Red lines for added modules in CMake - azerothcore

I am trying to set up a personal server for the first time. I followed the install guide on the website and got the server running, but I decided I wanted to add a couple of modules - solocraft and solo-lfg since I don't plan on having anyone else on the server. I followed the listed instructions for adding both modules, but I'm a bit concerned I didn't do one step right:
"Import the SQL to the right Database (character)" for solocraft
What I did was, after copying the folder into C:\Azerothcore\modules, I went to the characters database in HeidiSQL, and under File "Import settings file..." and selected the SQL file from the solocraft module. Executing that resulted in 2 warnings, but I don't see them knowing what they might be. When I attempted to continue anyway with CMake, both modules were highlighted in red during configuration.
I have virtually no programming knowledge, so I can follow directions well, but can't really interpret any of this.

If you hit configure again, the modules should turn to black text and lose their red highlight. CMake shows any changed entries with a red highlight to get your attention, it doesn't necessarily mean there's an issue with the entries.


Logging into github from Jupyter notebook

I was trying to follow this tutorial do AI image generation on a remote server:
And I am getting stuck at this stage:
Apparently it needs me to log into github before it will download the images. Normally this would be trivial but this isn't running in a normal terminal, and I cannot give it any input to log me in. You can see in the attached screen shot with the output right below the code block. Does anyone know how I'm supposed to do this?
I think I've come up with what is going on and how to easily work around it for this case, yet still use git. (The developer offers an non-git route that I reference in the comment below the OP.) You shouldn't need credentials because this is a public repo. Since you have git working on your machine, you should be good. (I can tell git it working because it says it is cloning in that first line below the code in your image instead of saying git isn't recognized.) Try this in Jupyter on your remote machine:
#!git clone{dataset}.git
!git clone
!mkdir -p regularization_images/{dataset}
!mv -v SD-Regularization-Images-Style-Dreambooth/{dataset}/*.* regularization_images/{dataset}
That version of the steps should work in Jupyter on your remote server without making the cell keep sitting there running and asking you for a username. (Which you cannot provide post-execution because the way the exclamation point sends things to the shell and how Jupyter cells work.)
All I have done is comment out the original line that was getting a specific folder and replaced it with a line cloning the whole repository.
It seems Github treats the ability of getting a specific directory directly as an 'advanced' ability and wants your GitHub credentials for that. Like it would want them for cloning a private repository. Cloning an entire public repository doesn't trigger that need.
What I said in my comments about how you really would provide your credentials on one line holds and the associated security risks, but all that isn't necessary in this case. And you shouldn't need credentials for git cloning public repositories. So the paradigm of just using !git clone ... without credentials inside Jupyter cells should hold if you need to use a similar approach to get something from git. In this case we didn't need to adjust any of the subsequent handling of the cloned contents after; however, that may not always be the case.
I would have noted that you could just adjust the git clone line earlier if you had included code along with with your image. People trying to help you want it easy. They don't want to type a lot of code that you had as code text and thus could have easily provided in your post. In general, avoid images or only use them as a minor supplement to show behavior. This and more is touched on in How do I ask a good question?. (People trying to help also don't want to go digging elsewhere for code where only a link to a video is provided. Video is farther from code than a screenshot.)
I will say that your use of an image to show the output was definitely justified and helped me match up what I was seeing with yours and know you had git working. With all the symbols and weird characters there it would have been hard to get just right in text only. So why it is best to avoid images, there definitely is a case for 'reserved use' along with text descriptions and code.

Permission problems? Can't see my uncommitted changes in GitAhead

I'm pretty new to the unix world coming from Windows 10 and starting to get comfortable with my new Debian based Voyager OS.
I have pretty much everything up and running but looking for an alternative of Sourcetree I found GitAhead looking promising as it is freeware.
It installed just fine and I could easily connect my works repository and also, fetch changes.
But when it came to my first merge I already had a hard time, finally solving it within PyCharm. Now that I'd like to view and commit my changes with GitAhead, my uncommited changes aren't displayed in GitAheads uncommited changes view.
Is there anything I'm missing? It looks to me like there's some kind of permission problem or why wouldn't GitAhead show me my uncommitted changes?
GitAhead GUI Screenshot
Screenshot showing the functionality I'm missing on my other repositories.
This was taken from a fresh repository to demonstrate what my question is about.
As you can see I can select "uncommitted changes", select items on the right side and commit and finally push them. Just not in my companies repositories.
current changelist in my IDE, showing 4 green (new) files
command line # git status, showing 4 added (new) files
GitAhead, showing current branches uncommitted changes
it should display 4 new files and 5 modified, as my IDE and git status do

Power BI Microsoft custom visual locked repo?

This is the link I will be referring to
I'm working with a Microsoft visual on Github. I have found a weird problem. No changes I make to the capabilities.JSON file will apply. I haven't even gotten the script to change. I went in and replaced all instances of the X axis variable with the Y, and vice-versa within the script.r file. Didn't work.
I have deleted the package-lock file, that didn't work. I even opened every single file in this visual folder, searched for the old variables for capabilities, and found nothing.
I went one step further and packaged the file to visualname.pbiviz, converted it to zip, opened the compressed file in a text editor, and still could not find anything that would revert it to the previous names.
The X axis is by default "X axis". I have changed it to be "Duration" in the capabilities.json file, but it will not stick.
If anyone has any insight as to what may be going on, or what Microsoft has done to prevent this visual from being modified, please inform me. I'm especially confused, because Microsoft has labeled this as an open source visual, yet changes are restricted. I'm new to creating/modifying visuals, so perhaps there is something I am just missing. Short of going in and deleting files at random, I'm out of ideas.
I found a way to get this working. I found a bunch of http imports and things like that. What I am assuming was happening is it would ping whatever online repo it was told to, and re-import the files from there before compressing to .pbiviz instead of actually using the files in the visual folder... I copied the two main files I needed (capabilities.json, and script.r) and pasted them into a blank template visual. Everything is working fine and I can continue working on this like normal.
This is based on the assumption that files were being re-imported from an external source before being compressed. If anyone knows for certain what is going on here, feel free to leave an answer.

Less not compiling in Webstorm 7

I have an issue with LESS File watcher in Webstorm, doesn't want to compile into CSS.
I tried every possible websearch and advice during the last two days with no results.
Nodejs is installed correctly I believe, Path is set in the Enviroment variables (without the "\" at the end)
less module is installed as global (I used "npm install -g less")
path to C:\Users\myName\AppData\Roaming\npm is set too
File Watcher was prompt automatically in Webstorm so I just clicked "add file watcher".
After this it looks like Webstorm is actually trying to create the css file (with every change I can see the message "Executing LESS task" at the bottom), but doesn't create it.
I tried reinstall nodejs twice (I am using Windows 7 x64, Webstorm 7.0.1), I tried changing less compiler to this one ( and this one (, I tried different settings for all of them (Track only root files, create output file from stdout). I tried every possible combination and restarted my computer I don't know how many times in between... The css file is never created and I get this issue:
non_object_property_loadError: Cannot read property 'splice' of undefined in PathToMyWebsite\style.less on line null, column 0:
I tried different projects, even the ones that worked before and I get the same error message so I am positive my .less file is ok.
What did I miss? Maybe it is just a stupid rookie mistake but I just don't know where am I going wrong. Any help is much appreciated.
Please keep in mind that I am not a professional programmer, I am comfortable only with html/css so if I need to change something in code please be as specific as possible, thank you.

How can I uninstall Win32 assemblies and cleanup WinSxS?

After a lot of trial and error (mostly due to lack of documentation and examples) I have managed to create MSI installers that install custom DLLs to WinSxS as side-by-side assembly. There is only one problem: Uninstalling leaves all files (DLLs, manifests and catalogs) in the WinSxS directory. How can or should I best clean that up? I know for sure that nothing else references it.
I have read somewhere that WinSxS has a self-scavenging process that cleans up over time but I could not find more information about that. Can you manually invoke this to clean up stuff?
The only other way I see is manually deleting those bits. First you have to change the owner of all files (assembly, catalog, manifest and their respective directory) from SYSTEM to an administrator account, adjust the permissions and delete them. There are also pieces left in the registry (I think HKLM\COMPONENTS\DerivedData\Components may be one place), but since WinSxS should be treated as opaque it is hard to find any information.
Scavenging isn't exposed anywhere that I know of. I'm not even sure when it is kicked off automatically. Maybe on uninstall of a service pack? Maybe some tool admins can run? I really forget.
Anyway, my suggestion is don't fight it. There are so many twisty turns down there that it just isn't worth trying to get the disk space back. Once uninstalled the bits still in the SxS cache will not be activated so they are just wasting space.
It's a dumb design but blame Microsoft and don't try to overcompensate.
Here is an article, it's kinda complete guide to WinSxS.
So, shortly, you can only uninstall some components (all their versions are in this folder), and you can run Service Pack bridge burning utility (in Vista it is named VSP1CLN.EXE and shipped with SP1). Note, that after execution, you shouldn't be able to uninstall SP or any components to state, prior to SP release date.
No-one is convinced you can - short of a complete reinstall, your bloaty WinSxS directory is there to stay.
There's been a long "discussion" of the problem on technet.
There is no documentation of the format, or any instructions how to remove files that are no longer needed - MS seems to think that disc space is cheap. There is a self-scavenging feature, but no-one's convinced it works, or if it does, it is very conservative (as you'd hope as you don't want it to break your OS)
You can tell is the scavenger is working by checking the "C:\Windows\winsxs\Temp\PendingDeletes." folder, as this is where files are moved by windows update or an installer moves them to - the scavenger just deletes the files in here.
You'll notice that after you uninstall your assembly, while the files are still there, they can no longer be bound to - so they are just "staged", or cached, but not really installed.
Rob & gbjbaanb are correct - you cannot manually invoke a scavenge yourself. Don't try to delete the files yourself - there are multiple places in the registry where they are registered, DerivedData\Components being only one of the many references.
I think the rule for Vista is scavenging is kicked off by the TrustedInstaller service after 10 minutes of machine inactivity, after the last servicing operation (service pack, hotfix, etc). But it's very fickle, so it doesn't run as often as it should. So just be patient, and the files will disappear on their own.
Well i was having some issues as i have an 80GB SSD for my windows and the WinSxs folder was about 12gb's
I was searching the net and i found this command:
DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /spsuperseded
And now my WinSxs is 7gb which was wonderful news.
There are a few updates regarding the cleanup method that apply to newer OS. Check
