Does NebulaGraph Operator support the v1.x version of NebulaGraph Database? - nebula-graph

There are too many components of Nebula Graph. And every component has its own version.
The release package doesn't have all the components.

No, because the v1.x version of NebulaGraph does not support DNS, and NebulaGraph Operator requires the use of DNS.


How can I deploy two nebulagraph databases of different versions in one k8s cluster?

Is there any way to install two nebula graph databases (v2.6 and v3.3) in the same k8s cluster?
I tried but met the following problem:
When I recreate a crd file, it reports that it exists.
To my knowledge, the two versions v2.6 and v3.3 can only exist one because they are incompatible. And crd should not be the same name.

Backport provider packages for Airflow 1.10.12

I am using Airflow 1.10.12. Currently, I need to connect to Azure Blob Storage and copy some files to Google Cloud Storage. After some research i found we can install backport providers for azure and its dependencies(google) for airflow 1.10.12. So, my question is will any of the existing DAGs that uses from airflow.contrib become invalid if i install this package?
providers are how Airflow decoples code that isn't core related into separated packages. This allow faster and independent release cycle of providers and Airflow core.
In order to ease migration to Airflow 2 - backport providers were released. These are classes that are compatible with Airflow 1.10.x classes in contrib aren't affected by this.
providers are just an additional package that contains new classes/ updated version of classes from contrib.
To be noted that there are no more releases of backport providers packages. Thus it's highly recommended that you will upgrade to Airflow 2 as soon as possible so that you will be able to use providers packages.

Does Flyway support TimescaleDB migrations?

I went through Flyway documentation and did not found the TimescaleDB in the supported databases.
Can anyone confirm if Flyway supports TimescaleDB. If not, is there any other CI/CD tool for TimescaleDB?
We haven't formally tested Flyway on TimescaleDB, but it appears that people have successfully used it (as it's essentially an extension of Postgres). The normal Postgres JDBC connection url should work - and if you have problems, submit an issue at

Where can I find out what version of Tinkerpop Gremlin, AWS Neptune is using

I am trying to use .valueMap().with(WithOptions.tokens) in my query against AWS Neptune. I get MalformedQueryException. I suspect that this is a new feature in Gremlin 3.4.*
I have not been able to find a page that outlines what version of the syntax is supported by Neptune.
Where does this information exist?
If you use the /status REST API you can find out precisely which TinkerPop version is currently supported. If you do something like
curl <my endpoint>:8182/status
You should see something like
{"status":"healthy","startTime":"Mon Dec 23 03:09:51 UTC 2019","dbEngineVersion":"","role":"writer","gremlin":{"version":"tinkerpop-3.4.1"},"sparql":{"version":"sparql-1.1"},"labMode":{"ObjectIndex":"disabled","Streams":"enabled","ReadWriteConflictDetection":"enabled"}}
UPDATED 2022-05-18
As an alternative to /status if you are using the Neptune workbench (Jupyter notebooks) the %status magic command will also produce the status information that includes the supported query language versions.
You can use AWS User Guide.
Amazon Neptune is compatible with Apache TinkerPop3 and Gremlin 3.3.2.

How to test Cassandra Database using Robotframework

I need to connect to Cassandra Database and Query from there.
I want to know, is there any exist database library for Cassandra in Robot Framework.
Short answer: no, there isn't such.
One of the active (and good) Cassandra drivers for Python is from a company called DataStax, here is its repo - Have in mind it has some peculiarities getting installed and running in the various OSes.
But as it does not (regretfully) adhere to Python Database API, so you cannot just install it and straight ahead use by RF's DatabaseLibrary.
You could/should create your own library wrapping the driver calls (which shouldn't be that hard...).
