Can't access WordPress dashboard unless Administrator - wordpress

Our non-Administrator (Shop Manager, Editor, Author, etc) users cannot access the WordPress/Woocommerce dashboard. Administrators can access the dashboard.
I have tried logging in users as "out of the box" Shop Managers, Authors, Editors, and they get bumped back to the storefront.
I have tried disabling plugins, and using the basic woo theme to no avail.
I have tried accessing admin pages they should have access to directly, but still cannot access.
Can anyone share any suggestions for getting our non-Administrators access to the dashboard?
Many thanks in advance.

Try to disable ALL the plugins at the same time.
If it works then enable the plugins one by one to find the culprit.
If its still doesnt work make sure you have the latest version or
If everything is up to date and its still doesnt work then look into the functions.php file in
your theme, maybe there is some script that causes the problem..
If nothing of these has worked you could always apply a patch until you find the real source of the problem, here is some suggestions:
Do a temporary quick fix by using the user_has_cap filter
Add capabilties to user roles so the will be able to access like an administratior see the add_cap() function

If you have installed Ultimate Member plugin:
Go to User Roles page
Press Edit on the role that you want to access the dashboard
Check: Can access wp-admin?
Press Update role
Then test; it should work then


WP toolbar only showing on frontend for some admins

We have several admins who all have the "Show toolbar when viewing site" option checked in their user profile but only some of them are actually able to see the toolbar. Others have the option checked but the toolbar doesn't show up. Additionally, we have a multisite setup and they are able to see the toolbar on one of the sites but not the other site.
After a bit of research, I've checked that is included in our footer.php file and I tried deactivating a plugin called "Members" that wasn't activated on the site where they can see the toolbar, however, nothing seemed to change. While I thought it could be another plugin issue, what doesn't make sense is that it's not an issue for all admins, just a few.
Is there anything else that I should be checking?
Sometimes instead of checking if a user "is_admin()" plugins or functions will check which permissions users have to determine what features they can or cannot see. I might check to see if the users in question have different permissions despite being admins. Perhaps create some new admin users to test if it is an issue with user IDs after a certain number.
Consider turning on debugging to see if any errors prevent the bar from displaying. Also try the query monitor plugin. Check for errors and query issues with and without the suspected conflicting plugin activated.

I am trying to create an "undeletable" admin user in WordPress

I am looking for a way to create an undeletable admin user in wordpress. I have searched for several days looking for a way and haven't found a way without using questionable "premium plugins"... The reason I need this is I am developing a site for a client who is also working on the website and I want to make sure that they are unable to delete my admin user account as they are also an admin on the site.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody done this before?
Would one way to achieve this be done by creating a custom user role and just removing the delete user and update wordpress sections from that user's auth?
Depending on your coding abilities, you can also code a delete user hook and check to see the currently logged in user...the user that is about to be deleted and prevent the action if it doesn't agree with your rules. You could put this in the theme's functions.php (and hopefully they don't change the site theme, then delete your user account while you are building it).
Does your client need admin rights to build out the site? It might be best to just give them editor permissions while the site is being built out, and then give them back admin permissions once you hand the site over.
Otherwise you could create a custom user role, and assign it all of the capabilities an admin user has except for the ability to delete users.
So I ended up using a plugin called Custom User Roles (Free Version):
It allowed me to give users access to only certain parts of the admin panel so I could hide the users list from certain (client-admin) users so they were not able to see the page to delete my Admin user.
I always use the to grant me access to my previous projects.

Typo3 7.6 activate recursive delete?

I would like to know how to activate recursive deletes in typo3 7.6.2. All google results where for old versions which suggested going to users and changing it there. But I looked trough all the possible tabs for an admin user under backend users and couldn't find an option to activate it. So how do I do this?
This is still there where it always was.
After login open the settings of the your logged users (don't edit the BE record within Backend users module) and there on the Edit & Advanced functions you'll find fields for recursive copying/deleting...

wordpress - Make plugin options available in front-end for registered users

I have tried to search but i was unable to find or i used the wrong keywords for that.
Here's my Question:
Is there a way to make the backend option of a wordpress plugin to be available in the front-end site so the users don't have to go to wp-admin to add/change things.
The plugin in question is, I was able to change the permission to allow the registered uses to see it on the back-end (instead of the default that just allowed for editor or above to use it).
Any help would be great appreciated.

Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc?

hi friends Is there way to check wordpress logs? Like what actions admin has performed etc?
Actually I am working on a project and someone has deleted my pages templates to trash and my site was down. I want to check who did this in my wordpress admin panel?
I don't think Wordpress has an event log, at least I've never heard of one or seen one. There is a login logger plugin, but it has to be installed and doesn't work retroactively.
In theory, it should be possible to get at least the IP address of the perpetrator from the normal Apache access logs, and searching it for all recent accesses to the /wp-admin folder. That is pretty cumbersome work, though.
You can use a plugin for this: try Stream or its competitors.
You may try this Activity Log Plugin.
If you have tens of users or more, you really can’t know who did what.
This plugin tries to solve this issue by tracking what users do, and
displaying it in an easy to use and easy to filter view on the
dashboard of your WordPress site.
You can try User Activity Log - WordPress Plugin.
It helps you monitor and keep track of all the activities occurs on the admin side. It will give information about log of all user activity and admin get notified when a particular user is logged in.
The following is not about action logs, but error logs, but it is also helpful. If that happened and you have WooCommerce installed, you will have access to logs:
Admin panel->WooCommerce->Status-> a tab: [Logs]
