R how to plot paragons of HCPC? - r

I need to do a graph for my paragons of hcpc, can someone help me?
I just know how to extract them
I was just trying to plot it directly but obviously it doesnt work


superimpose several ggplot to make a map

I am trying to make a map using R but I have some problems. The datas I have are shapefiles. I used ggplot to visualise them with this code :
and it gives me different graphs like this:
but I need them to be superimpose to make the map. How can I do please?
When I try to add them together R says I can't add ggplots together
Would really appreciate some help and advice, Thank you in advance

How do I make gsea plot with group names labelled?

I am trying to plot gsea similar to image as given below:
the tutorial does not give you such plots. So I tried the github link.
But it failed to generate the similar plot
I checked both gseaplot2{enrichplot} and plotEnrichment{fgsea} and found no options to automatically add the group names. It might be a good idea to just add the names after exporting to Adobe Illustrator. Would be happy to hear other ideas though if anyone else knows a better way.

How to Change X-Axis Label in ChromoMap?

I am new to R and I have been using chromoMap library in R to visualize annotation plots and visualizing the feature-associated data. It's a great library and produces great charts. However, I was not able to find any option for changing the x-axis label from length (bp) to anything else. Because of this, I am not able to use any of the produced charts. It sounds like a small issue, but it totally affects the usability of this great package. I followed this tutorial link and produced the below chart. In my chart and all the samples, the x-axis label is fixed and this is my problem and I am looking for a way to just change it.
chr_file_1 = "chr_file_without_centromere.txt"
anno_file_1 = "annotation_pos.txt"
I am wondering if anybody has the same experience ?? This package produces output as a htmlwidget object and therefore I could not change the x-axis lable. Is there any way to modify a htmlwidget object? or Any way to change this bp to something else??

How to draw the following 3D Matlab plot/graph?

I am working on a data analytics project as part of my result.
I have cleaned and sorted my data as I wanted.
I want to show the data as shown in the figure below.
I have multiple files.
Each file represents a single day and the date in each file is hour and activity (as shown in the picture).
I am working in Matlab, I know how to do the 3D graphs. I also know about the ribbon function in Matlab.
But I can't exactly figure out how to draw the following graph. Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
If you still haven't solved the issues, you can use ribbon plot in matlab. Please find the details in the following link.
For example, if X is the vector containing all the data, then you can simply write.

Labeling plot maximum peaks in GNUPlot

I have some data that I'm plotting with GNUPlot. I have three different data sets for different energies. What I need to do is label the maximas on the plot. For example, I need something like (20, 4.5) for the red plot. The values do not need to be above the maximas, as they only need to be distinguishable to which is what. Is there any easy way to do this in GNUPlot? I haven't been able to find anything online.
Thanks in advanced. Below is an example plot that I'm trying to work with. It wouldn't let me post images so I'm posting the link below.
I think this example can help
