead of filled.contour.
I'm trying to plot a box within a filled.contour plot, but unfortunately, when I plot the lines() after the filled.contour plot is created, the figure is shifted to the right because the scale forces the image to the left, but the box stays at the same coordinates. Here's what my code looks like:
top <- 3.42
bot <- 1.56
Does anyone know how I can plot those lines within the filled.contour function? Otherwise, the lines do not plot correctly onto the main image, since the scale/legend of the graph is placed on the right.
The manual page for filled.contour explains the problem (and gives a solution)
This function currently uses the ‘layout’ function and so is restricted
to a full page display. As an alternative consider the ‘levelplot’
and ‘contourplot’ functions from the ‘lattice’ package which work in
multipanel displays.
The output produced by ‘filled.contour’ is actually a combination
of two plots; one is the filled contour and one is the legend.
Two separate coordinate systems are set up for these two plots,
but they are only used internally - once the function has returned
these coordinate systems are lost. If you want to annotate the
main contour plot, for example to add points, you can specify
graphics commands in the ‘plot.axes’ argument. An example is
given below.
So essentially you pass some instructions as the plot.axes parameters to override standard behaviour.
In your example:
filled.contour(x = seq(from=-1.5,to=1.5,length=20),
y = seq(from=1,to=3.75,length=25), z = mypredict,
col = hsv(h=seq(from=2/3,to=0,length=20),s=1,v=1),
plot.axes = {axis(1); axis(2); rect(left, bottom, right, top);})
Note that you have to recreate the two axes otherwise they will not be drawn. Also, no need to use the lines statement, when there is a rect function! :)
Hope this helps
I want to plot stacked histograms in R; i.e. stack individual histograms in the third dimension.
thank you all for your suggestions, especially the one by Shane.
#hadley, I agree with your points, however, my situation is different: the main point I'm trying to convey by plotting four stacked histograms is that the tails vary significantly....the part that will get obscured is of no consequence in the data I'm presenting....also, being able to read the frequency axis is also not important since I'll be plotting the relative frequencies...
One doesn't. This is a terrible display of data because the front histograms obscure the rear histograms and the perspective makes it just about impossible to read the values off the y-axis.
You could try using either rgl (see here) or 3dscatterplot (as in this example). Lattice also supports this:
You can see an example of this on the Learnr blog.
I don't believe that's technically a stacked histogram (a stacked histogram stacks the bars on top of each other). Moreover, a different kind of histogram could be more informative: look at the ggplot2 the documentation here for some examples.
hist_cut <- ggplot(diamonds, aes(x=price, fill=cut))
hist_cut + geom_bar() # defaults to stacking
Another option is to use latticing instead, with facet_wrap in ggplot2 (see this post as an example).