Postfix / Procmail causing email body to become modified - postfix-mta

I have recently upgraded my Postfix installation to 3.5.13. This was a significant upgrade, I believe that I was running 2.x before. I have a number of real users and a number of applications that receive e-mail. Applications receiving email have dedicated entries in my aliases file eg: "| /usr/local/bin/app1"
Much of my email is from system auditing and results in a number of automatically generated e-mails (like logcheck). I use some custom-written applications to parse these e-mails for potential problems (like intrusion) and manipulate the firewall rules.
This upgrade has cause automatic word wrap (in the form of extra line-breaks) to be inserted into the pipe going to the program which has caused many of the programs to no longer function correctly eg:
original (1 line):
<date> server postfix/smtpd[<pid>]: disconnect from unknown[<ip address>] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=3/4
now becomes (2 lines):
<date> server postfix/smtpd[<pid>]: disconnect from
unknown[<ip address>] ehlo=1 auth=0/1 rset=1 quit=1 commands=3/4
Likewise, the resulting mail file delivered to ~/Mailbox/cur becomes:
<date> server postfix/smtpd[<pid>]: disconnect from unknown[<ip=
address>] ehlo=3D1 auth=3D0/1 quit=3D1 commands=3D3/4
How can I disable this formatting and allow delivery / pipe of the email body unmodified? This is causing a severe headache.


How to configure Asterisk realtime with mysql properly?

I currently have over 1k realtime users setup on a MySQL server(only 10-20 users will register simulatneously) for Asterisk. The problem is the sip is not registering evertime. Sometimes I get 'registration timeout'. Is there a setup guide or a setting which I need to configure in order to have >99% successful registrations?
Never faced the issue as I have fewer users.
But according to the aterisk documentation:
If you have problems with your network connection going up and down (e.g. an unreliable cable connection) and you keep losing your sip registry, you may want to add registerattempts and registertimeout settings to the general section above the register definitions.
Setting registerattempts=0 will force Asterisk to attempt to reregister until it can (the default is 10 tries).
registertimeout sets the length of time in seconds between registration attempts (the default is 20 seconds).
About achieving 99% success:
I think you have to study your system and apply setting to the above variables accordingly (dynamically). I suggest using Markovian models like mm1 simulation if your system is not complicated.

How the Connection is calculated in Firebase

How are the connections are being calculated?
Let's assume that I have a web app which one load sends a message to all connected clients, and let's say I have 5 connected clients. Does it means that as long as the browser tab with the web app is open it will count as 1 connections, which means that I will have 6 concurrent connections and that's count towards what you define as "Connection" in the pricing page?
If not, please explain how you calculate the "Connection". Thanks
This question was bugging me ever since I ran through the angular+firebase tutorial and I saw my firebase analytics tab showing a peak concurrent of 6 even though I only remember having the one page open. I looked back at the code and thought it could be to do with how the tutorial has you create a new Firebase(url) for each location in your firebase.
I wanted to test the difference between creating a new Firebase(url) vs taking the root reference and then accessing the .child() location. My theory was that new Firebase(url) would create a new connection each time, while .child() would re-use the existing connection.
Created two new firebases each with identical data
Setup an angularjs project using yeoman
Included angularfire
For simplicity, I just put everything in the main controller of the generated code.
To test out the connections created with new Firebase() I did the following:
$scope.fb_root = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW));
$scope.fb_root_apps = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/apps'));
$scope.fb_root_someApp = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/apps/someApp'));
$scope.fb_root_users = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/users'));
$scope.fb_root_mike = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_NEW + '/users/mike'));
To test out the connections created with ref.$child() I did the following:
$scope.fb_child = $firebase(new Firebase(FBURL_CHILD));
$scope.fb_child_apps = $scope.fb_child.$child("apps");
$scope.fb_child_someApp = $scope.fb_child_apps.$child("someApp");
$scope.fb_child_users = $scope.fb_child.$child("users");
$scope.fb_child_mike = $scope.fb_child_users.$child("mike");
I then bound these objects in my view so I can see them, and I played around with updating data via my firebase forge and watching the data update live on my app.
I opened up my local app into 17 browser tabs, hoping that a large number of tabs would exaggerate any differences between the connection methods.
What I found is that each tab only opened up one single web socket connection back to firebase for each firebase db. So at the end of the test, both methods resulted in the same peak count of 17 connections.
From this simple test I think it's safe to say that the Firebase JS library does a good job of managing its connection.
Regardless of your code calling new Firebase() a bunch of times, or by referencing child locations via .child(), the library will only create a single connection as far as your metering is concerned. That connection will stay online for as long as your app is open.
So in your example - yes I believe you will see 6 concurrent connections, 1 for the app where someone is sending the message, and 5 for the apps receiving the message.
One other thing worth mentioning is that Firebase measures connections for paid plans based on the 95th percentile of usage during the month. This is listed in the FAQ section of their Pricing page #
Update 11-Mar-16: Firebase no longer appears to measure connections based on 95th %. Instead, the 101st concurrent connection is denied. :
All our plans have a hard limit on the number of database connections.
Our Free and Spark plans are limited to 100. The limit cannot be
raised. All other plans have a courtesy limit of 10,000 database
connections. This can be removed to permanently allow Unlimited
connections if you email us at The
reason we impose this courtesy limit is to prevent abuse and to ensure
that we are prepared to handle our largest customers. Please contact
us at least 24 hours in advance so we can lift this limit and ensure
we have enough capacity available for your needs.

Send notifcation if expected message did not arrive in BizTalk

I have a BizTalk receive port monitoring an FTP location. I expect a file to arrive at least once per day in that location and for BizTalk to pick it up and kick off an orchestration. This part is working fine.
However, sometimes the sender fails to send a message during a day, in which case I want an email to sent to notify the users that something is amiss.
I could solve this outside of BizTalk, by creating a daily job that looks in our database for processed files and makes sure there is at least one in any given day. However, I'd prefer to solve this "in line" with the BizTalk solution that is already in place, and not deploy a separate, unrelated job which will increase maintenance headaches.
Is there any functionality in BizTalk that would allow me to send a notification if a receive port doesn't receive something in a given timeframe?
Short answer: Not really.
The logic you want to implement would require a customised version of the FTP Adapter. Depends on how comfortable you are rolling up your sleeves and getting into the Adapter SDK.
If you wanted to keep your solution "Purely BizTalk", you could set up a secondary Orchestration using a SQL Receive Location tied to a stored procedure. This stored procedure executes regularly and looks for records in your "Processed File" table received in the past (business) day. If none are found, it fabricates a record and returns it via the SQL Receive Location. This would be your trigger to send the email notification.
One solution, not elegant though, is to have a secondary FILE receive location, with a schedule window, outside your cutoff time.
Failure scenario:
In this FILE receive location, you have an intelligent/dummy message conforming to the same schema as FTP receive. The intelligent part is to have one of the fields in the message telling us when was the last time we received the file from FTP. The rest of the content is dummy.
Within your orchestration, you check where you received your file from. If its the secondary receive location (using the context property BTS.ReceiveLocationName), you check the date field of this dummy/intelligent message and if it is in past 24 hours ( or similar logic) send an email notifying you did not receive the file from the upstream FTP process and also save a copy of the dummy message (received) back to the secondary FILE receive location unchanged.
Success Scenario:
Apart from normal processing, you save a copy of the dummy/intelligent message to the secondary FILE receive location, with the datetime field reflecting when you processed the file you received from FTP receive location.
You start with a dummy/intelligent message in the secondary FILE receive location with the datetime field value well in the past ( assuming we never received the file from FTP) or with yesterday's date ( assuming we received a file successfully from FTP the day before.)
Your orchestration has two trigger points.
When you receive a file via FTP
A scheduled FILE receive location, triggered after the cut-off time.

How do I send a message from a web site to my local machine?

I want to send a string from a website to a local machine.
My local machine is connected into a network through a router.
Thanks You
email Id:
Well, that largely depends on what the receiving computer needs to do with that string.
If you only need to notify the user of this, I would suggest the easier way is to go with the net send command.
Since you are wking in, you can use the Process and ProcessStartInfo class to launch a command like
net send YourPC "String to send"
If you need to do something more sophisticated with the string message, you could for example print it in some sort of log file and then read it from the destination machine.
If you can give more information on your needs, we'll be probably able to help you better.
I suggest you poll the webapp for messages.
For instance, let the webapp have an URL that simply returns the timestamp of the most recent message, at
The page should return the timestamp only, in an format you can parse, for instance:
2009-08-29 14:00:00
Then, on another URL, display the list of messages for the last N hours (or other suitable time period). This page could return one message per line, with the message timestamp at the start of the line.
For instance:
2009-08-29 13:58:20 A message
2009-08-29 13:59:30 Here's a message
2009-08-29 14:00:00 Another message
On your local machine, create a program that as often as needed reads and parses If the program detects that the timestamp has changed, read and process the new messages.
Adjust the timing according to your needs.
Or even better, have an URL: 13:50:00.
That returns messages that are newer than the timestamp passed in. The program on your local machine should then pass the timestamp of the most recent message it has handled.
Of course, your web site has to keep track of outgoing messages in some sort of queue. You could use a database table for this. The web app can delete old messages from this table periodically.
If you want to get fancy, you could implement this as a SOAP web service. Or you could let the URLs return the data formatted as JSON.

What Tool or Script Can I Use to Find Which Directory Is Invalid When Receiving a "The directory name is invalid" error in IIS 7?

The Goal
I would like only a certain group of users (who are in an Active Directory group composed of users from two domains) to be able to execute a web script, in, after being challenged for authentication.
The Setup
Windows 2008, IIS 7. User Account Access has been disabled, as it is a pain and sometimes causes perfectly reasonable things to fail. The server is part of a domain I will called LITTLEDOMAIN. We have a trust with BIGDOMAIN.
I have a group, called "LITTLEDOMAIN\can-use-this." In that group are the members LITTLEDOMAIN\me and BIGDOMAIN\me. I did the bit in Active Directory where the server now allows that group to authenticate against another domain (BIGDOMAIN).
The application pool for runs as "NetworkService."
The dirctory has the user SYSTEM, the user NETWORK SERVICE, the group Enterprise Admins, and the group LITTLEDOMAIN\can-use-this with at least Read and Execute permissions.
In IIS 7, I have disabled all forms of authentication for that directory but Windows Authentication. As to Authorization Rules, All Users are Allowed.
The Error
When I use, say, FireFox, visit the URL, and am presented with a challenge, I can enter the username LITTLEDOMAIN\me and my password, then see the minimal HTML generated by my very simple Python script, which is basically a "Hello, World" with a timestamp thrown in so I can make sure caching of the page does not occur. If I use BIGDOMAIN\me, I receive an HTTP 500 error.
Diagnostics Performed
The passwords for LITTLEDOMAIN\me and BIGDOMAIN\me are the same; this has been checked.
I look in the HTTP logs and see the "500 0 267" for "sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status" in the HTTP logs. A "net helpmsg 267" from the command line gives me "The directory name is invalid."
I added Failed Request Tracing Rules and see the same unhelpful message in the XML: "The directory name is invalid. (0x8007010b)"
I have turned on file object auditing in the policy for that server, then set the auditing for the directory and the files within it to have all failures for "Everyone," but nothing shows up in the Security section of Event Viewer. I was able to cause other failures, so I know that failure auditing is working. This suggests that the system is not even getting to the point where the file is being accessed.
I gave, temporarily, the group LITTLEDOMAIN\can-use-this full control over the C:\TEMP directory, on the off chance this was in use. I recycled the application pool. The same error occurs. I tried this in C:\Windows\Temp as well, to no avail.
The Question
How can I find out "well, WHICH directory name is invalid?" It's pretty obvious that something, somewhere along the line, wants permissions for BIGDOMAIN, but I cannot figure out where.
The missing component, in addition to an audit policy and Failed Request Tracing, is Process Monitor. Not Process Explorer, but Process Monitor.
Run Process Monitor for three or so seconds, just long enough to get your request in, and have it fail. Use Failed Request Tracing to get the process ID that failed. Use Process Monitor's filter to show only events where the process ID appears -- you can then see where it fails.
Then set auditing on that directory to see what account is being used.
It appears that IIS 7 is returning to the root of the webserver when looking at a protected subdirectory. Odd.
