ursina fps controller wont jump if i press shift and ctrl - frame-rate

I was creating a game in ursina using the FirstPersonController import to use as the player. There's just an issue when I hold shift/Ctrl then press space to jump, The player doesn't jump.
I have looked through the FPS controller code but nothing seems to contribute to the issue.
I don't think showing my code here will help as its an imports code.
Any help or info is well appreciated.

I think this has been fixed. It was a bug with input in general, not the FirstPersonController specifically. Try updating ursina with:
pip install https://github.com/pokepetter/ursina/archive/master.zip --upgrade --force-reinstall


Wierd behaviour on clicking ctrl-y in termux-linux

So basically i use emmet and coc-completions as a neovim developer in termux (it's an android app that runs linux environment). Today all of the sudden, my ctrl-y button started taking 2-3 sec to even execute. Lemme elaborate what i mean .
enter image description here
Whenever i click ctrl-y, a big "Y" letter comes on the screen and stays for 2 seconds. Which earlier didn't show up and it literally used to take half a second or less. I recall so many things i did before this happened, i am not sure what made it happened. If you have any idea please any help would be greatly appreciated.
So basically what i did is i changed the mapping of emmet code writer to tab from "". The problem now arises with tab, but i don't care as "" is working. Thanks to the guy who helped me :)

Why is r sourcing my script when i want to save it?

first time asking things here. Appreciate this community. I got a problem. If I want to save my script in RStudio either with the shortcut ctrl+s or if i click the icon on the top it only sources my active script. I even changed the shortcuts, but it didnt change anything. Is there anything i'm missing. Is this a known bug? Anyone can help me, i love the saving shortcut strg+s, thanks!

Semantic ui react modal dialog issue

I'm using semantic-ui-react in my application.
It used to work perfect but at some point, it stops to render Modal dialogs in the proper place. The only thing I did install, not sure if it's a cause, is a Node 8.9.4
After installing new node version, my npm "ask" me to upgrade sass-loader.
Now all my dialogs open in the Top-Left corner cut by half.
Any idea?
It does show dialog in the right place if I disable DISPLAY property from css
This appears to be an issue with Semantic-UI-CSS new 2.3.0 update.
I tried downgrading to 2.2.12 and it fixed the issue for now.
This issue is addressing it:
OK. Based on Morinx comment (tnx btw), I've managed to get Modal dialogue working properly.
I downgraded, cleaned cache and reinstall modules few times before the help and it didn't work because I used ^ prefix and it was getting the latest version all the time:
Instead of ^2.2.12 use 2.2.12.
So, this issue has been resolved and now we need to wait until the Library bug will be fixed.

When do changes to a QML file not take effect?

I've had a problem happen for the second time over the last week. It seems to happen randomly. I change something in a QML file, save it, run the app, and see that my change has not taken effect. I rerun the app and it still has not taken effect.
The first time this happened to me, it got fixed by itself after I did some git stuff (in this order: git stash save, rollback to an older revision, go back to the newest revision, git stash pop). The second time I didn't do that, but ran qmake from the Qt Creator menu and that fixed it.
What could be the cause of the problem?
I'm using Qt Creator 4.1.0.
Stephan i have seen this happening and from what i have read before is a know bug, more information can be found in:
The thing is that it seems qtcreator is unable to detect a change of qlm/qrc files being changed, so the makefiles are not being updated due qmake is not being run.
seems they are not going to be solved bug, it has been already for years there, the workaround in qtcreator is to run qmake manually and after rebuild.
I just hit this problem again, this time despite diligently running qmake before every run.
I think I figured out what caused it this time. It's that I was using the small Run button (actually called "Re-run this run configuration") that resides in the "Application output" pane's toolbar. Seems like this button has the treacherous property of running without rebuilding.
The solution is to use Ctrl+R, or, equivalently, the big run button in the vertical toolbar along the left side of the window.
Another time the problem wouldn't go away until I deleted the myproject.pro.user file.

How to start with enyo.js on window OS

Now I have to work on enyo.js and echonest.I am new to this.So please anyone tell me in which IDE I should start working with enyo.js and how to start step by step. Thanks
The suggested/recommended IDE for enyo is ARES: github link for ares IDE
For initial usage guidelines you can refer this video demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQkzUDtiC-I
And for further details n commonly asked questions refer this : http://forums.enyojs.com/categories/ares, so that you can get some basic ideas about progress and all.
Any IDE that has a text editor will suffice :)
Start here:
Also, take a look at the Sampler app:
