What permissions are needed to edit Elementor Hello templates in WordPress? - wordpress

I would like to allow non-admins to edit templates.
As an administrator, I still have the "edit with elementor" option there:
I have installed the User-Roll-Editor and assigned the following permissions:
Permissions list
These permissions don't seem to be enough.

This is an built-in feature of Elementor. This means that you are not need an thirdy-party plugin or addition to achieve your goal.
Please, give some minutes and read the guide here:
Follow the link to Elementor Role Manager
Having fun! ;)


If there a free way to bypass Elementor Pro for restricting user roles to "Access to edit content only"?

I searched online a lot for finding a free alternative for Elementor Pro role manager. I would like to restrict my clients for editing whole pages in Elementor and restrict them to "edit content only", an option available in Elementor Pro. I couldn't find any plugin or any code to do this. I just started beginning my own company so I don't want to invest in Elementor Pro at this stage. Anyone has the golden advice?
If you're looking to restrict access to Elementor, you could try the plugin Members.
After installing the plugin you can go to Members > Roles and then choose which one you want to edit.
Then you should see the Elementor tab, click it to see the permission types you can manage.
Hope it helps.

How can I enable access only to a specific plugin (Newsletter) to a new user on the wordpress admin dashboard?

I am using the Newsletter plugin to send newsletters from my Wordpress website. I want to create a new user who can only access the Newsletter plugin and not have any other admin capability on the admin dashboard.
How do I do that?
I have been experimenting with different access-control plugins, but none seem to have the capability to toggle access for a user/role to another plugin.
Would greatly appreciate if someone can point me to a plugin or a piece of code that can make the magic happen.
Many thanks in advance.
Turned out to be quite simple eventually.
The newsletter plugin, in the advanced settings option in its settings tab, provides a checkbox to allow certain user roles to access the plugin.
I just enabled it for a non-admin role that worked for me, and voila!

Can't access WordPress dashboard unless Administrator

Our non-Administrator (Shop Manager, Editor, Author, etc) users cannot access the WordPress/Woocommerce dashboard. Administrators can access the dashboard.
I have tried logging in users as "out of the box" Shop Managers, Authors, Editors, and they get bumped back to the storefront.
I have tried disabling plugins, and using the basic woo theme to no avail.
I have tried accessing admin pages they should have access to directly, but still cannot access.
Can anyone share any suggestions for getting our non-Administrators access to the dashboard?
Many thanks in advance.
Try to disable ALL the plugins at the same time.
If it works then enable the plugins one by one to find the culprit.
If its still doesnt work make sure you have the latest version or
If everything is up to date and its still doesnt work then look into the functions.php file in
your theme, maybe there is some script that causes the problem..
If nothing of these has worked you could always apply a patch until you find the real source of the problem, here is some suggestions:
Do a temporary quick fix by using the user_has_cap filter
Add capabilties to user roles so the will be able to access like an administratior see the add_cap() function
If you have installed Ultimate Member plugin:
Go to User Roles page
Press Edit on the role that you want to access the dashboard
Check: Can access wp-admin?
Press Update role
Then test; it should work then

(Wordpress) Execute plugin if admin is online

The problem
I have a CHAT plugin for wordpress, I would like it to be active only when administrator (EDITOR, to be more precise) is online. When the admin is offline there's no use to have a chat on the website, it only consume space.
Possible Sulutions
I know little of PHP/Wordpress programming, but I'm almost sure some kind of code in Functions.php might solve the problem, something with admin_init, but it has to disable when admin logs off too.
Desired administration role to activate the plugin: Editor
Plugin name: Online Chat (online-chat/online-chat.php)
Wordpress Version: 3.4.2
Thanks guys!! I'll be around, trying to make it work here too
I'm assuming you can do a play on this: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/display-info-if-admin-otherwise-hide where if Any user is an admin, then load a template part or trigger an action hook etc. but I haven't tested this myself.
Also check this out: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/checking-if-the-user-is-admin

wordpress restrict pulgin installation to those who have a unique code

i want to make an wordpress plugin, and to put it public, but i want that only the users that have a certain unique code to be able to activate it.
is there possible using the wordpress api to ask for a unique code at plugin activation (and to condition the plugin activation by this code)? I searched wordpress codex, but nothing found.
thanks a lot!
This sounds like the old akismet plugin which required users to register for an API token. You can as part of your plugin require users to enter settings and at this point prompt them to register for an API key.
See the WordPress codex for adding an options page.
Also see this example for a good example of hooking into the plugin activation:
