It is possible to return an error when using pipe? - postfix-mta

How can I return an error from my php file?
For example, write what can not be sent from the current domain?
Now it always gives 250 Ok
Even if pipe ended with error 550
submission inet n - - - - smtpd
-o syslog_name=postfix/submission
-o content_filter=webhook:dummy
-o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
-o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=reject_unverified_recipient,reject_unknown_recipient_domain,reject_non_fqdn_recipient,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject
webhook unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Rq user=www-data argv=/usr/bin/php8.1 -f /home/test/www/artisan mail:send ${sasl_username}
public function handle()
fputs(STDERR, "550 From domain " . $domain . " is not confirmed.");
enter image description here
now always returns 250, although the script works.


How to Run a Shell Command in a zsh-theme?

So, I have Oh My Zsh up and running, and I'm creating my own new zsh-theme. In it, I wish to grab the external IP address from - and I'm using curl & grep to grab it. Works fine when I enter it at the command prompt, but when embedded in my zsh-theme file it gives me an error:
zsh: no matches found: ((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]).){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])
(23) Failed writing body
Jacobs-MacBook-Pro-2.local jacobjackson ttys002 0 [ ] 10/29/20 18:32:46 PM
Here is my zsh-theme:
PROMPT='%F{white}%M %n %y %j $(curl -s | grep -oE '((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])') %F{green}%2c%F{blue} [%f '
RPROMPT='$(git_prompt_info) %F{blue}] %F{green}%W %* %F{yellow}%D{%p}%f'
And here is the command sequence that grabs the IP address:
curl -s | grep -oE '((1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}(1?[0-9][0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'
Try this:
# Function name that's compatible with
# in case you ever want to build a full prompt theme.
# -s to prevent curl from outputting a progress bar.
# Use a service that simply outputs your IP, so you
# don't have to parse anything.
prompt_jacobjackson_precmd() {
psvar[1]=$( curl -s )
# precmd hooks ru just before each new prompt.
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_jacobjackson_precmd
# %1v inserts the 1st element of the psvar array. See
PS1='%1v > '
I decided to use some of Marlon Richert's ideas as well a few from the zsh-theme 'bureau.' :)
get_space () {
local STR=$1$2
local zero='%([BSUbfksu]|([FB]|){*})'
local LENGTH=${#${(S%%)STR//$~zero/}}
local SPACES=""
(( LENGTH = ${COLUMNS} - $LENGTH - 1))
for i in {0..$LENGTH}
echo $SPACES
_1LEFT="%F{white}$(curl -s | jq .ip -r) %F{green}\$(dirs -c; dirs)"
_1RIGHT="%F{yellow}%j jobs %F{cyan}\$(~/"
actionjackson_precmd () {
_1SPACES=`get_space $_1LEFT $_1RIGHT`
print -rP "$_1LEFT$_1SPACES$_1RIGHT"
setopt prompt_subst
PROMPT='%F{yellow}%n%F{white}#%F{green}%M $_LIBERTY%f '
RPROMPT='$(actionjackson_git_prompt) %F{green}%W %* %F{yellow}%D{%p}%f'
autoload -U add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook precmd actionjackson_precmd

Enter a command for a user

I have written a ZSH function whose output is a command line which runs a program I need the user to be able to interact with.
At the moment I just echo the command line and instruct the user to copy-paste it so that they have the necessary access to its pipes, however is there a way I can just have the function finish by entering the command for the user as if they had copied and pasted it themselves?
I have looked into using zle but that seems to require a key binding, whereas I just want the user to be able to run: myzshfunction arg1 and the ultimate result to be their terminal attached to the program launched as a result of some processing of their arg1.
$ myzshfunction arg2*2
Run this command! foobar baz4
$ foobar baz4
The function looks something like this:
myzshfunction() {
if [[ $# = 0 ]]
echo "usage: myzshfunction"
local creds=`curl "https://xxx/$1/latest" | jq -r 'x'`
local cred_arr=("${(#s|/|)creds}")
local pwd_pipe=$(mktemp -u)
mkfifo $pwd_pipe
exec 3<>$pwd_pipe
rm $pwd_pipe
echo $cred_arr[2] >&3
echo "Run this: sshpass -d3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null "$cred_arr[1]#$1"
exec 3>&-
Use print -z to add text to the buffer. From the documentation:
-z Push the arguments onto the editing buffer stack, separated by spaces.
Calling foo, defined below, will result in hi being placed on the command line as if the user had typed it. For example,
% foo () { print -z hi; }
% foo
% hi
The best solution I could come up with was to use zle - the Zsh Line Editor.
This lets you update the command the user is currently editing, which to me feels a bit hacky. I would prefer a solution that lets you call a function, hit return, and then cleanly run a function with STDIO attached to your terminal as if you had run the resulting command line.
Perhaps you could emulate this by bindkey'ing the return key and doing some sort of decision/routing from there to see if the user wants to call myfunc. For now, my solution requires the Esc+i sequence is entered after typing a target for $host.
zle-myfunc() {
apikey=$(keychain-environment-variable api-key)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Add your api-key to the keychain: "
BUFFER='security add-generic-password -U -a ${USER} -D "environment variable" -s "api-key" -w'
zle accept-line
return 1
local host=$BUFFER
zle kill-buffer
local creds=`curl ..." | jq -r ...`
if [ -z creds ]; then
echo "Couldn't get creds, check your network"
return 1
local creds_arr=("${(#s|/|)creds}")
local pwd_pipe=$(mktemp -u)
mkfifo $pwd_pipe
exec 3<>$pwd_pipe
# anonymise the pipe
rm $pwd_pipe
echo "$creds_arr[2]" >&3
BUFFER="sshpass -d3 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null $creds_arr[1]#$host"
zle accept-line
# exec 3>&-
zle -N zle-myfunc
bindkey '\ei' zle-myfunc

How do I deploy a artifact with maven layout using REST API?

I can do a normal deploy using the below command
curl -i -X PUT -u $artifactoryUser:$artifactoryPassword -T /path/to/file/ http://localhost/artifactory/simple/repo/groupId/artifactId/version/
However, this will not resolve or update maven layout on the artifact. Is there a way I can upload without using the artifactory-maven plugin?
I found a solution to this question I had posted.
Syntax Used:
curl -i -X PUT -K $CURLPWD "http://localhost/artifactory/$REPO/$groupId/$artifactId/$versionId/$artifactId-$versionId.$fileExt"
Ended up writing a script so that md5 & sha1 values are uploaded with the file, or else, I had to go in Artifactory and fix it manually.
usage() {
echo "Please check the Usage of the Script, there were no enough parameters supplied."
echo "Usage: localFilePath Repo GroupID ArtifactID VersionID"
exit 1
if [ -z "$5" ]; then
if [ ! -f "$localFilePath" ]; then
echo "ERROR: local file $localFilePath does not exists!"
exit 1
which md5sum || exit $?
which sha1sum || exit $?
md5Value="`md5sum "$localFilePath"`"
sha1Value="`sha1sum "$localFilePath"`"
fileName="`basename "$localFilePath"`"
echo $md5Value $sha1Value $localFilePath
echo "INFO: Uploading $localFilePath to $targetFolder/$fileName"
curl -i -X PUT -K $CURLPWD \
-H "X-Checksum-Md5: $md5Value" \
-H "X-Checksum-Sha1: $sha1Value" \
-T "$localFilePath" \

Apigee Command Line import returns 500 with NullPointerException

I'm trying to customise the deploy scripts to allow me to deploy each of my four API proxies from the command line. It looks very similar to the one provided in the samples on Github:
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'Must provide proxy name.'
exit 0
source ./setup/
echo "Enter your password for user $username in the Apigee Enterprise organization $org, followed by [ENTER]:"
read -s password
echo Deploying $proxyname to $env on $url using $username and $org
./tools/ -n $proxyname -u $username:$password -o $org -h $url -e $env -p / -d ./$dirname
echo "If 'State: deployed', then your API Proxy is ready to be invoked."
echo "Run '$ sh'"
echo "If you get errors, make sure you have set the proper account settings in /setup/"
However when I run it, I get the following response:
Deploying teamname-gameassets to int on using my-email-address and org-name
Writing ./gameassets/teamname-gameassets.xml to ./teamname-gameassets.xml
Writing ./gameassets/policies/Add-CORS.xml to policies/Add-CORS.xml
Writing ./gameassets/proxies/default.xml to proxies/default.xml
Writing ./gameassets/targets/development.xml to targets/development.xml
Writing ./gameassets/targets/production.xml to targets/production.xml
Import failed to /v1/organizations/org-name/apis?action=import&name=teamname-gameassets with status 500:
"code" : "messaging.config.beans.ImportFailed",
"message" : "Failed to import the bundle : java.lang.NullPointerException",
"contexts" : [ ],
"cause" : {
"contexts" : [ ]
How should I go about debugging when I receive errors during the deploy process? Is there some sort of console I can view once logged in to Apigee?
I'm not sure how your proxy ended up this way, but it looks like the top-level directory is named "gameassets." It should be named "apiproxy". If you rename this directory you should see a successful deployment.
Also, before you customize too much, please try out "apigeetool," which is a more flexible command-line tool for deploying proxies:

Unix troubleshooting, missing /etc/init.d file

I am working through this tutorial on daemonizing php scripts. When I run the following Unix command:
. /etc/init.d/functions
#startup values
#verify that the executable exists
test -x /home/godlikemouse/Daemon.php || exit 0RETVAL=0
start() {
# Check if Daemon is already running
if [ ! -f $proc ]; then
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
daemon $bin --log=$log
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $proc
return $RETVAL
I get the following output:
./Daemon: line 12: /etc/init.d/functions: No such file or directory
Starting Daemon: daemon: unrecognized option `--log=/var/log/Daemon.log'
I looked at my file system and there was no /etc/init.d file. Can anyone tell me what this is and where to obtain it? Also is the absence of that file what's causing the other error?
Separate your args within their own " " double-quotes:
args="--node $prog"
daemon "nohup ${exe}" "$args &" </dev/null 2>/dev/null
daemon "exe" "args"
