firebase storage security rules allow only create folder - firebase

Is there a possibility in the security rules to only allow the creation of folders
Something link:
allow create: if request.resource.contentType.matches('folder/.*');


How to apply firebase storage rules so only admin can access a folder

I have a structure like the following. The subfolders follow the same structure from the root. How do I set Firebase storage rules to only allow admin to add/edit/delete the private subfolder and allow anyone on my app to read the public subfolder?
Root >> folder 1 >> public subfolder
>> private subfolder
>> folder n >> public subfolder
>> private subfolder
Best way would be to use Firebase custom claims. These provides the ability to implement various access control strategies, including role-based access control, in Firebase apps.
You would have to add the "admin" claim to your users. Only the Admin SDK (which must be used in a secure environment like cloud functions or your own server) can add these custom claims. You can refer to this answer for a simple example on adding custom claims. Once you've added the "admin" claim to the relevant users, you can try these security rules:
match /{folderName}/private {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null && request.auth.token.admin;
match /{folderName}/public {
allow read: if true;

How do I secure my firestore for anonymous access of product data

I am using FireBase / Firestore for my website - I have products displayed on the website which are stored in the database. - Currently, I am having my rules set up as
match /{document=**} {
allow read: if true
allow write,create,update, delete: if request.auth.uid !=null
I am getting now mails from Firebase warning me about my insecure rules:
[Firebase] Your Cloud Firestore database has insecure rules
We've detected the following issue(s) with your security rules:
any user can read your entire database
Because your project does not have strong security rules, anyone can access your entire database. Attackers can read all of your data, and they can drive up your bill.
How do I secure my database properly but allow my website to read product data withour requiring the visitor to sign in?
The email is warning you that anyone can read any document in your entire database because of match /{document=**}. You should avoid using this global wildcard entirely, since it can lead to unexpected security issues. You should instead call out each individual collection with specific access for that collection. Minimally, it will look more like this:
match /collection1/{document=**} {
allow read: if true
allow write,create,update, delete: if request.auth.uid !=null
match /collection2/{document=**} {
allow read: if true
allow write,create,update, delete: if request.auth.uid !=null
Whether or not this form is "proper" for your app is not clear. Your rules need to encode the specific permissions for your app. Every app is going to be different, and your rules need to be tailored to your security requirements. You are effectively writing application logic into the rules, so treat it just like any other code.

Static hosting Google Cloud Storage with Firebase security rules, custom domain and CloudFlare

Let's imagine I am trying to host two static files using Firestore Storage:
I have set up a CNAME record on CloudFlare to point my custom domain to "" and I have also verified the domain on Google Cloud. Following this guide:
The bucket created with Firestore Storage has the same name as my domain and the bucket permission has been set to "allUsers" with the role "Storage Legacy Object Reader". I am able to access both files: index.html and secret.html without any form of authentication (due to the bucket permissions I have setup).
How would I make the contents of index.html public for all users, but secret.html restricted to the Firebase Storage Security rules (for example only Firebase authenticated users)?
Is this even possible with my current setup, is it all files public or nothing public at all?
Once that you have setup up your domain, in order to restrict your files you can make use of the Firebase Storage security rules to secure your assets. For example the next rule will allow your index.html to be readed by everyone and your secret.html to restricted just to authenticated users:
rules_version = '2';
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /index.html {
allow read: if true;
match /secret.html {
allow read: if request.auth != null;
Just please be aware that since your bucket is public, due to the Storage Legacy Object Reader permissions,if a user somehow has the full bucket URL he will be able to access your assets directly, for example using the next url: #this will readable #this also will be readable

Firebase security rules confusion

I have a flutter app which uses pdf files and video files. I have put these files in firebase storage and I put the url of these files in database collections to use them in my app.
I do not want any email and password authentication on my app. Are my pdf and video files secure?
Can anybody access them or obtain them?
This is my rules for database:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write;
This is my rules for firebase storage :
service {
match /b/{bucket}/o {
match /{allPaths=**} {
allow read, write;
Your rules allows anybody to read, modify or delete your files, so not, your files are not safe at all.
If you want your files to be safe, you must consider implement some kind of authentication and set the appropriate rules to only you or certain group of users be able to access your files.
You can read more about setting rules in the Firebase documentation.
If you don't want to ask your users to enter credentials, but still want a modicum of security, consider using Firebase's anonymous authentication provider. From the documentation:
You can use Firebase Authentication to create and use temporary anonymous accounts to authenticate with Firebase. These temporary anonymous accounts can be used to allow users who haven't yet signed up to your app to work with data protected by security rules. If an anonymous user decides to sign up to your app, you can link their sign-in credentials to the anonymous account so that they can continue to work with their protected data in future sessions.
Of course if you don't want to associate your files or data with a specific user, then anonymous auth is also pretty meaningless. But at that point you're indeed looking to allow pure unauthenticated public access. This may be a fine option too, as long as you realize that your project will be charged for any reads/writes by any users.
If you want any users, without identifying them or providing credentials, to be able to read the data/files, but not write any data/files of their own, you're looking for read-only rules:
allow read; if true;
allow write: if false;
Or shorter, but less explicit to read:
allow read

How to get Firestore rules working with service accounts

As written in Firestore documentation here I have a security rule like this:
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /users/{userId} {
allow read, update, delete: if request.auth.uid == userId;
allow create: if request.auth.uid != null;
this rule works when I get authenticated with client library but not when I use server library as written in firebase documentation
Note: The server client libraries bypass all Cloud Firestore Security Rules and instead authenticate through Google Application Default Credentials. If you are using the server client libraries or the REST or RPC APIs, make sure to set up Cloud Identity and Access Management for Cloud Firestore.
How to replicate this security rule to service accounts roles?
Code that uses the Firebase Admin SDK with a service account to access Firestore currently can not be scoped to a particular user ID for the purpose of enforcing security rules. All access with the Admin SDK will bypass security rules and have full control of the database.
Note that this is different than Realtime Database, which does have such a feature.
