What Tool or Script Can I Use to Find Which Directory Is Invalid When Receiving a "The directory name is invalid" error in IIS 7? - iis-7

The Goal
I would like only a certain group of users (who are in an Active Directory group composed of users from two domains) to be able to execute a web script, in http://www.site.org/protected, after being challenged for authentication.
The Setup
Windows 2008, IIS 7. User Account Access has been disabled, as it is a pain and sometimes causes perfectly reasonable things to fail. The server is part of a domain I will called LITTLEDOMAIN. We have a trust with BIGDOMAIN.
I have a group, called "LITTLEDOMAIN\can-use-this." In that group are the members LITTLEDOMAIN\me and BIGDOMAIN\me. I did the bit in Active Directory where the server now allows that group to authenticate against another domain (BIGDOMAIN).
The application pool for www.site.org runs as "NetworkService."
The dirctory has the user SYSTEM, the user NETWORK SERVICE, the group Enterprise Admins, and the group LITTLEDOMAIN\can-use-this with at least Read and Execute permissions.
In IIS 7, I have disabled all forms of authentication for that directory but Windows Authentication. As to Authorization Rules, All Users are Allowed.
The Error
When I use, say, FireFox, visit the URL http://www.site.org/protected, and am presented with a challenge, I can enter the username LITTLEDOMAIN\me and my password, then see the minimal HTML generated by my very simple Python script, which is basically a "Hello, World" with a timestamp thrown in so I can make sure caching of the page does not occur. If I use BIGDOMAIN\me, I receive an HTTP 500 error.
Diagnostics Performed
The passwords for LITTLEDOMAIN\me and BIGDOMAIN\me are the same; this has been checked.
I look in the HTTP logs and see the "500 0 267" for "sc-status sc-substatus sc-win32-status" in the HTTP logs. A "net helpmsg 267" from the command line gives me "The directory name is invalid."
I added Failed Request Tracing Rules and see the same unhelpful message in the XML: "The directory name is invalid. (0x8007010b)"
I have turned on file object auditing in the policy for that server, then set the auditing for the directory and the files within it to have all failures for "Everyone," but nothing shows up in the Security section of Event Viewer. I was able to cause other failures, so I know that failure auditing is working. This suggests that the system is not even getting to the point where the file is being accessed.
I gave, temporarily, the group LITTLEDOMAIN\can-use-this full control over the C:\TEMP directory, on the off chance this was in use. I recycled the application pool. The same error occurs. I tried this in C:\Windows\Temp as well, to no avail.
The Question
How can I find out "well, WHICH directory name is invalid?" It's pretty obvious that something, somewhere along the line, wants permissions for BIGDOMAIN, but I cannot figure out where.

The missing component, in addition to an audit policy and Failed Request Tracing, is Process Monitor. Not Process Explorer, but Process Monitor.
Run Process Monitor for three or so seconds, just long enough to get your request in, and have it fail. Use Failed Request Tracing to get the process ID that failed. Use Process Monitor's filter to show only events where the process ID appears -- you can then see where it fails.
Then set auditing on that directory to see what account is being used.
It appears that IIS 7 is returning to the root of the webserver when looking at a protected subdirectory. Odd.


Artifactory Users Management not loading

I'm trying to open the Artifactory Users Management page, following the Admin->Security->Users tab.
Then I'm getting the following error:
Any idea of what might be causing it? Also, which log I can check this? Couldn't find anything yet.
The server error generally indicates there is problem fetching the user details from Artifactory. This can happen due to any of the following reasons:
when you have a high volume of users and the request is timing out.
There is a chance that you might have created a username with a
special character which is not allowed (using the REST method or some
other method)
There is an issue with the backend database
And the best place to troubleshoot is to first check the request log a good valid entry looks like below:
Next check the artifactory.log file for java stack or check catalina.out under tomcat/logs directory.

Issue running ASPX page using Scheduled Task

I have a scheduled task set up to run Scan.aspx every 3 minutes in IE7. Scan.aspx reads data from 10 files in sequence. These files are constantly being updated. The values from the file are inserted into a database.
Sporadically, the value being read is truncated or distorted. For example, if the value in the file was "Hello World", random entries such as "Hello W", "Hel", etc. will be in the database. The timestamps on these entries appear completely random. Sometimes at 1:00 am, sometimes at 3:30 am. And some nights, this doesn't occur at all.
I'm unable to reproduce this issue when I debug the code. So I know under "normal" circumstances, the code executes correctly.
Here is the aspx codebehind (in Page_Load) to read a text file (this is called for each of the 10 text files):
Dim filename As String = location
If File.Exists(filename) Then
Using MyParser As New FileIO.TextFieldParser(filename)
MyParser.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited
Dim currentrow As String()
Dim valueA, valueB As String
While Not MyParser.EndOfData
currentrow = MyParser.ReadFields()
valueA= currentrow(0).ToUpper
valueB = currentrow(1).ToUpper
//insert values as record into DB if does not exist already
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End While
End Using
End If
Any ideas why this might cause issues when running multiple times throughout the day (via scheduled task)?
First implement a Logger such as Log4Net in your ASP.NET solution and Log method entry and exit points in your Scan.aspx as well as your method for updating the DB. There is a chance this may provide some hint of what is going on. You should also check the System Event Log to see if any other event is associated with your failed DB entries.
ASP.NET is not the best thing for this scenario especially when paired with a Windows scheduled task; this is not a robust design. A more robust system would run on a timer inside a Windows-Service-Application. Your code for reading the files and updating to the DB could be ported across. If you have access to the server and can install a Windows Service, make sure you also add Logging to the Windows Service too!
Make sure you read the How to Debug below
Windows Service Applications intro on MSDN: has further links to:
How to: Create Windows Services
How to: Install and Uninstall Services
How to: Start Services
How to: Debug Windows Service Applications]
Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service
Application in the Component Designer
How to: Add Installers to Your Service Application
Regarding your follow up comment about the apparent random entries that sometimes occur at 1am and 3.30am: you should:
Investigate the IIS Log for the site when these occur and find out what hit(visited) the page at that time.
Check if there is an indexing service on the server which is visiting your aspx page.
Check if Anti-Virus software is installed and ascertain if this is visiting your aspx page or impacting the Asp.Net cache; this can cause compilation issues such as file-locks on the aspnet page in the aspnet cache; (a scenario for aspnet websites as opposed to aspnet web applications) which could give weird behavior.
Find out if the truncated entries coincide with the time that the files are updated: cross reference your db entries timestamp or logger timestamp with the time the files are updated.
Update your logger to log the entire contents of the file being read to verify you've not got a 'junk-in > junk-out' scenario. Be careful with diskspace on the server by running this for one night.
Find out when the App-Pool that your web app runs under is recycled and cross reference this with the time of your truncated entries; you can do this with web.config only via ASP.NET Health Monitoring.
Your code is written with a 'try catch' that will bury errors. If you are not going to do something useful with your caught error then do not catch it. Handle your edge cases in code, not a try catch.
See this try-catch question on this site.

No eventlogs from BizTalk

I've got a new production computer and installed my BizTalk app on there. The problem is that I don't see any messages in the event log, nor from my BizTalk app or BizTalk Server itself. The only message that appears in the event log is the following:
The following BizTalk host instance has initialized successfully.
BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
The source of that message is BizTalk Server. And no messages at all, even no logs about errors which I suppose already took place.
Just a quick thought incase you are still having problems.
I tried to write to the event log with a source type that didnt already exist and my BizTalk Host user account didn’t have permissions to create a new source type. This meant I never saw the entry in the event log.
E.g. (from example #Bill Osuch)
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyBiztalkApp", "oh i did something");
Make sure either the MyBiztalkApp source exists or that your user has permissions on the event log to create it.
Also, if you have a lot of messages going through BizTalk you will probably want to implement your own logging so your event log doesn’t fill up. We used Log4Net for our implementation and a database to store messages.
If you're not getting any errors (suspended messages) as the messages process, you're not going to see anything in the app log. You could try adding an Expression shape to your orchestration and manually writing out some debug info:
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("event type", "whatever...");
Does your application actually use the BiztalkServerApplication host? Check in the Biztalk Administration Console if all the host instances are indeed running. Is your application fully started? Messages are "put on hold" if your receive location is disabled for example.
To check this functionality, write to event log after every operation or shape in BizTalk orchestration.
Suppose you have to assigned a value to xpath of node in a map after transformation so in message assignment shape after you assign some value, you can write eventlog to admin console.
Ex. Suppose we have already initialized - "orderType" as "PO" in our expression shape and now we have to assign the value of "orderType" to the xpath of a node in our map then-
Shape- MessageAssignment(Under constructMessage Shape after transformation of map)
xpath(msgGetOrderReq, "/[local-name()='CustomerOrders' and namespace-uri()='http://example.com/EAI/IEmployee/v1.0']/[local-name()='ordertype' and namespace-uri()='http://example.com/EAI/IEmployee/v1.0']") = ordertype;
Next to this we want to print this information on the admin console so we need to write:-
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("msgGetOrderReq", ordertype, msgGetOrderReq);
Build the project, Deploy and GAC it. Restart the host instance. Run the orchestration, process something and now you will be able to see the logs in admin console.

What does error 110 per AuthzInitializeContextFromSid signify? "While trying to retrieve the authorization groups, an error (110) occurred."

My symptoms and System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement stack trace are exactly the same as While trying to retrieve the authorization groups, an error (5) occurred except that I get an error 110 which docs explain as ERROR_OPEN_FAILED: The system cannot open the device or file specified.
In my situation, this functionality was working one day and stopped working the next day within an ASP.NET v4 application. I am using an AD service account that I've created in order to establish a connection to AD. The service account has admin privileges to a specific OU further down in the directory.
I've narrowed the exception down to a call made to the AuthzInitializeContextFromSid native function inside the System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.AuthZSet constructor. It is not clear to me why this fails and since user.GetGroups works for me (per the answer given in the other SO link), I'll put my research on hold for now.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on what might be occurring?
Error 5 usually means you are having an ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED win32 error. That can happen if you're accessing a downlevel API that can only be queried with administrative rights or if the object you are accessing has ACLs that deny access from the process token your program is running at.
In simple words: try running your app elevated. If it works, you had insufficient access rights when running without elevation.

MSDeploy issues (WMSVC 500 error)

Having some issues with MSDeploy on a windows server 2008 box, the internal service is throwing a 500 error without putting anything in the server's event logs.
I'm attempting to setup automated deployments using MSBuild/TeamCity/MSDeploy, and this is basically the current halting point, has anyone come across this issue before?
Thanks, Ed
To find out why you are getting this error you should enable logging.
First, enable Failed Request Tracing for the web management service. You can see how to do this by referring to the "Optional: Set Up Tracing" section of this article:
The "frebs" can be found in:
Open each of the frXXXXXX.xml files with IE and it'll use the freb.xsl transform to generate a nice report.
Don't delete freb.xsl when you're done, it doesn't always get recreated.
Then turn on logging for the web management service:
You want to have the following registry entry configured:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IIS Extensions\MSDeploy\1]
You can fiddle with the tracing levels/sources to increase and decrease the verbosity of the logs.
As per the article the management service logs are written to:
