NebulaGraph database: How to install it on Mac book? - nebula-graph

Does any one know how to install NebulaGraph on my Mac book?
I searched their docs but found only ways to install on Linux hosts.

NebulaGraph's core part assumed it's running on Linux distros only for now.
But we could leverage virtualization tooling in macOS to do so.
Options are like
Deploy in VMs with different hypervisors like (virtualbox, vmware player lima etc.)
Leverage Docker Desktop(or equivalent things like rancher desktop, then deploy it with Nebula-Docker-Compose, following this doc
note, the link for the doc is versioned(now, 3.3.0), for future ones who visit this, please choose the latest version in the documentation version drop-down menu.


How to get Centos Stream 9 / RHEL 9 to run as a VM on Apple Mac M1/M2 Chipset

So you've bought a shinny new mac M1/M2 and you realise that you can't get virtualisation to work.
I tried every hypervisor and tried a lot of combinations
So it took me days to get the following working with visualisation since VirtualBox 7.0.2 which stated it would work for M1/M2 chipset.
What I wanted to achieve was the following:
Shared Folders
Bridged Network Interface
RHEL based OS
Sounds simple right!! Well this was a lot of trial and error. I read a lot of articles with people patching software just to get the basics going and I couldn't find the patched files so wanted an out-of-the-box solution.
So after hours of trying Centos Stream 8 which all our servers are on and what our development environments are on, I tried installing Ubuntu 20.04 in parallels with shared folders but without bridged networking and this was the light bulb moment when I realised it was the pagesize of the OS, so RHEL 8 will not work.
So I tried RHEL 9 in parallels and it booted up and installed. I then tried to install the Guest Tools so I can get Shared Folders to work but this then highlighted a bug in the Guest Tool which really disappointed me considering they state they have a working hypervisor which can work with aarch64 but this wasn't the case, however it does work on Ubuntu just not RHEL 9.
I then tried VMWare Fusion which failed miserably, you can launch the VM but no Shared Folders or no Bridged Network. Quickly move on to something I tried earlier which was UTM.
Now UTM has 3 modes and it is important to know the 3 (correct me if i'm wrong).
Virtualisation with QEMU
Virtualisation with Apple Hypervisor
Emulation (everything is run via Rosetta)
I tried QEMU but there was issues with Shared Folders so wasted no time in not spending anymore time using QEMU.
I then decided to try the Apple Hypervisor and I noticed everything was running faster than it did in QEMU. Mounting the Shared Folder was easy and simple, and you can mount it in you /etc/fstab for permanently mount, you also can set the Bridged Network in the settings.
So after a lot of trial and error I was able to get a RHEL based OS VM running with UTM using Apple Hypervisor with the same functionality as I used to have with vagrant.

Install Openstack on single node

I want to install Openstack on CentOS 8(single node). I am having single machine (physical machine) where I want to install all nodes of Openstack. This setup I required for simulation only not production use.
I have tried to install Openstack using packstac 3 times but couldn't success.
I got different issues during installation:
1.In first attempt After installation, I tried to create instance, but not getting console of instances even after it got created successfully.
2. In second attempt, during deployment of instance, network not getting allocated.
3. In third attempt, it got stuck at packstack, puppet testing only.
I have followed below 2 links:
I followed each and every steps mention in the likns.
I want to create two Ubuntu VMs on Openstack.
Can someone provide me some links/video, where I can get everything which is required to install Openstack on single node and create two Ubuntu VMs and assign network to them and test the connectivity between these two VMS.
Thanks in advance.
I would use official Packstack documentation. Note that you should start with a totally fresh Centos installation; i.e. don't try to install Packstack on a server where a previous installation failed (or succeeded).
You can also try Devstack. Its default configuration requires a smaller machine than Packstack (in my experience, 8GB RAM should be sufficient). Same remark: Start with a fresh installation of Centos or Ubuntu.
Microstack is another alternative. Its advantage is a very simple and quick installation; its disadvantage is a very strange (in my opinion) configuration and not a lot of documentation. However, it is suitable for your purpose. It claims to work on any Linux, Windows and MacOS; it does require snap.
I suggest directly installation onto Ubuntu Server.
some time ago I wrote a serie of posts in which I explained in detail how to install OpenStack Rocky. The 2 first blog posts ([1] and [2]) contain commands, examples, content of configuration files that cover common scenarios and tips for the successful installation of most OpenStack services (keystone, nova, glance, etc.) in a single node, and the third post [3] describes the installation of a computing node. This 3rd post is installed in a different node for the sake of making it easier to understand how nova works, but the installation can be safely carried out in the same node than the other components.
I find that the posts are short enough and are very easy to follow (I use that blog as my installation tips, and so I have used them for several deployments). The only caveat is that it is based on Ubuntu, but if you know about your installation, it should be easy to translate the installation to CentOS (some colleagues have used these tips for CentOS installations).
I tried to install Openstack several times last week (october 2021): a) with CentOS 8 Stream to metal hardware (real server) with devstack - no one version was installed (neither Master nor Xena & Wallaby, version Viktoria & below are not for Stream OS); b) Virtual machine with CentOS 8 Stream installed with packstack - installation was clearly successful (!), quite easy for install (according to official RDO project and its homepage), however there is the real problem with virtual and actual networking: no external network is accessible, router created was OK with external connection (router IP was detected successfully from outside) but no connection was possible from and to instance. So I conclude the Openstack package is not completely documented to resolve problems, however its installation can be quite easy (when successfully finish ;) )
Addition: Of coarse, there are resources with an information how network can be configured, official Openstack docs describes different network configurations as well (however it is difficult to find it for one click and being newbie), but anyway this system requires a lot of time to study before usage.

How do I install pglogical extension on Windows machine?

I need to migrate an enterprise production database from a Windows source machine running Postgres 9.5 to an Ubuntu destination machine running Postgres 11.6 with < 15 mins downtime. I plan to do this with pglogical, which requires the extension being loaded on both source and destination. I am having trouble with the source side because it is Windows.
I have very little Postgres-Windows experience and can neither find any helpful literature on the specific situation nor can I figure out for myself how to presumably install from source.
I've dug and dug and so far the only answer I've been able to find is "ugh... Windows". It seems like the only way to build from source is using Visual Studio, which I don't have or know how to use.
Alex, the 2ndQuadrant article you link to in your own comment solves this. A few of the project or build options noted there have moved a little bit in the newer VisualStudio Community editions, so I can see where you got hung-up.
Just for kicks I compiled 32-bit DLL on my oldest Windows instance. I included the /Release path so you can grab my DLL & see if it works for you. It's (a) 32-bit because I'm assuming worst-case for an old v9.5 install, and (b) targets Postgres 9.6 because that's what I had installed. Unless there were major API changes though, it should connect to v9.5 without any issues:
If you find you need a version that entirely matches Postgres 9.5, grab my solution files & VS Community 20xx. Load the project & update the Additional Include Directories in Project Config to target your v9.5 paths. That should be all that's needed to link v9.5 Postgres libs.

How to install the dns-sd command line test tool on Windows or Linux?

The book Zero Configuration Networking - The Definite Guide by Stuart Cheshire and Daniel H. Steinberg from 2005 describes a dns-sd command line test tool which should be available for macOS, Windows and Linux. At the beginning of chapter 6 (p. 92) he describes the tool, but it's not an explicit guide on how to download and install it, just that is available from the Darwin open source repository.
The tool offers commands like dns-sd -B which browses for service instances.
I'm a Windows and Linux user, but have problems to find the tool. Bonjour is already installed on my Windows system, but it's not clear to me if this is enough or if I need to download the tool explicitly. When I type dns-sd on the windows command line, it says this command is unknown. How to make it available?
Okay, I just found the out how it works on Windows and now I can answer my question by myself. Not sure how it work on Linux yet.
On Windows, you can install the Bonjour SDK which is downloadable at, click on Command Line Tools and search for dns-sd or bonjour sdk.
After the installation wizard successfully finished its job, you can go directly to your command line, type in dns-sd and you'll get a list of all possible commands. No further comfinguration needed. Tested on Windows 10.

unable to launch WindowsXp image on openstack

I tried openstack on my laptop, my setup is like this
Host Machine: Windows 7
Virtualisation: VirtualBox
Ubuntu12 is running on this VirtualBox, On this Ubuntu12, I installed OpenStack Essex packages with qemu as hypervisor, and added few uec linux images on to glance, I was able to access linux images using ssh and vnc, it was great success.
Now, It has become very challenging to upload Windows image , it was really a night mare I tried all possible ways, searched in google found lot of solutions, but nothing worked, at last I converted WindowsXp.vdi file to WindowsXp.img using VBoxManage and added to glance, once I launch it I am getting blue screen error and windowsxp is horribly
restarting......................... So please help to resolve this issue
Your windows images (server or desktop) will BSOD without the correct drivers for the virtualization that you have chosen. Try installing the windows image with one of the drivers at (QEMU drivers) and see how it goes.
Please note: Windows is notoriously difficult to run on any cloud not just OpenStack. In addition to the drivers, you will wrestle with image format (like you have) and initialization problems (otherwise all the images come up with that same GUIDs).
