WPML Dropdown Issue, how to alter its HTML structure? - wordpress

I am using WPML for multiple languages on my WordPress website, but I am having a problem with the mobile menu. As soon as I open the dropdown menu, I am redirected to the URL.
As you can see in the photo I shared below, there is a URL in the <li><a href="URL"> tag. This is exactly the problem. I want to make this URL "#" or I want to remove the <a> tag completely but I don't know where to do this. Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you very much.
I haven't used WordPress much before, so I don't know which file to interfere with and where to do it. The solution to the problem in HTML is simple, but I don't know where and how to do it with WordPress.


Wordpress page showing html tags

I have recently been working on WP site. And I have faced some strange issue. After I put some text in page and after I click update wp mess up the page by displaying html tags. Image below
Does anyone have faced same issue and how to fix it. Thanks
I'm going to take a wild guess that you've pasted your HTML code into the 'Visual' editor, and not 'text' - give that a go instead.

Wordpress - Dropdown menu issues

I'm having trouble organising the top menu on my site.
There are categories in the dropdown menus which work fine, for example "The Details" lead to Contact and About me.
My issue is that when "The Details" is clicked (which it shouldn't really because it's a dropdown menu, but I figure some people might do it anyway), that doesn't lead anywhere but to a "Page not found".
Is there anyway I can put a post that you get redirected to, or just deactivate it so that the only things that are clickable are the items within the dropdown?
I'm sorry if I'm in the wrong, I've really been looking around for answers and I'm guessing it's a pretty easy fix but I'm pulling my hair here.
The website is http://www.mywondermentals.com if you need a look.
It seems your theme is using wp_nav_menu. You could try changing that menu item to a Custom Link Item with # as URL address :)

Custom menu for a one-page-scroll-theme

I need change de native behavior of the menu. Instead menu point to URL page (www.domain.com/page-name), i need point to a anchor (#page-slug, for example). Using Menus -> Custom Links i get it, but i need do that using just code.
Besides pointing to an anchor, I need it to be the slug-page.
I need this to create a one-page-scroll-theme. Using this logic, my client would only need to create the pages and choose the order, without touching the Menu panel.
Someone can help me?
Without you showing code, we can't be much help, however, here is a plugin from wordpress that might do what you want, or help you with the custom coding. Infinite-Scroll

using comment on wordpress

I'm creating a webpage using wordpress. I wanna insert some element in the form as hidden but the comment tag is not working. the wordpress is putting the comment tag within a 'p' tag.I used all methods of commenting.It is not working.
Can anyone tell me how to insert comments in a webpage using wordpress?
thanks i advance.
I take it you are trying to build a form using the add/edit page screen in wp-admin i.e. wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=page? If so, you might never succeed in your endeavour, but I would give it a try using tinymce-advanced plugin, as you can turn a lot of the filtering of your source code off, and this might solve the problem. Try it, if not let me know and I will tell you how to manually add functionality to stop Wordpress from messing with html code in wp-admin text editor.

disable parent page, wordpress navigation

I need to disable parent pages in my wordpress navigation menu. I have found a few plugins that disable click-through, but hover arrow and color change are still present. Looking to simply have the parent page show as text in the menu. Here is the header.php code if needed.
Please let me know if other information is needed.
Your help is much appreciated.
I have come across this a few times before. If I understand correctly, you have something like an About Us section, but there's no content on the About Us page. You want the link in the header to redirect to the first subpage in that section, the History page for example.
The way I had to deal with this was to make About Us redirect to History using a plugin called Page Links To.
