Google SignIn button "Parameter client_id is not set correctly." - google-signin

I have added Google Sign In button to a web page according the following description -
Unfortunatelly the button is displayed but it does not work.
In the console I see an error:
[GSI_LOGGER]: Parameter client_id is not set correctly.
that happens when the following script is being loaded:
Could anyone of you experienced the same problem?

In case someone has encountered the same problems - I found a root cause - prototype ( script somehow interfered with google sign in button.
Once I removed it, the google sign in button started working properly.


Alert-Banner Only works after refreshing page

Alert-Banner is applied in our clarity UI. It is triggered by error message and Alert-ERROR message type.
<alert-banner [message]="message" [type]="messageType"></alert-banner>
This alert only shows up after UI main page get refreshed.
Not sure if the way we use alert-banner is wrong - some settings that trigger page refreshed is missed in the alert-banner definition.
Or we should apply other alerts mechanism. reading around
could not find an example pass varied "alert text" in.
Clarity doesn't have an <alert-banner> component. Did you check where it was defined?

auto fill and submit login form when actual click is required

We are investigation option of replacing JavaFx WebView with JxBrowser and the following code snippet worked fine with WebView:
the magic was done by setValueForUser, using standard setValue("") does not work as form submit/action is disabled unless someone actually clicked to the fields.
Unfortunately I did not find correct way to implement the same logic with JxBrowser:
InputElement username = (InputElement) document.findElement("username"));
InputElement password = (InputElement) document.findElement("password"));
password.setValue("password");;; // or form.submit() did not help.
I'm thinking about simulating/sending mouse events to browser view, but it will be messy solution.
So it there setValueForUser alternative in JxBrowser?

Tag parameters only come through on new tab

I'm using Google Analytics via Google Tag Manager. I'm on Chrome and checking tags using Google Tag Assistant.
I've noticed that for many, if not most of the events I have tagged, the parameters will not pass through unless the link or key webpage they are clicking on opens in a new tab.
In HttpFox the result is a NS_BINDING_ERROR or something along those lines.
For example, if you visit this site, you can see there are two means of navigating to the "submit report" page - the CTA on the top right and in the main nav. I'd like to understand how the CTA performs compared to the main nav so have set up events, but the event only fires if I open the links in new tabs.
What does this error mean and what should I do about it?
To get rid of the ns binding error, have the onclick return false - Documentation Here.
In regards to the event not getting passed, I'm seeing in httpfox that the tid (on the event) is UA-34035531-[1-6]. That doesn't look quite right. How are you setting the account id?

Google Apps Script onclick event doesn't work in firefox 20 on mac. Cannot use the given object as a weak map key

My Google Apps Script web app stopped working.
Whenever I click on any element that has onclick property I am getting the following error message:
[11:27:44.243] cannot use the given object as a weak map key
Is there any workaround?
How can I get user's response without onclick event?
My code:
Note that I am trying to add onclick event using both ways, programmatically in JavaScript and by using HTML.
var by = document.getElementById("yes");
by.addEventListener('click', submitResponse,false);
This problem was submitted as google apps script issues:
thanks for help!
Since this is an acknowledged issue with Apps Script, there isn't much that can be provided here in Stack Overflow.
Here is a bit more context, this was broken and now fixed in Caja. This fix should be reflected in Apps Script in a few days.

"Send" popout showing, "Like" isn't

I've installed a Like button on my blog, as well as the Facebook send button.
When I click "Send", the popout comes out and appears nicely with a prompt on who to send the post to.
But, when you click "Like", no popout comes. It's not the "overflow:visible" problem, because the Send popout works. Very confusing and odd, I think...
This is the code I'm using:
<div style="overflow:visible;" class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true" data-font="lucida grande"></div>
Any ideas? Thanks.
I checked out your blog and it looks like there is an iframe being generated for the pop-out, but that pop-out is not being filled in by Facebook. There is a javascript error that is the probably cause of the issue.
uncaught exception: Error: Permission denied for <>
to get property Proxy.InstallTrigger,
/am=!itqi7GDL5S6I4GqN1g/d=1/ Line 116
To find out what javascript is colliding with that Facebook one to cause the error. I would suggest striping everything off that page one thing at a time until the Facebook script can run without error. This will tell you what item (or combination of items) was interfering.
Happy troubleshooting! Let us know what you find.
