superimpose several ggplot to make a map - r

I am trying to make a map using R but I have some problems. The datas I have are shapefiles. I used ggplot to visualise them with this code :
and it gives me different graphs like this:
but I need them to be superimpose to make the map. How can I do please?
When I try to add them together R says I can't add ggplots together
Would really appreciate some help and advice, Thank you in advance


Wanna create difficult area chart in R

I'm trying to create a graph on the right. Can you recommend a good code in R? Thanks!
Look at the graph on the right side
New to R code, only know the basics

R how to plot paragons of HCPC?

I need to do a graph for my paragons of hcpc, can someone help me?
I just know how to extract them
I was just trying to plot it directly but obviously it doesnt work

Using ggplot to plot a customizable table of data

This idea has been spurred by this work at Five Thirty Eight.
I'm not entirely sure that they used R, but the chart appears in a similar fashion to their other data viz. I looked around here, but couldn't find anything directly relating to this.
Is this kind of plot possible using ggplot?
Thanks for any and all help!
They do use R but their ggplot2 theme is semi-proprietary and they don't say what they use. People have attempted to recreate the theme
After the graphs are created it then goes through an illustrative step to bring graphs together and make them more of a story.

Multiple R plots with tooltips in one figure?

I want to create a new figure with interactive R-plots (with tooltips).
To show how I wish to have my plots I give an example using the mtcars data. I am using the package scatterD3 to get tooltips:
tooltips <- paste('This is an incredible <strong>',rownames(mtcars),'</strong><br />with',mtcars$cyl,'cylinders !')
Now I don't want only one plot of this type in one figure. Usually it is possible to use par(mfrow=(i,j)) to create a figure with more than one plot. But it seems not to work for my interactive plots. Is there a way to do this?
Have you given a look to the plotly R package?
It has also a function to render the ggplots in ggplotly
An idea could be to create a multiplot with ggplot2 and than render it with ggplotly.
I've not yet tried it, so I don't know if it's really possible.

plotGoogleMaps query for plotting maps with four columns

Helo All,
I am using plotGoogleMaps package for plotting piecharts on world map. segmentgooglemap is the function in this package that does this. Here is the manual if I try to plot piechart for 3 column it works fine like given in manual for zinc, lead, copper. But if I try to plot for 4 columns it doesnot work. Can anyone guide me why it is showing so. I have tried many options but didnt succeed. Looking forward for reply.
