I send some event information in parameters of my tracked events. But these parameters are only visible from the
Events in last 30 min section.
How do I see all the event parameters?
This is for both platforms iOS and Android
You have to wait 24h to see data in the reports.
If you pass some parameters together with the events you must enable them in the interface defining custom dimensions and metrics (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/10075209?hl=en) to be able to see them in the platform, otherwise by connecting Analytics to BigQuery (https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9823238?hl=en) you will be able to see them there.
I have a Firebase event. According to Firebase, the event was triggered 878 times in the past 3 months by 161 users. That should be about 5.5 times per user. But it claims that it was triggered 10 times per user. By changing the date range, I get the same confusing results (about double what is expected).
What am I not understanding here? Why don't these numbers add up?
Best I could think of would be for example if a user didn't select anything their vote might not be counted, so it could approx 87 users actually doing something? although I will admit it looks odd to me.
More information here might help you in regards to how certain events are calculated if my attempted analysis was incorrect:
Count per user: average number of times per user that the event was triggered
It doesn't have to make users/event.One user has click 20 times other 1 time and thats 10 count per user
So if 100 users clicked 20 times and 61 users 1 times should be different, but because we dont know exactly how many times each use has clicked we assume that one user has click 20 times other 1 time
The metrics reflect different information depending on the event
From Firebase docs:
Summary table
The table lists the events that were triggered in your app during your active date range.
The table shows the following metrics for each event:
Count: number of times the event was triggered List item
Users: number of users who triggered the event
Click an event in the table to see a detail report for that event. The information in each detail report varies according to the event.
Event metrics
The following metrics are provided for each event:
Event count: number of times the event was triggered
Users: number of users who triggered the event
Count per user: average number of times per user that the event was triggered
Value: sum of all VALUE parameters supplied with the event. Use this context-sensitive metric to track any data that is valuable to your app (e.g., revenue, time, distance).
I am currently successfully tracking purchases from website using enhanced ecommerce (via GTM).
I have Goals configured that correctly track these in real time. E.g. event goal for Category = Enhanced Ecommerce and Action = transaction.
However, when I try to track purchases using the measurement-protocol I get the event for the enhanced ecommerce, but I can find nothing in conversion (under the goals or otherwise) about the purchase. I am using the hit-builder.
I have configured various goals and tried many different variations. In my last attempt I created a goal which should match if the label is equal to "serverevent".
Then I sent this:
In GA I can see the event coming in with event category "Ecommerce", action "Activation" and label "serverevent", but I see nothing in conversions and the goal still has 0 hits.
I have used POSTMAN to post to https://www.google-analytics.com/debug/collect, and I get back "valid" and "Found 1 hit in the request."
I don't know what else I can try. To be clear I am trying to track server side purchases because these are sales by third parties through our API.
The google analytics standard reports take time to process Google stats it can take between 24 -48 hours for the data to complete processing.
You can see if your hits are being recorded by checking the real time api. As for the standard reports your going to have to wait between 24 - 48 hours to see if the results have completed processing.
I'm using Google Analytics for tracking on my website. I'm having a bit of trouble with event tracking, I can see in the realtime tab that the event tracking is working:
Event Category Event Action Events (Last 30 min)
1. email signup 12 100.00%
But for my goal conversion with category=email,action=signup shows 0 goal conversions. Obviously Google Analytics can see the events happening but somehow they're not registering as goals. Has anybody else had this problem before?
It takes 24 hours for Google to create non-real-time statistics.
I'm having an issue with Unique Events and Total events. I don't really understand why unique events are greater than total events (image attached: https://analytics-a-googleproductforums-com.googlegroups.com/attach/584c3c65bd24cfec/Screenshot%20at%202013-05-14%2017:00:40.png?gda=9qkpgUYAAADqfLbDOUx1KZ9vP-6pB8mH0QevsNJBCwpb2zqmxh9R_FqJw8mf6kYUxitGhb4bDE5x40jamwa1UURqDcgHarKEE-Ea7GxYMt0t6nY0uV5FIQ&view=1&part=4).
Someone can explain how this is posible?
Santiago Vázquez
Found the thing: you will see that "Unique Events" are great than "Total Events" when you look at an event category or action, put "Event Label" as a secondary dimension and the event has been triggered some times with no label input. Google Analytics hasn't the option "(not set)" for this particular dimension, so it just doesn't show you those events in the Total Events Count, but still counts as "Unique Events" all the users that executed this particular event category / action.
I am seeing this same issue in my the first view of my Custom Report as well. I don't know WHY it is showing more, but there seems to be a more accurate Custom Report drilldown for you to use. In my reports, one page shows in my Page drilldown with 30 total events but 62 Unique Events. However, when I click into the next dimension drilldown view, in other words click to narrow in on just one page, it shows that same page with 30 total events and only 29 unique events. That seems more accurate.
My dimensions drilldowns for this custom report are "Page" and then "Event Label"
Hope this helps!
I think Google Analytics is simply buggy.
They have to work on event reporting a bit more.
We are tracking events and e-commerce data to our own database, and we realised that both Google Analitics and Universal Analitics misses some events and e-commerce data.
We are trying to find the reason for this, but no luck yet.
If you have a segment applied it's probably sampling. You can confirm or deny sampling is the cause by seeing if there is a yellow background note above the graph but below the date selection on the report page. There is also a grid of filled in and not filled in circles next to the new scholar cap (also below the date selection) sometimes.
Unique events are calculated by session, while total events are determined by the main dimension.
In the example report below, I wanted to look at how many events occurred on each page. The dimension drilldown is Page, with Total Events and Unique Events as metrics.
Users can visit a page, but not send an event by that page ( 0 total events ). However, if their session includes an event, then unique events will be 1 or more.
Custom reports allow data combinations that may not be clear (not sure if someone already posted this point or if I saw it in another thread). Basically, my report should not include Unique Events to prevent this problem from happening, though this was probably the wrong way to go about this altogether.
Template: https://www.google.com/analytics/web/template?uid=XafJ7KvSSf-n5KWWPyvn_g
Google has deprecated (renamed) Unique Events metric as it was seriously confusing. We are expecting to see a number of times event with unique combination of category / action and label happened per other dimensions in report. Instead GA calculated a unique combination of every dimension in the report!
Now, this metric is deprecated and renamed to legacy.
New one: Unique Events is giving expected results.
I written about why total events are higher than in my blog as too many questions.
Total Events are calculated as the total number of interactions with a tracked web page object. On the other hand, where a single user session (or visit) has one or more events, this is calculated as a single Visit w/Event, or Unique Event in the reports. For example, if one user clicks the same button on a video 5 times, the total number of events associated with the video is 5, and the number of unique events is 1.